I guarantee hell either get off with a misdameanor or the case will get swept under the rug
Originally Posted by Wade Jones

Plaxico is an idiot, I wish Manning was with him so he could have caught a bullet as well

I think with Plax gone, it will allow Eli to spread the ball more.

When Plax is in the game, it seems like Eli tries to force it to him sometimes.
Wow... legal analysts are saying that he will DEFINITELY serve some time. I'm guessing a couple of days or something. But Mayor Bloomberg is said to bepushing for Plax to face the full time.





Originally Posted by SHUGES

Wow... legal analysts are saying that he will DEFINITELY serve some time. I'm guessing a couple of days or something. But Mayor Bloomberg is said to be pushing for Plax to face the full time.
Bloom is going to have to pull all the strings possible to get Plax in jail. He's hired Benjamin Brafman, GOOD LUCK beating this guy. This isthe same lawyer that Puff off completely free on the Shyne - J Lo club shoot up the club incident, and got ya boy MJ off free on the spendin too much time withthe kiddies charges when all the evidence was against them. Remember before the Puff trial, it was almost a lock that he was going to jail, couldn't signany artists and every was leaving Bad Boy. But Brafman got him off, even if Shyne took the blame for it, fact remains this guy still found a way to get Puffout of it. I'm certain he will have some crazy excuse of why Plaxico had the gun and will be able to sway the jury to get him out of jail time. Brafmanwill definitely use the Bronco player being shot last year, the two Miami players ( Buchanon, and forgot the other, not Taylor), and Plax being a big time NYChigh profile celebrity as reasons why he feels he needs to carry a weapon into the club. The history of these guys (big time pro athletes) being chased andhaving their life threatened is going to make a strong case, but judge may not let them use that. Wouldn't be suprised to hear Plaxico come out and saysomeones been following him or been getting crazy phone calls.

Not saying that Plaxico is right or anything, but I think the only thing they can/will get him on is not having a NY permit for his gun - don't know whatthe time is for that but its probably small, if any.
Originally Posted by Wade Jones

Plaxico is an idiot, I wish Manning was with him so he could have caught a bullet as well

you only say that because your team cant beat manning, yall need something to happen for yall to win
i think plax is done in ny after this year any....

lets bring ocho cinco to the giants
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Wow... legal analysts are saying that he will DEFINITELY serve some time. I'm guessing a couple of days or something. But Mayor Bloomberg is said to be pushing for Plax to face the full time.






Plaxico is one of my favorite players but damn if mayor mike really wantsthat...damn,
can't believe this season could be messed up by something so stupid...

I don't care about plax anymore, i think he's gonna serve some time if they have the gun...

I'm very worried about Pierce tho, hopefully he doesn't go down w/ him for trying to get rid of the evidence
Pierce did what any friend would do in that situation. If he gets into trouble, it would be a shame.
Plaxico really screwed himself.

I'd be willing to bet he does time over this too. I can see the DA trying to make an "example" out of him too.

It is NOT a good time for black athletes/entertainers to be getting in trouble with the law. They finna get hit with the book.
I wanna know what really happened.

I know this dude did not just go and shoot himself in the leg.
uh oh
[h2] [/h2]

Posted by Mike Florio on December 1, 2008, 4:14 p.m.

In 2007, when New York City launched an extensive campaign aimed at making folks aware of the consequences of illegal firearms possession, Mayor Michael Bloomberg was unequivocal.

"f you are convicted," Bloomberg said, "you will serve a minimum of 3-1/2 years behind bars - no exceptions."

Bloomberg displayed similar clarity on Monday, calling for the law to be applied as written to Giants receiver Plaxico Burress.

Described as "fuming" in media accounts, Bloomberg said Monday that Burress should be prosecuted "to the fullest extent of the law."

"It's pretty hard to argue the guy didn't have a gun and that it wasn't loaded," Burress Bloomberg said. "You've got bullet holes in and out to show that it was there."

As to the crystal-clear contents of the relevant statute, Bloomberg said, "[Y]ou go automatically to three-and-a-half years in the slammer. And I don't think that anybody should be exempt from that. And I think it would be an outrage if we don't prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.

"Our children are getting killed with guns on the street. Our police officers are getting killed with guns in the hands of criminals."

As we pointed out earlier in the day, Plaxico's profile could make him a target for aggressive prosecution. The stream of news accounts arising from the court proceedings will do more to deter New Yorkers from taking loaded guns into public places than any amount of public service announcements.

Bloomberg addressed the role of Burress' notoriety in the case, saying that "people who live in the public domain" should be held responsible for their conduct because "they are the role models for our kids." Not prosecuting those who "make their living because of their visibility" would, in Bloomberg's opinion, make "a sham, a mockery of the law."

Bloomberg also had choice words for the hospital that failed to alert police that the victim of a gunshot wound was receiving treatment.

"It's a misdemeanor, it's a chargeable offense, and I think that the district attorney should certainly go after the management of this hospital," Bloomberg said. "This is a world-class hospital in a city where we all know what goes on in the streets of our city and where all should be working to get guns off the street."

And despite prior reports that the Giants had alerted police to the shooting, Bloomberg said that authorities learned of it only through the media, and that the team didn't report the incident.

"The hospital didn't call and the Giants didn't call," Bloomberg said. "And the Giants should have picked up the phone right away as good corporate citizens. I don't care whether [there is] the legal responsibility for them to do it."
A judge set bail for Plaxico Burress at $100,000 today and a grand jury hearing has been set for March 31. He did not enter a plea.

The prosecutor had asked for a $250,000 bail due to the nature of the felony. His attorney argued that since Plax had a $35 million contract, he wasn't going anywhere. Apparently, the judge agreed.

As for the illegal weapons charge, if convicted Plax could face as much as a 15-year prison sentence. His lawyer, Benjamin Brafman, told the judge the gun in question had been registered in Florida and even though Plax has a house in New Jersey, he spends half his time in the Sunshine State.

According to court docs that detail what went down over the weekend, Plax was holding a drink in his left hand while fidgeting around his waistband with his right. A witness reported hearing a loud "pop" sound and Plax saying, "Take me to the hospital." His leg began to shake and a pistol fell out of his pant leg and onto the floor.
this dude is a fool - i need to start up a celeb/athlete protection service service or something -

when will these dudes learn...what the hell he think he was doing with the gun? when your high profile and your in there to have a good time chances are 99.9%that if someone wants to try you they will get the drop on you -

and say somebody just tries to bait him into a fight? whats he gonna pull out and kill dude and go to jail forever

how you worth 35mil and cant pay somebody to protect you so you can go get drunk mess with some groupies and if anyone even looks at you funny you know theyare handled and your covered - at the MINIMUM you get one of your boys to get permits and licenses to carry and have them with you all the time-
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