Originally Posted by BirdsIView

The argument that he should get equal treatment like anyone else and spend 3 1/2 years in jail is not the point. The point to me is that someone who is not a threat to society doesn't deserve 3 1/2 years in jail for this type of crime. Possessing a handgun is not worth 3 1/2 years, its worth probation at most as long as there's no criminal history.

Word. Along with other circumstances that should be taken into consideration. Such as:
- comments made by a defendant (for example "I had it b/c I needed it in case I saw this guy who has been messing with me").
- location (if a defendant has the gun at a location such as a mayor/governer/city official/etc's speech or at an airport or in a bank or at anightclub/concert/etc)
- situation (if a defendant is caught with a gun while speeding/breaking a red light/driving recklessly or if found with weed/drugs in his possession oralcohol in his system, etc)
- gun not registered or defendant has no permit

That's about it!! Those are the things that should be taken into consideration if someone is caught with a gun.

Again, I'm not saying Plax should get off free. But at most, dude should get probation.

Originally Posted by Peteweezy

Bloomberg is not playing with this one..he's even going after the hospital for not reporting the gun shot to the police sooner
The only thing about Bloomberg is dude seems like he grandstanding like none other. Where was dude at when his cops were running wild plugging dudes up with this same type of talk. Thats the only problem with this type of tough talk you have to be like this all the time or people are going to call you out on it first chance they get. With all that being said Plax did it to himself and I'm not condoning what he did at all.

Yeah. I'm trying to figure out what his motive might be. He already got his term extended so that can't be what he's lobbying for. Maybe this isthe reason...


Deep down he's really a Patriots fan and he's still salty over that *** whooping the Giants put on the Pats.

All jokes aside, it's crazy how NY turns on their athletes/stars/hometown heroes so fast. Dude won a SB for the city only 10 months ago.
good call Shuges, I never knew that.

And Bloomberg was on some Guiliani iish yesterday.

Hopefully he gets off with minimum damage.
Yeah. I'm trying to figure out what his motive might be. He already got his term extended so that can't be what he's lobbying for.

Its simple, NY state is extremely tough on gun laws, and he along with the media is going to put pressure on the DA to make Plaxico an EXAMPLE, so I think hewill serve his MANDATORY 3.5 years. As for Pierce I don't think he will be in that much trouble because although what he did was wrong, 99% of us wouldhave done the same thing during a franctic time, and you know once everything is ssorted out with his lawyers he will cooperate with authorities.

Although I have no problem with gun ownership, I agree with Bloomberg coming down hard on Plax because you know what, Plax is just a citizen like the rest ofus and he won't get any free pass just because of his celebrity status (illegal gun ownership I am against). Although you know some of the jury will be"looking out" for Plax, and others will be trying to "enforce" the issue by making Plax an example.

The point to me is that someone who is not a threat to society doesn't deserve 3 1/2 years in jail for this type of crime. Possessing a handgun is not worth 3 1/2 years, its worth probation at most as long as there's no criminal history.

It doesn't really matter though, NY State Law is NY State Law and everyone who owns a gun in this state KNOWS this. Plax broke the law by posessiong aLOADED ILLEGAL handgun in a public venue, very irresponsible.
term limits have been extended but that doesn't mean an automatic win for bloomberg

people have to vote him in first
Originally Posted by BirdsIView


I told my dad about his comments and how irrational they were and he started to take Bloomberg's side. The argument that he should get equal treatment like anyone else and spend 3 1/2 years in jail is not the point. The point to me is that someone who is not a threat to society doesn't deserve 3 1/2 years in jail for this type of crime. Possessing a handgun is not worth 3 1/2 years, its worth probation at most as long as there's no criminal history. Plaxico doesn't deserve to get off because he's a famous football player, he deserves to get off because he's not a threat to society. And throwing him in jail won't teach him a lesson, it will just $#%+ up his life.

im really not trying to start an argument, but to me, carrying an unlicensed handgun without proper training within a public area is being a threat to easy would it have been for the gun to have been dropped on the ground and accidently gone off? or if he had gotten into an altercation and his emotionshad gotten the best of him. despite the fact that bloomberg has publicly called him out, he should get at least the minimum sentence if he is found guilty.
Lmao now they are saying Ahmed Bradshaw was there as well. Figures his +#$ would be there.

Laptop stealing +#$ +#+%%
What people don't realize is - the reason that there is such a harsh penalty for somethinglike this is to prevent it from ever happening!

If speeding violations went from $200 fines or whatever it is in your area to loss of license for one year, you best believe I'll be driving with much morecaution.

And I know this is a bad example, but when I was little I use to stir up a lot of %$%$ at home. When my Mom said, "If you do that again, you'll go toyour room for 10 minutes!" (which was alright because I had the mini basketball hoop in there
) - But when she changed it to, "... I am taking away your Nintendo!"then it was a wrap for me.

The laws are clearly stated, so they must be followed. We have them for a reason.
Some of ya'll are ridiculous.

What is the point of making laws if we are just going to change them based upon celeb status and money?

"He isnt a threat to society."

That isnt the point. The point is that he carried a gun ILLEGALLY and it wasnt registered. God damn why is that so hard to understand?

I feel bad for his kids.
^ No, but owning a legally registered weapon as opposed to having an handgun illegally is a completely different monster. Bloomberg has always took a very verystrong stand vs illegally registered weapons and has always wanted to get rid of them in the state of NY with his strict enforcement, I don't blame him formaking that statement to show the general public that celebrity or not, he will be charged as anyone else would (kudos to him).

Shoot, Burress could get in trouble for actually transporting the illegal handgun from Jersey across state lines to NY, you never know.

Lmao now they are saying Ahmed Bradshaw was there as well. Figures his +#$ would be there.

Laptop stealing +#$ +#+%%

LOL, but I heard dude wasn't even in the vicinity when it happened, I heard Ward was there as well. But anyways, a few points:

- Who wears sweat pants to a club...honestly.

- These athletes need to grow up, why wear all this bling/rolls of cash with you to a public venue to show off in front of thousands of other people who wishto have what you got? You're just asking for trouble, especially if your careless with a damn gun.

- Plax is an idiot.

That is all.
Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Do any of you guys have a friend who did 3.5 for having a gun in NY state?

my boy just started a bid for guns but he told me like 2 and a half years. Who knows though. We didn;t talk about it much, just chilled out
Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Do any of you guys have a friend who did 3.5 for having a gun in NY state?
Somebody posted earlier that they had a friend who was doing a bid for carrying a weapon in NYC.

I find it hilarious that so many of you are trying to defend his actions. He's not a threat to society? Maybe not in the literal sense, but he mostdefinitely was on Friday. On M&M this morning they were saying how everybody who owns a gun in the NFL wasprobably thinking the same thing before this incident: I know how to carry a weapon. I know how to put the safety on. I'm not going to shoot myself. Youthink they are rethinking that now?

Plax was a threat because that bullet could have easily gone elsewhere and hit and killed somebody. Then he'd be looking at a much longer sentence. The gunlaws exist for a reason. No matter how you cut it, he broke the law. Not only wasn't he registered in NY, his FL permit was expired. How dumb can you be?There's no defense for this pinhead.
UPDATE: New York Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Hospital has suspended the person who didn't call the NYPD immediately, and the hospital admits not reporting agunshot wound is a violation not just of their own policy, but of the law as well.

Damn, dudes is really losin they jobs over my man Harris Smith
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Do any of you guys have a friend who did 3.5 for having a gun in NY state?
Somebody posted earlier that they had a friend who was doing a bid for carrying a weapon in NYC.

I find it hilarious that so many of you are trying to defend his actions. He's not a threat to society? Maybe not in the literal sense, but he most definitely was on Friday. On M&M this morning they were saying how everybody who owns a gun in the NFL was probably thinking the same thing before this incident: I know how to carry a weapon. I know how to put the safety on. I'm not going to shoot myself. You think they are rethinking that now?

Plax was a threat because that bullet could have easily gone elsewhere and hit and killed somebody. Then he'd be looking at a much longer sentence. The gun laws exist for a reason. No matter how you cut it, he broke the law. Not only wasn't he registered in NY, his FL permit was expired. How dumb can you be? There's no defense for this pinhead.

co-sign 100% w. Joka

Lmao now they are saying Ahmed Bradshaw was there as well. Figures his +#$ would be there.

Fridays are PS2 Nights at the Latin Quarter
Its probably the reason Burress strapped up.

Not saying that it justifies anything but damn, his homeboy got robbed by his OWN driver
Aiight, we got Vick at QB throwin to Plax with Pacman soon to be joining them in jail playin in man coverage.

We need a couple lineman and a safety or two and we got a team to beat Adam Sandlers.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Aiight, we got Vick at QB throwin to Plax with Pacman soon to be joining them in jail playin in man coverage.

We need a couple lineman and a safety or two and we got a team to beat Adam Sandlers.
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by CP1708

Aiight, we got Vick at QB throwin to Plax with Pacman soon to be joining them in jail playin in man coverage.

We need a couple lineman and a safety or two and we got a team to beat Adam Sandlers.

. catch the Jailbirds on that new Blitz game.

i think theres a lot more to this story than we all know though. how long to yall think he'll get suspended for? i got a year at the most. from the momenti heard the word club involved with this story i knew it was all but over for Plaxi.
I dont' get it.
you're making that much money... why not just hire a former SEAL/RANGER/SAS/MARINE/LEO as a bodyguard?
This is just like the Vick case, everyone thought it was nothing and now look at it, he's not getting off either..
Originally Posted by CP1708

Aiight, we got Vick at QB throwin to Plax with Pacman soon to be joining them in jail playin in man coverage.

We need a couple lineman and a safety or two and we got a team to beat Adam Sandlers.

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