Confident or Creepy vol when is enough

If he's so confident why isn't he in here making light of the situation along with us?
Agreed with grimlock. Yall got to open ya eyes, trust she loves the attention.
He doesnt have to come in the thread cause yall just gonna judge him like females.
Get what you want and get what you deserve.
Bruh. That long essay about yourself wasn't necessary after you got hit with the "friends" part. Sounds more like you was mad that she wasn't feeling you b.
In your case it's not creepy id say more like thirst.

You reek of desperation, if she was disrespectful that I'd say it was deserved
Bruh. That long essay about yourself wasn't necessary after you got hit with the "friends" part. Sounds more like you was mad that she wasn't feeling you b.
This,the only way it makes sense to me from OP's part is if he really thought that she was the one or something like that. If not then you'd think that he could move on and easily pull someone else based off of some of the stories he's shared.
Its just jokes tho
Ewd is an og.
He dont care lol
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Wait....the person texting in the OP is an NT'er?

I retract what I said earlier.


j/k. The sad part of this story is that women don't realize what was offered to them until they get mistreated. But as men we gotta ask ourselves which would we regret more: not trying hard enough and getting a clear answer or barely trying and ending up not getting it at all. I think that's the situation for OP. And I agree with the former if you feel that it's worth it. Regret on past decisions is a killer. Might as well go all in and be happy that you gave it your all. Wouldn't be so many girl problem threads if dudes just did this instead of playing so many games with girls.
Wait....the person texting in the OP is an NT'er?

I retract what I said earlier.


j/k. The sad part of this story is that women don't realize what was offered to them until they get mistreated. But as men we gotta ask ourselves which would we regret more: not trying hard enough and getting a clear answer or barely trying and ending up not getting it at all. I think that's the situation for OP. And I agree with the former if you feel that it's worth it. Regret on past decisions is a killer. Might as well go all in and be happy that you gave it your all. Wouldn't be so many girl problem threads if dudes just did this instead of playing so many games with girls.

texter in op can try harder but there are better ways

[COLOR=#Red]There's a method to the madness my dudes...There's a calculated psychology behind it all, it hits hard upfront and initially turnoff-ish, but it has a lingering effect on the psyche and that's what makes it work. Also understand this is because I know for a fact she's feeling me but she tried to front like she wasn't. If she wasn't feeling me I would have just taken the L. Sometimes you have to think outside the box to get in the box. I thrive in situations like these and I do it with a healthy dose of confidence, risk taking, and generally not caring how I come off.

What I'm posting is some of the things successful guys in the chick games do sometimes but would never post...there's a lot that goes on behind the scenes that most dudes won't put you into...all you see is the results of them winning. I'm showing y'all the real.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#red]Ok so I changed my course slightly after reading the texts we've been sending each other and plus hiw even my boy noticed how she always comes around me when we're in the same place even when there's an infinite amount of places she could be. She's definitely lying about not being interested in me. So I lightweight called her out on it when she tried to get fly on me on the third text.

Fact: Sometimes Alphas have Beta moments, just like sometimes Betas have Alpha moments. I quickly realized that I was Beta-like with my first response, and afterwards I chang3d it up on her. I used the classic move of making it seem like there's something wrong with her for not seeing how she'd win by getting with me, instead of it being something wrong with me. Sadly chicks respond to that because they tend to fall for dudes who they think are better than them. I use the same tactic for big-time job interviews when i feel that things arent going well initially and it is very effective. I ended up seeing her last night at the rec when i was hooping...and yes she was watching everything i was doing on the court intently and best believe i put on a dominant "performance". I'm definitely in her head and I'll have a textbook EWD story about that very soon. Take notes on how i flipped it on her in these text screenshots. Unrestrained pure confidence and even a little cockiness/arrogance was definitely applied after almost waving the white flag in the beginning.[/COLOR]

This is just too much. Dudes responses in there are worse than the dam texts and even further support their implications.
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Wait....the person texting in the OP is an NT'er?

I retract what I said earlier.


j/k. The sad part of this story is that women don't realize what was offered to them until they get mistreated. But as men we gotta ask ourselves which would we regret more: not trying hard enough and getting a clear answer or barely trying and ending up not getting it at all. I think that's the situation for OP. And I agree with the former if you feel that it's worth it. Regret on past decisions is a killer. Might as well go all in and be happy that you gave it your all. Wouldn't be so many girl problem threads if dudes just did this instead of playing so many games with girls.

There wouldn't be so many girl problem threads because those dudes would be in jail if they "went all in" right after she clearly said "No".

Patience, bro, patience.
And some water.

I'm not talking about rape i'm talking putting what your worth on the table to get what you want. Some people don't wanna wait for **** to pop off, they go out there and try their best to make it happen. Patience does have its role, absolutely, but what OP did is setting the stage for a future thing. I see a planting of a an undeserving chick though.

I'm with the majority who say to just move on after the "no" but I do admire the persistance of some cats without going to the creepy/rape end of things. It does look like begging/pleading to the untrained eye but for some people putting it all out there on the hook is a way of life.

But for me personally "If you weren't with me for the grind, you don't deserve to be there when I shine"
I think there's better ways to plant a seed than writing a dissertation on why someone should accept you into their life. You putting your cards on the table like that isn't gonna make a chick realize that you're an unbelievable person, it makes you come off as needy and desperate. You could put your cards out there more efficiently and subtly. All that stuff he said, that's stuff that should be implied by his actions and demeanor. It's like when writing fiction you say a bunch of expository stuff instead of painting a visceral picture. Show don't tell, nah mean.
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Should've inserted K or left it alone after the friend comment. You can never let any other person depict your image.
Should've sent that pic of the m16 and tell her you'll peel her muffin back..

She shot you down and you replied with a graduate-level thesis.

You lost.

The same civilian cia asset with purple hearts and ic medals?

Little did those 15 iraqis know, all they had to do is tell him they wanted to be friends and dude would have had no clue what to do.




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If he is as awesome as he is suggesting, I would expect him to move on to all the other girls that should be interested in him. 
Has EWD posted since? :lol:

I remember that other thread of his stories about banging Saudi princesses and what not :lol: :smh: I bailed rather early on that thread.
I think there's better ways to plant a seed than writing a dissertation on why someone should accept you into their life. You putting your cards on the table like that isn't gonna make a chick realize that you're an unbelievable person, it makes you come off as needy and desperate. You could put your cards out there more efficiently and subtly. All that stuff he said, that's stuff that should be implied by his actions and demeanor. It's like when writing fiction you say a bunch of expository stuff instead of painting a visceral picture. Show don't tell, nah mean.

I hear you totally. But I feel there are many ways to skin a cat.

It's like black belts and white belts. White belts grow when they watch black belts working efficiently and methodically. Black belts grow when they watch white belts trying all types of crazy **** during sparring because they may be stuck in their own tried and true techniques which have closed them off to trying new things.

I can look at OP's situation and appreciate it for what it is: A guy trying to get a girl. It's so simple yet we can make it so complicated and dragged out for ourselves.

I truly feel that sometimes you gotta say "**** it" and do something like what OP did. I never had to do what he did but if I was in his situation and caught the type of feels he caught then why not.

Its all choices. Beyond right or wrong sometimes.

But then again i'm taking it all in from another viewpoint.

Women to me are super illogical. You never know what's gonna work on them :lol:

One time I went to that bar around Jade near Austin St. and I saw this black girl that looked good and I approached her and she shut me down so I literally turned next to me and I started talking to this asian girl and the black girl came up to me outside and started sweating me about how i'm a dog and ****. I'm like "wtf you turned me down" and she said I should have tried harder.

That's why I try some crazy things sometimes with girls. I just wanna see what approaches work just for my amusement especially if I'm not really feeling her that much.

What has worked for me has always been: humor, being sincerely interested in that person, and handling rejection with as much of a positive attitude as I can trying not to get too attached to it all.

But I am not afraid to use some crazy method if the mood strikes me.
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