Can I have a racial discussion with you guys? My wealthy hometown is being devestated by thugs.

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Prolly won't be easy, but your city should find a way in their budget to hire more cops if its truly becoming a major problem. The mall itself could hire extra security. Not saying it will prevent it completely, but could help deter some crime.
Also, you're going to need to back up the facts that you know where these criminals live in the first place. 
Already did that on page 1 or 2. The people that get arrested for the shootings, robberies, etc. are never from the most affluent towns. They're out of towners looking for trouble. Arrest reports don't lie.
Surprise. Poor areas = More crime.

Its like OP deserves a Nobel Prize in economics. Such a novel thought. Never would have seen THAT one coming.

You want to talk about crime? Lets do that. I'm all for the reduction of crime.

I have no problem with you trying to defend your home but the problem comes in where you invoke some ridiculous stereotype about Instagram or what you ASSUME is the job situation of other minorities as being indicative of a potential to commit crimes.

You're masking this issue by talking about a "rise in crime" when really you're just sliding in your bigoted stance and stereotypes against others not like you.

On top of that, you clearly have a problem when "those people" come into your town to spend their money

I bet your city commissioner loves the bump in on the other hand don't see it that way.
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Crazy any thread aimed directly at African Americans gones on for pages and pages. Let somebody say Ben Barra on here
and they get banned with the quickness. Praise the almighty Methodical Management :rolleyes
Pretty sure families here pay a million bucks for a crib to keep the riff raff out. If these idiots want to shoot up crowds and rob people for some jeans or glasses than we prefer to be as far away from them as possible.
DUDE, STOP BEING FAKE, there arent even that many million dollar homes to begin with in metro detroit (248) especially in this economy so get off your high horse first off, secondly you're most definitely exaggerating, your "hometown" is not being devestated by thugs, everything happening around the block from you has always been that way, now that you have a couple of incidents (although one incident is one too many) stop trying to isolate it as a Detroit thug criminal wave into your backyard, if you were able to eradicate your black detroit problem you would still have the less affluent from Madison Heights/Warren stealing and stuff

not to mention the armed robbery was against a black couple who probably werent from Troy. . . . . in all seriousness, you have nothing to worry about, we're only attacking ourselves (unless you're one of the interracial kids who live in Troy)
None of you wanna face facts. Just wanna divert attention.
I understand your concerns, but you must be open minded and see where other people are coming from as well, instead of calling the "divert attention" card.

That's all I have to say. Carry on.
Prolly won't be easy, but your city should find a way in their budget to hire more cops if its truly becoming a major problem. The mall itself could hire extra security. Not saying it will prevent it completely, but could help deter some crime.
You should have seen how many plain clothes security went into action when I witnessed the grab and goes. There were literally a dozen dudes right in the area that turned into cops. I was like

Most recent shooting at the bar in Birmingham was basically right in front of some cops.
@ Thugs. You sound like an old lady and/or a news station. Nice way to mask your intentions.
I wonder if these people were white if you would call them thugs. I expect you to say you would but who knows.
Thug is synonymous with criminal. Criminals can be any color, so yes, my word choice would have been the same if they were red white or yellow. 
Oh such a profound thought.

Lets read the thread title again:
Where was this wisdom at the beginning?
Sorry the fact is that problems facing my area are fatherless African American youth from Detroit.
See this is what i'm talking about.


You don't give a damn about addressing income inequality or education or job opportunities.

All you want to do is reinforce assertions that have NO factual basis and then get mad when someone calls you out on that fact.

What about the disporportionate targeting of minorities in drug arrests and the vast differences in sentencing? What about draconian drug laws?

Get two copies of this, one for you and one for your parents, and call me in the morning:
Crazy any thread aimed directly at African Americans gones on for pages and pages. Let somebody say Ben Barra on here
and they get banned with the quickness. Praise the almighty Methodical Management
This thread is aimed at criminals causing problems in my suburban enclave. Unfortunately, albeit factually, the arrest reports usually show them to be non local African Americans from Detroit.
Criminals are in your neighborhood because that's where their bosses are. It's also where the buyers of their stolen product are. OP you claim that you live in an affluent neighborhood, in the vicinity of a dead city, yet the economic downturn hasn't touched your neighborhood. Honestly like someone else stated as much as you don't want to hear it the members of your neighborhood, are to blame for this influx of crime.

Typically the structure of a city such as Detroit is that the workers live in the city, while the highly skilled workers and well payed white collar workers live in the suburban areas. In the outskirts of the city in "affluent" neighborhoods such as your own are where the business owners typically reside. Now from all news reports I've seen the city of Detroit is very much a dead city meaning no jobs, no opportunities, no way for workers to feed themselves. Yet, you're making claims that the people who are suppose to own or run these businesses are not affected by this where their money is concerned. That instead of talking about the widespread foreclosure in your "affluent" town, you have people well off enough to wear 45k watches as an everyday item to a shopping center.

You see now I don't know about you but that doesn't make sense to me. Not only doesn't it make any sense to me but it's also quite understandable why now the families and offspring of these disenfranchised workers are robbing your shopping centers.

One last thing these "expensive" items that they're just running amuck and stealing need to have buyers, and not just regular ole joe at the pawn shop, but the type of deep pockets that reside in your neighborhood.
OP watch this before you reply. Otherwise, don't waste our time.

Again, no one has a problem with you addressing crime, but don't sneak in your bigoted perspective on minorities as if they're some sort of monolithic entity and acting as a single agent to promote and encourage crime. 
I have a solution ... get rid of all the black people.

That way. Crime would go away.

Send us to... mars?
Oh such a profound thought.

Lets read the thread title again:
Where was this wisdom at the beginning?

See this is what i'm talking about.

Again, arrest reports show that these criminals committing these specific crimes are African American, and likely from Detroit. Since I'm a college educated young man, I know that over 70% of African American children grow up in fatherless households. We're dealing with facts over here. You're countering with emotions.

Why do these goons wanna come hang in my stuffy uptight hometown?
OK, got that although it seems easier to steal from malls closer to where you live. Why do they pass 3 or 4 perfectly good malls to come even further to this specific one? Also, why are partying in my stuffy, uptight city? Are they just trying to party in an affluent town because they think they're "doing it"? There are literally countless night spots in Detroit or way before driving 20 miles.
you've got to be kidding me, the only malls i can think of passing on the way to Somerset is Oakland which doesn't have half of what Somerset has, what other malls are you talking about? why do you keep saying affluent dude? you sound just as bad as the "goons" who think they are "doing it"
Again, arrest reports show that these criminals committing these specific crimes are African American, and likely from Detroit. Since I'm a college educated young man, I know that over 70% of African American children grow up in fatherless households. We're dealing with facts over here. You're countering with emotions.

Why do these goons wanna come hang in my stuffy uptight hometown?
What does a black man who is well welcome look like to you?

Because CLEARLY not having a dad means you commit crimes. My mistake 
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"I'm not trying to make this about race"

The title of this thread is "Can I have a racial discussion with you guys?"

Can you guys stop entertaining this troll thread?
seriously this guy is something else he purposely mentioned race to get everyone riled up and lets not forget his other troll threads
Again, arrest reports show that these criminals committing these specific crimes are African American, and likely from Detroit. Since I'm a college educated young man, I know that over 70% of African American children grow up in fatherless households. We're dealing with facts over here. You're countering with emotions.

Why do these goons wanna come hang in my stuffy uptight hometown?

Then act and conduct yourself like an educated young man. Don't come at us thinking you're all high and mighty because your parents paid over a million dollars for their home.
For the 20th time, my town's specific prob is with criminals, a vast majority of which happen to be out of town African Americans from neighboring cess pools. Fact.
if you say so, move to GP
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