Can I have a racial discussion with you guys? My wealthy hometown is being devestated by thugs.

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It's telling how this becomes an "issue" when as you put it, "crime is literally choosing to drive to [your] doorstep...." Was crime, as it relates to the thread, a concern of yours when it was mainly an inner-city problem? Fact is, you're just as much responsible for the upsurge in criminality, within your neighborhood, as these so called thugs. You can thank your former passivity. The same goes for your "wealthy" neighbors as well.
And lastly, this is NOT a racial issue. Don't deceive yourself.
72% of black kids in Detroit are raised in single parent homes
Those committing these crimes prob closer to 100%. But I'm just a fabricating rabble rouser..
This reminds me of the Trayvon Martin fall out...and how BS this argument was.

The race apologists are out in FULL force today.

BUT since you're not black, I won't conform to YOUR ideals of what you want me to do or dress like just to make you happy. I'll spend my money where and how I want in accordance with the law.

You're making it seem like they should accept that being black is a strike against them and just move on instead of trying to change the system.

Ya'll don't care about progress. You're only into preserving whatever advantages you already have under the guise of "tolerance"

It isn't an argument. It's a fact and common sense. I just suggested how one should be careful for themselves, for the sake of ignorance in the masses. Sometimes you can be educated, but not everyone else will be the same. You and some here are oblivious to common sense. You can write your thesis and write arguments, but you'll never have it in you to walk the walk. Go ahead, wear your hoodie, be as thuggish as you want to be. Wear your jewelry in a high poverish area.
What are you trying to emphasize? That there's more crime in your town (period) or that crime in your town is being committed by black kids, only?
I'm not trying to troll, but is there an article describing a crime that was committed by a non-black kid?
Outsiders are committing crime in or near my hometown. Arrest reports and suspect descriptions show they are usually African American and from Detroit. This was not occurring 5 years ago. Why are they driving here to commit crimes?



Stop asking this. We keep telling you.

Income inequality.


You guys have nicer resources/places to go/eat/see.

They're poor and instead of go hungry, you're an easy target.

End of story.

White people would rob you too if you would pay attention to those news stories.

I'm sure detroit PD isn't only arresting black people. Don't read the papers, go to the actual databases. 
This reminds me of the Trayvon Martin fall out...and how BS this argument was.

The race apologists are out in FULL force today.

BUT since you're not black, I won't conform to YOUR ideals of what you want me to do or dress like just to make you happy. I'll spend my money where and how I want in accordance with the law.

You're making it seem like they should accept that being black is a strike against them and just move on instead of trying to change the system.

Ya'll don't care about progress. You're only into preserving whatever advantages you already have under the guise of "tolerance"
It isn't an argument. It's a fact and common sense. I just suggested how one should be careful for themselves, for the sake of ignorance in the masses. Sometimes you can be educated, but not everyone else will be the same. You and some here are oblivious to common sense. You can write your thesis and write arguments, but you'll never have it in you to walk the walk. Go ahead, wear your hoodie, be as thuggish as you want to be. Wear your jewelry in a high poverish area.
Just say what you want to say. I should accept my role as a second class citizen...WITH A SMILE!
This has nothing to do with my point.

Fact of the matter is, you can't sit here and say how racism is just a fact of life when racism was the one thing that would have kept you from your attraction to asian women. 

You're confused w/ what racisim is about, as well as stereotyping and prejudice.

Net all, you know exactly what they fall under. America's battle was never about asian minorities, but rather black and white. You should know that.
Just say what you want to say. I should accept my role as a second class citizen...WITH A SMILE!

The past 5 pages were nothing but attempts to look good. You folks stood on a pedestal, throwing pebbles, and didn't want to look at what others had to show. It was extremely easy for you folks to take the other end, by bringing in your thesis on paper into the discussion. You all know that is never the case. I've already given REAL LIFE suggestions and topics; from demographic make up in colleges, to foreign locations w/ diff't culture/race makeup. Race and prejudice is apparent in life; trying to fight it in a certain way might cost you your life!

None of you folks would take the other side of it, because you continue to reject the realities of it. But deep down, you know what I mean.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1 

did you bother asking him his take on the situation? as an african american who shares your plight, maybe he could shed some light on the situation for you.
Yup. His wife is one of my mom's friends that doesn't go to this mall on the weekend anymore and is pissed about how the criminals are trying to ruin our downtown. They were like overt about pointing out African Americans though. They seemed like mad at their own, you know?
Yup. His wife is one of my mom's friends that doesn't go to this mall on the weekend anymore and is pissed about how the criminals are trying to ruin our downtown. They were like overt about pointing out African Americans though. They seemed like mad at their own, you know?

Were the supposed to point out a minority? LOLZ

How would you screen suspects or individuals? It's unfortunate how race will cause grief and generalizations, but that's just how things go. It's part of life.
This has nothing to do with my point.

Fact of the matter is, you can't sit here and say how racism is just a fact of life when racism was the one thing that would have kept you from your attraction to asian women. 

You're confused w/ what racisim is about, as well as stereotyping and prejudice.

Net all, you know exactly what they fall under. America's battle was never about asian minorities, but rather black and white. You should know that.

Word? So America never waged a racist campaign out of fear against Asian American minorities?

I must've been daydreaming when we went over the japanese being locked up in internment camps during WWII...who knew it was all a fallacy.

But to answer the OP's original question, from the CO Batman shooting threads I've gathered that there is no way to stop crime in your area. It's going to happen regardless so I guess the only defense of your neighborhood is have everybody get more guns!!! If everyone is loaded up with 9mm's these hoodlums will think twice about invading your area and they'll go back to detroit and then you guys can put em back in your rearview mirror and block out all that "riff raff" and return to your wonderful, care free lives. :rolleyes
The past 5 pages were nothing but attempts to look good. You folks stood on a pedestal, throwing pebbles, and didn't want to look at what others had to show. It was extremely easy for you folks to take the other end, by bringing in your thesis on paper into the discussion. You all know that is never the case. I've already given REAL LIFE suggestions and topics; from demographic make up in colleges, to foreign locations w/ diff't culture/race makeup. Race and prejudice is apparent in life; trying to fight it in a certain way might cost you your life!
None of you folks would take the other side of it, because you continue to reject the realities of it. But deep down, you know what I mean.

Well, WE don't have an answer as to why HIS wealthy hometown is being devastated by black thugs from Detroit.

He sure as hell did sound racist asking the question.
i don't get what you being so affluent, wealthy and rich has to do with the problem. not saying its cool that this stuff is happening, but you make it seem as if just because you/ your town is affluent, wealthy and rich would prevent societies issues from reaching your opulent door step. since you are so well off maybe you should move to monaco or st. tropez and deal with the russian mob.
son just had to mention "african american", couldnt just say perps

asdkngfladns'fvn'a mfaencf;aesnifojenhwuipfjoiwenfouenhwpouifncqleiwcbi;l2qDF;Q;OUI;DDFVSADFVASNGVIODSV;OUEWRHGFVBRUAEBGVIUUIO4WN7FBPOU3NWFH :rofl:
thieves go across all races....while these "african americans" are robbing your mall there is a white "european american" robbing a marshalls or ross
How ya'll still entertaining this? This thread should not be on the first page anymore. You guys are talking to a wall, an ignorant wall.
Are you inferring that all colored people commit crimes? Because I am not. We welcome out of town people of color that are courteous, i.e. follow social norms like tip 20% on restaurant tabs, don't talk during movies, don't shoot anyone at the bar. If a non minority acts uncivilized we have problems with them too.

Wait.....WHAT????? LMAO! This dude has gotta be trolling. Just HAS to be.
Only read the first and last page, surprised this threads this long. But also not surprised at all
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Thug is synonymous with criminal. Criminals can be any color, so yes, my word choice would have been the same if they were red white or yellow. Sorry the fact is that problems facing my area are fatherless African American youth from Detroit.
Funny how you managed to throw that in there even when it wasn't needed. Cool. Enjoy 8)
OP isn't handling this the right way :lol:

Only thing I can think of is to add additional security to the mall? :\
My neighbor is a high level exec with an automaker, who happens to be African American. He was over for dinner on Sunday. Nobody was shot and no china is missing. Clutch the pearls!
Is his name Eric Miller?
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