Can I have a racial discussion with you guys? My wealthy hometown is being devestated by thugs.

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I love African Americans. Guess who I hate? Criminals, especially ones who drive 20 miles to stunt in my hometown and then rob, steal and cause problems.

Yo, per capita income in the city of Detroit is $14,000, in other words the average person from Detroit can't afford a got damn thing in that mall. Instead a lot of them roll up to Troy to loiter, cause trouble and scare away the people that actually buy the big ticket items that built the freaking mall. Malls are built around what the vicinity can support. Gucci and Louis and Tiffany aren't in there for window shoppers who make 14 racks a year. Oakland or whatever shops in their neighborhood are going to be more in their range. Are you guys really this dumb or trolling me?

yall are dealin with a high level troll here guys. OP is trying to pull the reverse troll by accusin everyone else of trolling, and then he immediately goes with the oldest trick in the racists handbook by saying "i love [insert race you are talking smack on]"
Checks out thread....

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yall are dealin with a high level troll here guys. OP is trying to pull the reverse troll by accusin everyone else of trolling, and then he immediately goes with the oldest trick in the racists handbook by saying "i love [insert race you are talking smack on]"
My neighbor is a high level exec with an automaker, who happens to be African American. He was over for dinner on Sunday. Nobody was shot and no china is missing. Clutch the pearls!
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Guys are getting dumb here. Most here aren't even in school and are drop-outs.

Have you ever looked at the demographic make up of a college? Race does play a big role, whether you like it or not. Stereotyping and racist thoughts are PART OF THIS WORLD. Most people are naive and that is what you have to becareful of. The uneducated are the dangerous ones w/o logic. I don't think it is a lie when people say they stereotype based on race, but I would say that most are LIARS when they say, they aren't racist.

Any type of attempt to achieve political correctness is absurd, and only best reserved for CNN type shows.
My neighbor is a high level exec with an automaker, who happens to be African American. He was over for dinner on Sunday. Nobody was shot and no china is missing. Clutch the pearls!

did you bother asking him his take on the situation? as an african american who shares your plight, maybe he could shed some light on the situation for you.
not like he posted links of arrest reports to the exact incidents he described

He posted like two articles, yet he's claiming that his rich town is being "devasted" by black kids from the D. It sounds like he's blaming ALL CRIMES on these black kids from Detroit.
Guys are getting dumb here. Most here aren't even in school and are drop-outs.

Have you ever looked at the demographic make up of a college? Race does play a big role, whether you like it or not. Stereotyping and racist thoughts are PART OF THIS WORLD. Most people are naive and that is what you have to becareful of. The uneducated are the dangerous ones w/o logic. I don't think it is a lie when people say they stereotype based on race, but I would say that most are LIARS when they say, they aren't racist.

Any type of attempt to achieve political correctness is absurd, and only best reserved for CNN type shows.
Good thing the US relaxed its policy on asian americans after WWII or you wouldn't have any of those women to worship in your avatar.
did you bother asking him his take on the situation? as an african american who shares your plight, maybe he could shed some light on the situation for you.
Yup. His wife is one of my mom's friends that doesn't go to this mall on the weekend anymore and is pissed about how the criminals are trying to ruin our downtown. They were like overt about pointing out African Americans though. They seemed like mad at their own, you know?
did you bother asking him his take on the situation? as an african american who shares your plight, maybe he could shed some light on the situation for you.

We all generalize and stereotype, which is the same reason why you are afraid of going to a country that might carry a certain prejudice towards a race. It makes sense to generalize for the sake of yourself. IF I was a black male, I would go into the REAL WORLD, understanding I have a prejudice I could not control. Rather than buy into it, I try to present myself a certain way, but I wouldn't cross the border to where I would attract un-necessary attention.

The same w/ foreign corporation establishing themselves in certain regions. They have to understand the culture and perception. It's not wrong to associate race w/ context to demographics and history.
He posted like two articles, yet he's claiming that his rich town is being "devasted" by black kids from the D. It sounds like he's blaming ALL CRIMES on these black kids from Detroit.
I posted 3 of the more recent and I could post more. You guys don't wanna hear it though, so why bother wasting even more time to emphasize something you guys will only divert from?
not like he posted links of arrest reports to the exact incidents he described
He posted like two articles, yet he's claiming that his rich town is being "devasted" by black kids from the D. It sounds like he's blaming ALL CRIMES on these black kids from Detroit.


His words were that since black males don't have fathers, they thus commit crime:
Originally Posted by SK08 

Thug is synonymous with criminal. Criminals can be any color, so yes, my word choice would have been the same if they were red white or yellow. Sorry the fact is that problems facing my area are fatherless African American youth from Detroit.
Dude can't even keep his bigotry in order.
Good thing the US relaxed its policy on asian americans after WWII or you wouldn't have any of those women to worship in your avatar.

It has to because of the labor over seas. More so, they need people to buy our debt. China and Japan as well as our own, THE FEDS are heavy buyers of US TREASURIES. LOLZ

Also, we need Japanese and Made in China goods!
I posted 3 of the more recent and I could post more. You guys don't wanna hear it though, so why bother wasting even more time to emphasize something you guys will only divert from?

What are you trying to emphasize? That there's more crime in your town (period) or that crime in your town is being committed by black kids, only?

I'm not trying to troll, but is there an article describing a crime that was committed by a non-black kid?
Never said that. How would you even get that from what I said? I was just saying that lowering your brow and expecting people to just accept that they are second class citizens is not the solution and if that's all you can do, just go on living in your bubble because you're not helping anything.
It's the perfect example of people not caring about an issue until it's at their doorstep.

It's not about having to accept that they're second class citizens though, it's about getting them to act like citizens in the first place.

I'm against excluding people based off race, gender, economic background or religion regarding any issues that matter.

Equality for everyone is the goal right? but at the same time, when people are committing crimes and increasing the risk for other law abiding citizens, wealthy or not, then I have a problem with it and it's something that should be fixed.

Forget being rich, forget the color of your skin, forget all of that.... If today, crime in YOUR neighborhood increased 50% with more shootings, muggings, and theft... would you feel safe? Would that be okay with you? It wouldn't be for me... and I like I said before, I'm not rich by any stretch of the imagination.

Granted I would have chose my words a little bit more carefully than the OP, because I KNOW how sensitive people can be and I KNOW how NT can take a topic and run it off course/into the ground. But his nevertheless, the issue is still valid.

You're mentioning the crimes being committed like some kid just decided that he wanted to be a criminal and is the only problem.

"Getting them to act like citizens" while the more privileged continue to live their happy lives ignoring them in higher society while the underprivileged have the same struggles is still treating them as second class citizens. If it weren't for the ancestors of the underprivileged, most of those people wouldn't even be living as prosperous as they are.

I don't know what blinders you have on, but this thread is clearly about race. And of course I wouldn't feel safe with increased crime. Are you even responding to the right person? I don't even understand where you're coming from with these responses to my posts. Whatever man. It's their fault for not accepting that they weren't born into a nicer situation and they should just act accordingly and let the wealthier people live happily while they continue to struggle to make ends meet.

The situation that those underprivileged people live in, is man made. Obviously not by anyone still living, and I'm not saying it's anyone's responsibility to change it, but the reason why they're living so nice is the same reason why others are not. Is that fair? It doesn't matter what colour your skin is. You bring up generations of people in that environment that was made to work against them. They are going to end up doing those things we frown upon.
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What are you trying to emphasize? That there's more crime in your town (period) or that crime in your town is being committed by black kids, only?
I'm not trying to troll, but is there an article describing a crime that was committed by a non-black kid?

Instead of bickering, look at some gosh darn stats. If there are more black kids doing crime, or less, than would that change? COME ON!!!!!!!!!
you've got to be kidding me, the only malls i can think of passing on the way to Somerset is Oakland which doesn't have half of what Somerset has, what other malls are you talking about? why do you keep saying affluent dude? you sound just as bad as the "goons" who think they are "doing it"

Yo, per capita income in the city of Detroit is $14,000, in other words the average person from Detroit can't afford a got damn thing in that mall. Instead a lot of them roll up to Troy to loiter, cause trouble and scare away the people that actually buy the big ticket items that built the freaking mall. Malls are built around what the vicinity can support. Gucci and Louis and Tiffany aren't in there for window shoppers who make 14 racks a year. Oakland or whatever shops in their neighborhood are going to be more in their range. Are you guys really this dumb or trolling me?

LOL seriously? We all know Detroit has been hit hard by the economy and it's experiencing a much higher unemployment than the national average, etc. But you're honestly going to paint the ENTIRE city with a broad stroke to say they can't come to your mall, as if you own it. So since I am from Philadelphia, I should be unable by your logic, to attend the private school which I went to out on the Main Line in the suburbs (much more "affluent" area than you're from I may add since you seem to love using that word), where tuition was definitely higher than your college fees? Or even have the audacity to attend the King of Prussia Mall?

Oh but the per capita income in the city I'm from is $22,000 so how can I possibly even afford venture the 15 miles to go the biggest mall in the country to buy something that you assume I can't afford based on a damn average about a city with over 1.6 million people foh with that.... Your logic literally makes ZERO sense whatsoever. And I actually somewhat understand your original point that crime has riddled into your area and you're trying to understand why...but you are reaching heavily by claiming certain individuals from a given city shouldn't even be allowed to venture into your beloved mall, cmon man.

I guess you don't want hispanics from Pennsylvania to visit your county either since they cause disturbances in one off incidents either right?

Or maybe, by your logic, all white people should be banned from being in your area since in your county a majority of the top 10 most wanted are white males

...see how making broad generalizations doesn't really serve a productive purpose?

I'm in no way endorsing crime or excusing what happened, but the perpetrators were arrested and will be dealt with accordingly by being locked up in jail. Hopefully ALL crime will decrease all over the country and EVERYONE will be safe from unnecessary stress not just the people in your little bubble of utopia.
did you bother asking him his take on the situation? as an african american who shares your plight, maybe he could shed some light on the situation for you.
We all generalize and stereotype, which is the same reason why you are afraid of going to a country that might carry a certain prejudice towards a race. It makes sense to generalize for the sake of yourself. IF I was a black male, I would go into the REAL WORLD, understanding I have a prejudice I could not control. Rather than buy into it, I try to present myself a certain way, but I wouldn't cross the border to where I would attract un-necessary attention.

The same w/ foreign corporation establishing themselves in certain regions. They have to understand the culture and perception. It's not wrong to associate race w/ context to demographics and history.
This reminds me of the Trayvon Martin fall out...and how BS this argument was.

The race apologists are out in FULL force today.

BUT since you're not black, I won't conform to YOUR ideals of what you want me to do or dress like just to make you happy. I'll spend my money where and how I want in accordance with the law.

You're making it seem like they should accept that being black is a strike against them and just move on instead of trying to change the system.

Ya'll don't care about progress. You're only into preserving whatever advantages you already have under the guise of "tolerance"
Good thing the US relaxed its policy on asian americans after WWII or you wouldn't have any of those women to worship in your avatar.
It has to because of the labor over seas. More so, they need people to buy our debt. China and Japan as well as our own, THE FEDS are heavy buyers of US TREASURIES. LOLZ

Also, we need Japanese and Made in China goods!
This has nothing to do with my point.

Fact of the matter is, you can't sit here and say how racism is just a fact of life when racism was the one thing that would have kept you from your attraction to asian women. 
What are you trying to emphasize? That there's more crime in your town (period) or that crime in your town is being committed by black kids, only?
I'm not trying to troll, but is there an article describing a crime that was committed by a non-black kid?
Outsiders are committing crime in or near my hometown. Arrest reports and suspect descriptions show they are usually African American and from Detroit. This was not occurring 5 years ago. Why are they driving here to commit crimes? Why do they ruin my hometown bars with their crime sprees?
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