Can I have a racial discussion with you guys? My wealthy hometown is being devestated by thugs.

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Again, arrest reports show that these criminals committing these specific crimes are African American, and likely from Detroit. Since I'm a college educated young man, I know that over 70% of African American children grow up in fatherless households. We're dealing with facts over here. You're countering with emotions.

Why do these goons wanna come hang in my stuffy uptight hometown?
Then act and conduct yourself like an educated young man. Don't come at us thinking you're all high and mighty because your parents paid over a million dollars for their home.
I bet his parents have a mortgage on that home too. 

Not THAT rich, now are we? 

maybe you should work security for saks, if you really want to make a difference
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Op asks why African Americans are committing crime, uses the "fact" that 70 percent of them are fatherless as his claim. LMAO.

People need to realize that there is a reason why certain people live in poverty. We don't have a choice what part of society we are born into. The events in history that created this situation still haven't been rectified to the point where everyone is born into an even playing field. We literally still have second class citizens. It's only being emphasized by this thread. By living in the bubble of your "wealthy hometown" and questioning why these less privileged individuals don't just stay in their own neighborhood that doesn't have the same luxuries as yours is only going to result in these crimes. You can enjoy your luxuries and lower your brow when an out-of-towner commits a crime in your neighborhood, while wondering why they don't just accept the fact that they should use the less affluent one they were born in, but that's not going to fix your problem. (Or theirs.)

I don't condone the burglaries and shootings, but obviously these people didn't get to grow up in the nice area you did. Like you said, you don't know why they come over there and you probably never will.
I love threads like these. 

Whenever I think that people are learning to accept one another and look past race, there are posts in threads like these that realize that not only will that NEVER happen, but that it's only going to get worse in the times to come

People need to realize that there is a reason why certain people live in poverty. We don't have a choice what part of society we are born into. The events in history that created this situation still haven't been rectified to the point where everyone is born into an even playing field. We literally still have second class citizens. It's only being emphasized by this thread. By living in the bubble of your "wealthy hometown" and questioning why these less privileged individuals don't just stay in their own neighborhood that doesn't have the same luxuries as yours is only going to result in these crimes. You can enjoy your luxuries and lower your brow when an out-of-towner commits a crime in your neighborhood, while wondering why they don't just accept the fact that they should use the less affluent one they were born in, but that's not going to fix your problem. (Or theirs.)
I don't condone the burglaries and shootings, but obviously these people didn't get to grow up in the nice area you did. Like you said, you don't know why they come over there and you probably never will.

So crime is understandable if you're committing them against people more affluent then you? Is that what you're saying?

I bet his parents have a mortgage on that home too. :rofl:

Not THAT rich, now are we? >D


So having a mortgage means you're poor? huh?
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you've got to be kidding me, the only malls i can think of passing on the way to Somerset is Oakland which doesn't have half of what Somerset has, what other malls are you talking about? why do you keep saying affluent dude? you sound just as bad as the "goons" who think they are "doing it"
Yo, per capita income in the city of Detroit is $14,000, in other words the average person from Detroit can't afford a got damn thing in that mall. Instead a lot of them roll up to Troy to loiter, cause trouble and scare away the people that actually buy the big ticket items that built the freaking mall. Malls are built around what the vicinity can support. Gucci and Louis and Tiffany aren't in there for window shoppers who make 14 racks a year. Oakland or whatever shops in their neighborhood are going to be more in their range. Are you guys really this dumb or trolling me?
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People need to realize that there is a reason why certain people live in poverty. We don't have a choice what part of society we are born into. The events in history that created this situation still haven't been rectified to the point where everyone is born into an even playing field. We literally still have second class citizens. It's only being emphasized by this thread. By living in the bubble of your "wealthy hometown" and questioning why these less privileged individuals don't just stay in their own neighborhood that doesn't have the same luxuries as yours is only going to result in these crimes. You can enjoy your luxuries and lower your brow when an out-of-towner commits a crime in your neighborhood, while wondering why they don't just accept the fact that they should use the less affluent one they were born in, but that's not going to fix your problem. (Or theirs.)

I don't condone the burglaries and shootings, but obviously these people didn't get to grow up in the nice area you did. Like you said, you don't know why they come over there and you probably never will.

So crime is understandable if you're committing them against people more affluent then you? Is that what you're saying?

Never said that. How would you even get that from what I said? I was just saying that lowering your brow and expecting people to just accept that they are second class citizens is not the solution and if that's all you can do, just go on living in your bubble because you're not helping anything.

It's the perfect example of people not caring about an issue until it's at their doorstep.
Yo, per capita income in the city of Detroit is $14,000, in other words the average person from Detroit can't afford a got damn thing in that mall. Instead a lot of them roll up to Troy to loiter, cause trouble and scare away the people that actually buy the big ticket items that built the freaking mall. Malls are built around what the vicinity can support. Gucci and Louis and Tiffany aren't in there for window shoppers who make 14 racks a year. Oakland or whatever shops in their neighborhood are going to be more in their range. Are you guys really this dumb or trolling me?
lmao, i agree with you on the loitering thing, thats extremely annoying, but at the same time there are a lot of blacks buying these "big ticket items" anytime i pass True Religion its full of blacks and arabs, Nordstrom as well

are YOU really this dumb?

i dont think there is a mall in Detroit honestly

People need to realize that there is a reason why certain people live in poverty. We don't have a choice what part of society we are born into. The events in history that created this situation still haven't been rectified to the point where everyone is born into an even playing field. We literally still have second class citizens. It's only being emphasized by this thread. By living in the bubble of your "wealthy hometown" and questioning why these less privileged individuals don't just stay in their own neighborhood that doesn't have the same luxuries as yours is only going to result in these crimes. You can enjoy your luxuries and lower your brow when an out-of-towner commits a crime in your neighborhood, while wondering why they don't just accept the fact that they should use the less affluent one they were born in, but that's not going to fix your problem. (Or theirs.)

I don't condone the burglaries and shootings, but obviously these people didn't get to grow up in the nice area you did. Like you said, you don't know why they come over there and you probably never will.
I bet his parents have a mortgage on that home too. 

Not THAT rich, now are we? 

So having a mortgage means you're poor? huh?
Don't bump your gums talking about how rich you are and how happy you are to be affluent when chances are that you have nothing in savings because you live beyond your means, even in a higher income bracket.

Don't tell me about how well off you are if you've still gotta pay that bill. You're NOT about that life.

If anyone is fronting "like he has it" its OP who still lives with his parents and acts like their money is HIS money. Dude probably hasn't worked a real job a day in his life.

I hope he lands that million dollar salary 1 year out of college like the rest of his peers...

you've got to be kidding me, the only malls i can think of passing on the way to Somerset is Oakland which doesn't have half of what Somerset has, what other malls are you talking about? why do you keep saying affluent dude? you sound just as bad as the "goons" who think they are "doing it"
Yo, per capita income in the city of Detroit is $14,000, in other words the average person from Detroit can't afford a got damn thing in that mall. Instead a lot of them roll up to Troy to loiter, cause trouble and scare away the people that actually buy the big ticket items that built the freaking mall. Malls are built around what the vicinity can support. Gucci and Louis and Tiffany aren't in there for window shoppers who make 14 racks a year. Oakland or whatever shops in their neighborhood are going to be more in their range. Are you guys really this dumb or trolling me?
Do you know what per capita means?

Its an average. 

You know what average means?

Some above.

Some below.

In otherwords, you're in no position to quantify how and why other people should choose to spend their money how THEY want to. 

On top of that, I don't see sales people at those "affluent" stores running credit checks or checking W-2's.

Money is the motivation. They don't put those stores there because they care about you, they put them there to make more money off you because statistically more of your community has that money, but it doesn't preclude anyone else from spending that money if they want to either. 

I guess you'd rather all hood-boogers to wear Sean Jean and Pelle Pelle...I mean how else will you be able to visually classify how much better you are than everyone else. How dare they try to buy the same things you do because they're located where you are. 

Next thing, you'll be telling me how they drink actual orange juice not from concentrate for breakfast or they can afford the leanest cuts of beef. Its like those poor folks don't know their place.
Never said that. How would you even get that from what I said? I was just saying that lowering your brow and expecting people to just accept that they are second class citizens is not the solution and if that's all you can do, just go on living in your bubble because you're not helping anything.
It's the perfect example of people not caring about an issue until it's at their doorstep.

It's not about having to accept that they're second class citizens though, it's about getting them to act like citizens in the first place.

I'm against excluding people based off race, gender, economic background or religion regarding any issues that matter.

Equality for everyone is the goal right? but at the same time, when people are committing crimes and increasing the risk for other law abiding citizens, wealthy or not, then I have a problem with it and it's something that should be fixed.

Forget being rich, forget the color of your skin, forget all of that.... If today, crime in YOUR neighborhood increased 50% with more shootings, muggings, and theft... would you feel safe? Would that be okay with you? It wouldn't be for me... and I like I said before, I'm not rich by any stretch of the imagination.

Granted I would have chose my words a little bit more carefully than the OP, because I KNOW how sensitive people can be and I KNOW how NT can take a topic and run it off course/into the ground. But his nevertheless, the issue is still valid.
Never said that. How would you even get that from what I said? I was just saying that lowering your brow and expecting people to just accept that they are second class citizens is not the solution and if that's all you can do, just go on living in your bubble because you're not helping anything.
It's the perfect example of people not caring about an issue until it's at their doorstep.
It's not about having to accept that they're second class citizens though, it's about getting them to act like citizens in the first place.

I'm against excluding people based off race, gender, economic background or religion regarding any issues that matter.

Equality for everyone is the goal right? but at the same time, when people are committing crimes and increasing the risk for other law abiding citizens, wealthy or not, then I have a problem with it and it's something that should be fixed.

Forget being rich, forget the color of your skin, forget all of that.... If today, crime in YOUR neighborhood increased 50% with more shootings, muggings, and theft... would you feel safe? Would that be okay with you? It wouldn't be for me... and I like I said before, I'm not rich by any stretch of the imagination.

Granted I would have chose my words a little bit more carefully than the OP, because I KNOW how sensitive people can be and I KNOW how NT can take a topic and run it off course/into the ground. But his nevertheless, the issue is still valid.
And this makes all the difference.

OP is using this platform to promote and encourage others to adopt his bigoted and poorly researched views on black people as a whole. 

Black males don't have fathers, thus they steal.

Black males don't have degrees, thus they shoot.

Black males don't have jobs, thus they kill.

Black people post pics on instagram, thus they're stupid.

These are ALL justifications made by the OP in this very thread...and where did he get these notions? Did he interview people? Did he conduct surveys? 


He just made it up. He sees some black people in his neighborhood...they MUST be up to no good.

I don't have a problem addressing crime in and of itself and the real root of it, which is poverty, but don't use this soap box to proclaim how little you know about how others live and how society affects them.

The OP would rather those poor people fester amongst themselves and keep their icky melanated hands to themselves. 
And this makes all the difference.

OP is using this platform to promote and encourage others to adopt his bigoted and poorly researched views on black people as a whole. 

Black males don't have fathers, thus they steal.

Black males don't have degrees, thus they shoot.

Black males don't have jobs, thus they kill.

Black people post pics on instagram, thus they're stupid.

These are ALL justifications made by the OP in this very thread...and where did he get these notions? Did he interview people? Did he conduct surveys? 


He just made it up. He sees some black people in his neighborhood...they MUST be up to no good.

I don't have a problem addressing crime in and of itself and the real root of it, which is poverty, but don't use this soap box to proclaim how little you know about how others live and how society affects them.

The OP would rather those poor people fester amongst themselves and keep their icky melanated hands to themselves.
Troy Police have arrested and charged one of two men in an armed robbery at The Somerset Collection over Memorial Day weekend.

The incident occurred at 5:23 p.m. Sunday when Robertson and another suspect allegedly robbed a male and female shopper at gunpoint as they were leaving the True Religion  store, according to a Troy Police media release.

Kereim Jwron Robertson, 18, of Detroit was arrested and charged Tuesday with two counts of armed robbery and one count each of felony firearm, possession of a firearm in commission of a felony and resisting and obstructing a police officer.|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE
A shoplifter in Troy grabbed more than $6,200 in Louis Vuitton items in a bold theft at the Somerset Collection, according to police.

The man – about 30 years old and wearing a T-shirt, baseball hat and jeans – asked a clerk in the store several questions about various handbags at about 4:45 p.m. Friday, according to a report issued by Troy Police. The man then grabbed four handbags and a belt valued at $6,205 and ran. He was not caught, and the case remains under investigation. [Note: My buddy works next door, the shoplifter was African American.]
A thief made off with a $45,400 Cartier watch from Saks Fifth Avenue in the Somerset Collection, Troy police said today.

It was the second theft of an expensive Cartier accessory from the Troy mall, off West Big Beaver, in the last week.

The watch theft occurred just after 7 p.m. last Tuesday when a Saks employee was showing the watch to a man, police said. The man grabbed the watch out of the employee’s hand and ran from the store.

The thief was described as black, in his teens to early 20s, 5 feet, 6 inches tall, 140 pounds and had a short crew cut. He was wearing a black short-sleeved polo shirt, dark blue jeans and dark tennis shoes.
A new yorker told me once, "why the *(#k do you think people are racist?"

Things like these make sense. A lot of people here do not involve themselves in the hood, or in such neighborhoods to understand. The stupid violent crap that still goes on is heavily linked to certain demographics. It's the truth, and you can argue all you want about it, but facts are fact.
And this makes all the difference.

OP is using this platform to promote and encourage others to adopt his bigoted and poorly researched views on black people as a whole. 

Black males don't have fathers, thus they steal.

Black males don't have degrees, thus they shoot.

Black males don't have jobs, thus they kill.

Black people post pics on instagram, thus they're stupid.

These are ALL justifications made by the OP in this very thread...and where did he get these notions? Did he interview people? Did he conduct surveys? 


He just made it up. He sees some black people in his neighborhood...they MUST be up to no good.

I don't have a problem addressing crime in and of itself and the real root of it, which is poverty, but don't use this soap box to proclaim how little you know about how others live and how society affects them.

The OP would rather those poor people fester amongst themselves and keep their icky melanated hands to themselves.
Troy Police have arrested and charged one of two men in an armed robbery at The Somerset Collection over Memorial Day weekend.

The incident occurred at 5:23 p.m. Sunday when Robertson and another suspect allegedly robbed a male and female shopper at gunpoint as they were leaving the True Religion  store, according to a Troy Police media release.

Kereim Jwron Robertson, 18, of Detroit was arrested and charged Tuesday with two counts of armed robbery and one count each of felony firearm, possession of a firearm in commission of a felony and resisting and obstructing a police officer.|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE
A shoplifter in Troy grabbed more than $6,200 in Louis Vuitton items in a bold theft at the Somerset Collection, according to police.

The man – about 30 years old and wearing a T-shirt, baseball hat and jeans – asked a clerk in the store several questions about various handbags at about 4:45 p.m. Friday, according to a report issued by Troy Police. The man then grabbed four handbags and a belt valued at $6,205 and ran. He was not caught, and the case remains under investigation. [Note: My buddy works next door, the shoplifter was African American.]
A thief made off with a $45,400 Cartier watch from Saks Fifth Avenue in the Somerset Collection, Troy police said today.

It was the second theft of an expensive Cartier accessory from the Troy mall, off West Big Beaver, in the last week.

The watch theft occurred just after 7 p.m. last Tuesday when a Saks employee was showing the watch to a man, police said. The man grabbed the watch out of the employee’s hand and ran from the store.

The thief was described as black, in his teens to early 20s, 5 feet, 6 inches tall, 140 pounds and had a short crew cut. He was wearing a black short-sleeved polo shirt, dark blue jeans and dark tennis shoes.
You've already quoted these incidents.

Whats your point?

Do you want to fix and understand the source of crime (POVERTY) or complain that melanin and instagram are the problem?
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