Arian Foster Let It Be Known That He Is A Non-Believer

I think the argument goes like this.

Atheists do horrible things. But it's just a coincidence that they are Atheist. Atheism wasn't the REASON they did such thing. It's just because they're bad people.

Whereas religion is used as a REASON to do something.

For example, something like hate/want for revenge isn't an atheist motive, it's .. idk, a human motive?

Like if an atheist dude kills a man because he was smashing his wife, one of his reasons could be revenge. Is revenge atheistic in nature? No. It's a human response.

An atheist is just an non believer in God

By killing the man, he is giving in to his God less human nature.

Is that man wrong to kill the other man?

No. By killing the man he's giving in to his want for revenge.

Look, the same thing can be said for someone that is a religious.

Dude that's religious kills man that's smashing his wife. He kills him because he wants revenge/he hates him - a human response. Motives like this aren't strictly religious or atheist in nature.
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no personal attacks pls 

your god less human nature is showing 
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This is what I've been wondering 
. How are Atheists supposed to act? Like barbarians as insinuated? 
If there isn't a God or at least conscious universal intent for man then i really don't see why of all the species on earth Man is supposed to be the steward of the earth and the only fully sapient creature. Atheist should do whatever pleases them because why not? you're just going to die and thats it. People have already transcended their biology, they choose whether they want to reproduce and they choose their sex based on preference. some people say helping others makes them feel good and thats wonderful. But that doesn't provide any backing for making laws based on what you feel is moral and not natural. why is the drinking age so high...? why do I have to wear a seatbelt..? why can't I hunt and eat endangered species.?  why cant I go melt both icecaps at the poles?  people came up with social contract to be civilized to some extent but you cant force a social contract on me on the basis of this works better for everyone without a higher determination of what better is..

no god? why not go into the courtroom and lie? swear on a bible to tell the truth? or what? Someone gonna hurl a lightning bolt at me?  
Totally untrue?

"I shouldn't punch you in the face, because god said no. Buuuuuuuut, if I do, Jesus died for my forgiveness."

"I shouldn't punch you in the face, because I know how that would feel, and I wouldn't like that if it were done to me."

Who you trusting, dude?

I do not trust that first person. AT ALL. This is real talk. That's a philosophy I live with in real life. You tell me you're religious, I don't trust you, because I know forgiveness is your fallback. Atheists have no forgiveness eraser, and no reward of a fake heaven they're trying to keep in mind.
what happens when person 2 becomes powerful enough not to worry about retaliation from anyone. maybe a nation wouldn't like being bombed but the US does it at will with no fear of consequence. power is absolute in a world with no God. The Lion doesn't stop and say I've eaten too many gazelle today.. as king of the jungle i need to preserve the species. If humans operated under the law of the jungle rather than that of religion, everything would be destroyed. "Eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind"
No. By killing the man he's giving in to his want for revenge.

Look, the same thing can be said for someone that is a religious.

Dude that's religious kills man that's smashing his wife. He kills him because he wants revenge/he hates him - a human response. Motives like this aren't strictly religious or atheist in nature.
If he is deeply religious then he should be striving to be as God would be.. if his God is merciful he should have the power to overcome his human nature
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I think the argument goes like this.

Atheists do horrible things. But it's just a coincidence that they are Atheist. Atheism wasn't the REASON they did such thing. It's just because they're bad people.

Whereas religion is used as a REASON to do something.

For example, something like hate/want for revenge isn't an atheist motive, it's .. idk, a human motive?

Like if an atheist dude kills a man because he was smashing his wife, one of his reasons could be revenge. Is revenge atheistic in nature? No. It's a human response.

An atheist is just an non believer in God

By killing the man, he is giving in to his God less human nature.

Is that man wrong to kill the other man?

No. By killing the man he's giving in to his want for revenge.

Look, the same thing can be said for someone that is a religious.

Dude that's religious kills man that's smashing his wife. He kills him because he wants revenge/he hates him - a human response. Motives like this aren't strictly religious or atheist in nature.

Is that human response right or wrong?
[quote name="youngwolf"]Are you saying person two can't be religious?[/quote]Nah, someone could certainly be religious and also motivated by their feelings of empathy.

It's just that in my experience, that is a RARE breed.

I'm also aware that there are FAR more religious people who would like to think they are motivated more by empathy/being good to their fellow man based on how they want their fellow man to treat them than there are ACTUAL religious people who fit that description.

In reality, there are literally millions of religious people who think they are motivated by empathy when in reality, if a new text was unearthed that was sacred to their religion and proven to be authentic and it said "Red haired people must be mocked and ultimately scalped", it would be curtains for Conan O'brian.
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This is what I've been wondering 
. How are Atheists supposed to act? Like barbarians as insinuated? 
If there isn't a God or at least conscious universal intent for man then i really don't see why of all the species on earth Man is supposed to be the steward of the earth and the only fully sapient creature. Atheist should do whatever pleases them because why not? you're just going to die and thats it. People have already transcended their biology, they choose whether they want to reproduce and they choose their sex based on preference. some people say helping others makes them feel good and thats wonderful. But that doesn't provide any backing for making laws based on what you feel is moral and not natural. why is the drinking age so high...? why do I have to wear a seatbelt..? why can't I hunt and eat endangered species.?  why cant I go melt both icecaps at the poles?  people came up with social contract to be civilized to some extent but you cant force a social contract on me on the basis of this works better for everyone without a higher determination of what better is..

no god? why not go into the courtroom and lie? swear on a bible to tell the truth? or what? Someone gonna hurl a lightning bolt at me?  
Totally untrue?

"I shouldn't punch you in the face, because god said no. Buuuuuuuut, if I do, Jesus died for my forgiveness."

"I shouldn't punch you in the face, because I know how that would feel, and I wouldn't like that if it were done to me."

Who you trusting, dude?

I do not trust that first person. AT ALL. This is real talk. That's a philosophy I live with in real life. You tell me you're religious, I don't trust you, because I know forgiveness is your fallback. Atheists have no forgiveness eraser, and no reward of a fake heaven they're trying to keep in mind.
what happens when person 2 becomes powerful enough not to worry about retaliation from anyone. maybe a nation wouldn't like being bombed but the US does it at will with no fear of consequence. power is absolute in a world with no God. The Lion doesn't stop and say I've eaten too many gazelle today.. as king of the jungle i need to preserve the species. If humans operated under the law of the jungle rather than that of religion, everything would be destroyed. "Eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind"
you are implying that in a world where everyone was atheist, humanity would destroy the world. why do you think this?

it seems like most of the people on the leading edge of science and environmental conservation are atheists. conservative christians are the biggest reason so many americans dont believe in global warming

there is no god to fall back on, no god to snap his fingers and fix our problems. that is why it is our goal as a human race to work to find solutions to the many problems we are having around the world, because if we dont do it no one else will.
[quote name="Mister Friendly"][quote name="Nawzlew"]I think the argument goes like this.

Atheists do horrible things. But it's just a coincidence that they are Atheist. Atheism wasn't the REASON they did such thing. It's just because they're bad people.

Whereas religion is used as a REASON to do something.[/quote]

:lol: Yep

As if non believe cant motive someone as much as believe could[/quote]It... can't. :\

"I believe god gave me this land! I will take it by killing anyone on it!"

"I don't believe there is a god to give me this land. I will..."

I mean, I don't even know how to finish that. :\ If he doesn't believe, he has no motivation to act according to his beliefs.

"I believe god said gay is bad. I will protest gay marriage!"

"I do not believe there is a god to say gay is bad. I will protest gay marriage because..."

? :\

With belief being the motive, no belief = ?

That's why everyone with no belief can't engage war because if they're belief.

Sure, you can run with "I have no god to answer to, so I will rape", but that's not MOTIVATED BY BELIEF, and that's what they were talking about.
is someone who thinks "i would totally murder this guy but i wont because god would not be happy" a good person? 
[quote name="Mister Friendly"][quote name="Nawzlew"]I think the argument goes like this.

Atheists do horrible things. But it's just a coincidence that they are Atheist. Atheism wasn't the REASON they did such thing. It's just because they're bad people.

Whereas religion is used as a REASON to do something.

:lol: Yep

As if non believe cant motive someone as much as believe could[/quote]It... can't. :\

"I believe god gave me this land! I will take it by killing anyone on it!"

"I don't believe there is a god to give me this land. I will..."

I mean, I don't even know how to finish that. :\ If he doesn't believe, he has no motivation to act according to his beliefs.

"I believe god said gay is bad. I will protest gay marriage!"


? :\

With belief being the motive, no belief = ?

That's why everyone with no belief can't engage war because if they're belief.

Sure, you can run with "I have no god to answer to, so I will rape", but that's not MOTIVATED BY BELIEF, and that's what they were talking about.[/quote]

"I don't believe there is a God to give me this land. I will kill whoever steps foot on this land as I see fit"

"I do not believe there is a God to say gay is bad. I will protest gay marriage because, it makes me feel uncomfortable in my worldly view of what masculinity is"

Regarding beliefs...Why are you in this thread?

Why are you in alot threads regarding religion?

What motives you to participate in those threads?
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Another dumb question for atheists...Does your life have a purpose?

for me its finding solutions to environmental issues and changing education 
If you cant accomplish those goals. will your life be meaningless?
if i'm alive im going to be working to accomplish whatever goals i set for myself

so my life will always be meaningful

if i stop working towards my goals then my life would be meaningless

if i die without accomplishing any of my goals that would suck but I'll be too dead to feel bad about it 
[quote name="Mister Friendly"][quote name="DarthSka"][quote name="Mister Friendly"][quote name="Nawzlew"]I think the argument goes like this.

Atheists do horrible things. But it's just a coincidence that they are Atheist. Atheism wasn't the REASON they did such thing. It's just because they're bad people.

Whereas religion is used as a REASON to do something.[/quote]

:lol: Yep

As if non believe cant motive someone as much as believe could[/quote]It... can't. :\

"I believe god gave me this land! I will take it by killing anyone on it!"

"I don't believe there is a god to give me this land. I will..."

I mean, I don't even know how to finish that. :\ If he doesn't believe, he has no motivation to act according to his beliefs.

"I believe god said gay is bad. I will protest gay marriage!"


? :\

With belief being the motive, no belief = ?

That's why everyone with no belief can't engage war because if they're belief.

Sure, you can run with "I have no god to answer to, so I will rape", but that's not MOTIVATED BY BELIEF, and that's what they were talking about.[/quote]"I don't believe there is a God to give me this land. I will kill whoever steps foot on this land as I see fit"

"I do not believe there is a God to say gay is bad. I will protest gay marriage because, it makes me feel uncomfortable in my worldly view of what masculinity is" [/quote]My man...

... look at the motives YOU even gave in your hypothetical atheist reasonings.

"I will kill whoever steps foot on this land as I see fit"


"I will kill because it is in line with god" IS THE MOTIVE; god IS the motive.

"I will kill as I see fit" means the self is the motive, and that's something anyone can do.

Save with "Because it makes me uncomfortable."

But only a believer can have their BELIEF be the motive. A non-believer is ultimately just being selfish.

So a believer can have their belief be a guide for inhumane acts, and also their own selfishness.

A non-believer only has their own selfishness.
what positive traits and values do christians have that atheists are incapable of having?
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