Are whites racially oppressed? A CNN Article.

If Whites are losing, then who's winning? Because I ain't winning.

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No Charlie Sheen
Originally Posted by likethematrix

ok im stupid right?

can anyone name the owners and CEOs of hmm lets say the top 5: music companies, entertainment companies, news networks? 
Its ok. I'll wait.

Zuckerberg. Maloof. ring any bells. come on now.

whites only have a voice nowadays. people(and by people i mean jobs and related things) give black people more cause they think they will get brownie points from God and Country for helping a negro out as repayment for being mean all those years. and also they want everyone to know for sure that they are not racist. they love black people. look how many i hired.

Im not saying

whites raised the bar so high for themselves that in order for them to be a success they have to do some crazy %!#*.
white millionaire = so what.
black millionaire = Oprah interview, book tour, dinner with Obama and Beyonce.

its messed up cause the generation of today has to pay for the mistakes of the generation of the past.

this is basically it, everybody is struggling in this economy and the second white people experience some adversity they start pointing fingers. it's a recurring theme in human history, i hope it ends well.
Originally Posted by likethematrix

ok im stupid right?

can anyone name the owners and CEOs of hmm lets say the top 5: music companies, entertainment companies, news networks? 
Its ok. I'll wait.

Zuckerberg. Maloof. ring any bells. come on now.

whites only have a voice nowadays. people(and by people i mean jobs and related things) give black people more cause they think they will get brownie points from God and Country for helping a negro out as repayment for being mean all those years. and also they want everyone to know for sure that they are not racist. they love black people. look how many i hired.

Im not saying

whites raised the bar so high for themselves that in order for them to be a success they have to do some crazy %!#*.
white millionaire = so what.
black millionaire = Oprah interview, book tour, dinner with Obama and Beyonce.

its messed up cause the generation of today has to pay for the mistakes of the generation of the past.

this is basically it, everybody is struggling in this economy and the second white people experience some adversity they start pointing fingers. it's a recurring theme in human history, i hope it ends well.
Originally Posted by jrdnsrnss

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Oppressed? hell no...
Discriminated against by many minority individuals? yes... (notice i said Individuals rather than group)

for example the term "white boy" pisses me the @#$% off..."look at him, he's such a white boy 
" is something i hear/see everyday. I know some people do this because they're lashing back at discrimination they themselves faced, but still...
I agree with this statement. Black people are always trying to preach lets end racism and this and that yet many individuals say stuff like white boy or whatever other remark there is to call a white guy. I understand that you may be upset at being victims of discrimination or racism but your not helping anything if you yourself say racial remarks. Be the bigger man and just walk away, i never let any remarks towards me get to me personally. I just tell myself this guy is uneducated and doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. I'm not about to get into a fight due to someone talking $*#% to me, i have nothing to prove to anyone by kicking some random dudes !%#, your just fueling there fire by lashing back.

im black and i can cosign this statement. i won't lie theres A LOT of ignorance in the black community, which doesn't help the issue of racism at all. however, with that said this country has been, and as far as the foreseeable future is concerned, will be institutionally structured (institutional racism) to benefit whites, and hold back minorities. there has def been progress, no question. but you need simply to turn on the TV, watch the news, and one can see which demographic is still getting F'd. and frankly, its sad. its 2011 and sumtimes i feel we slowly take steps backwards more than we do forward. is this to say that all whites are racist. HELL NO. Absolutely not, some of my closest friends are white...hell my gf is white (*charliesheen*sorry, winning) but everything im saying now even she'll cosign.

you're ignorant if you see otherwise
Originally Posted by jrdnsrnss

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Oppressed? hell no...
Discriminated against by many minority individuals? yes... (notice i said Individuals rather than group)

for example the term "white boy" pisses me the @#$% off..."look at him, he's such a white boy 
" is something i hear/see everyday. I know some people do this because they're lashing back at discrimination they themselves faced, but still...
I agree with this statement. Black people are always trying to preach lets end racism and this and that yet many individuals say stuff like white boy or whatever other remark there is to call a white guy. I understand that you may be upset at being victims of discrimination or racism but your not helping anything if you yourself say racial remarks. Be the bigger man and just walk away, i never let any remarks towards me get to me personally. I just tell myself this guy is uneducated and doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. I'm not about to get into a fight due to someone talking $*#% to me, i have nothing to prove to anyone by kicking some random dudes !%#, your just fueling there fire by lashing back.

im black and i can cosign this statement. i won't lie theres A LOT of ignorance in the black community, which doesn't help the issue of racism at all. however, with that said this country has been, and as far as the foreseeable future is concerned, will be institutionally structured (institutional racism) to benefit whites, and hold back minorities. there has def been progress, no question. but you need simply to turn on the TV, watch the news, and one can see which demographic is still getting F'd. and frankly, its sad. its 2011 and sumtimes i feel we slowly take steps backwards more than we do forward. is this to say that all whites are racist. HELL NO. Absolutely not, some of my closest friends are white...hell my gf is white (*charliesheen*sorry, winning) but everything im saying now even she'll cosign.

you're ignorant if you see otherwise
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

I was flabbergasted when they mentioned 'whiteness studies' coming to be in some colleges. As if whiteness isn't studied enough from K-12. SMFH.

There is a difference between learning about a country that has a predominantly white history and "whiteness studies." Yes, there might be a lack of education on African-Americans, but its not like they made the U.S. History up and made everyone white. The reality is, most of the people were white....U.S. History and "Whiteness Studies" are not even close to being the same thing.

As far as what the main point of the article, I am not going to waste my time.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

I was flabbergasted when they mentioned 'whiteness studies' coming to be in some colleges. As if whiteness isn't studied enough from K-12. SMFH.

There is a difference between learning about a country that has a predominantly white history and "whiteness studies." Yes, there might be a lack of education on African-Americans, but its not like they made the U.S. History up and made everyone white. The reality is, most of the people were white....U.S. History and "Whiteness Studies" are not even close to being the same thing.

As far as what the main point of the article, I am not going to waste my time.
its a issue of old cultural morals that were a way of life for a long time ago. Times are changing and people stuck to the old ways are having a hard time removing their mouth from the teet that fed them for so long.

racism has beautifully carved up the world for the taking for so many hundreds of years and thats why it is perpetuated. because it simply works.
its a issue of old cultural morals that were a way of life for a long time ago. Times are changing and people stuck to the old ways are having a hard time removing their mouth from the teet that fed them for so long.

racism has beautifully carved up the world for the taking for so many hundreds of years and thats why it is perpetuated. because it simply works.
... oh yeah.

[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Obama, Zuckerberg, Valerie Jarrett (whitehouse advisor), **** Costolo (Twitter CEO), Carol Bartz (Yahoo CEO), John Hennessey (Stanford Pres.), Reed Hastings (Netflix CEO), Larry Ellison (Oracle CEO), John Doerr (VC, who's house they were in), John Chambers (Cisco CEO), Art Levinson (Genentech/Roche board of directors), Eric Schmidt (Google CEO), Ann Doerr (wife of John), Steve Westly (VC), Steve Jobs (Apple CEO)[/font]

[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]oppression[/font]

[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif][/font]

[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]
... oh yeah.

[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Obama, Zuckerberg, Valerie Jarrett (whitehouse advisor), **** Costolo (Twitter CEO), Carol Bartz (Yahoo CEO), John Hennessey (Stanford Pres.), Reed Hastings (Netflix CEO), Larry Ellison (Oracle CEO), John Doerr (VC, who's house they were in), John Chambers (Cisco CEO), Art Levinson (Genentech/Roche board of directors), Eric Schmidt (Google CEO), Ann Doerr (wife of John), Steve Westly (VC), Steve Jobs (Apple CEO)[/font]

[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]oppression[/font]

[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif][/font]

[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif]
Originally Posted by pacmagic2002

Everybody will be the exact same color by the year 3000............guaranteed!!!!!!!!

Personally, I find the idea of that boring. I like a variety of flavor in my life.
Originally Posted by pacmagic2002

Everybody will be the exact same color by the year 3000............guaranteed!!!!!!!!

Personally, I find the idea of that boring. I like a variety of flavor in my life.
Originally Posted by likethematrix

ok im stupid right?

can anyone name the owners and CEOs of hmm lets say the top 5: music companies, entertainment companies, news networks? 
Its ok. I'll wait.

Zuckerberg. Maloof. ring any bells. come on now.

whites only have a voice nowadays. people(and by people i mean jobs and related things) give black people more cause they think they will get brownie points from God and Country for helping a negro out as repayment for being mean all those years. and also they want everyone to know for sure that they are not racist. they love black people. look how many i hired.

Im not saying

whites raised the bar so high for themselves that in order for them to be a success they have to do some crazy %!#*.
white millionaire = so what.
black millionaire = Oprah interview, book tour, dinner with Obama and Beyonce.

its messed up cause the generation of today has to pay for the mistakes of the generation of the past.
You may not be stupid but you are damn sure ignorant.  No Black people don't get more.  I'll give you an example, there is still a huge disparity in the number of minorities in the front offices in the NFL.  Maybe you hire more Black people, but in general it is not the norm. 

There is a high likelihood that the white millionaire came from a privileged background so it doesn't impress people when you have a guy who was tops in his class at an Ivy League school that became a millionaire.

Many Black millionaires have not come from privileged backgrounds so it's a bigger deal to have someone who grew up poor that became a millionaire.  It also helps the privileged people keep poorer people complacent by sending the message that "one poor guy became a millionaire, you can do it too, the American dream is possible"
Originally Posted by likethematrix

ok im stupid right?

can anyone name the owners and CEOs of hmm lets say the top 5: music companies, entertainment companies, news networks? 
Its ok. I'll wait.

Zuckerberg. Maloof. ring any bells. come on now.

whites only have a voice nowadays. people(and by people i mean jobs and related things) give black people more cause they think they will get brownie points from God and Country for helping a negro out as repayment for being mean all those years. and also they want everyone to know for sure that they are not racist. they love black people. look how many i hired.

Im not saying

whites raised the bar so high for themselves that in order for them to be a success they have to do some crazy %!#*.
white millionaire = so what.
black millionaire = Oprah interview, book tour, dinner with Obama and Beyonce.

its messed up cause the generation of today has to pay for the mistakes of the generation of the past.
You may not be stupid but you are damn sure ignorant.  No Black people don't get more.  I'll give you an example, there is still a huge disparity in the number of minorities in the front offices in the NFL.  Maybe you hire more Black people, but in general it is not the norm. 

There is a high likelihood that the white millionaire came from a privileged background so it doesn't impress people when you have a guy who was tops in his class at an Ivy League school that became a millionaire.

Many Black millionaires have not come from privileged backgrounds so it's a bigger deal to have someone who grew up poor that became a millionaire.  It also helps the privileged people keep poorer people complacent by sending the message that "one poor guy became a millionaire, you can do it too, the American dream is possible"
Originally Posted by i just got lucky




im dying lol

i came in here to be serious and this made me realize the truth about everything.

*@#@ ALL THIS @@$#. i dont even care bout none of this. and neither should any of you. cause no matter what you do, things will be the same till you die. the end.
Originally Posted by i just got lucky




im dying lol

i came in here to be serious and this made me realize the truth about everything.

*@#@ ALL THIS @@$#. i dont even care bout none of this. and neither should any of you. cause no matter what you do, things will be the same till you die. the end.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Race is only a part of the class struggle, although it plays a key role. Slavery created a standard illusion for whites, exploited for their labor, they were coerced into believing they were free in America on the basis of the institution of slavery in the south. White people have real gripes, and ironically its the same gripes that minorities have, the sooner white people realize that they are the victims of their own Eurocentric culture we'll make some collective progress.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Race is only a part of the class struggle, although it plays a key role. Slavery created a standard illusion for whites, exploited for their labor, they were coerced into believing they were free in America on the basis of the institution of slavery in the south. White people have real gripes, and ironically its the same gripes that minorities have, the sooner white people realize that they are the victims of their own Eurocentric culture we'll make some collective progress.
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