Are whites racially oppressed? A CNN Article.

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

I was flabbergasted when they mentioned 'whiteness studies' coming to be in some colleges. As if whiteness isn't studied enough from K-12. SMFH.

There is a difference between learning about a country that has a predominantly white history and "whiteness studies." Yes, there might be a lack of education on African-Americans, but its not like they made the U.S. History up and made everyone white. The reality is, most of the people were white....U.S. History and "Whiteness Studies" are not even close to being the same thing.

As far as what the main point of the article, I am not going to waste my time.
It's not even that. History itself is not objective, and being that it's taught exclusively from the lens of our own society (that should tell you enough), it can't be anything BUT whiteness studies. Not to mention the lack of inclusion of not just black, but Asian and Chicano perspectives as well. There weren't but a single chapter in my AP US History class, and we went through about 1 or 2 a week, and its a year long class.
Originally Posted by ddrtronco

When I saw this post I thought of this

funny thing I learned the other day...he's actually half Mexican. -- skip to 6:30
Tavis: Did I read - I'm sure I read this somewhere and I don't believe everything I read, but I think this is true. English is not your first language?

Louis C.K.: That's right. Spanish.

Tavis: How (laughter)? I don't mean how. I mean, I know how. I'm just like I never had any idea.

Louis C.K.: I'm curious what makes that so surprising to you.

Tavis: I mean, because you're - I guess it's the way that so many of us got introduced to you comedically. You know, it's possible, obviously. I just never thought of you - I don't know. I didn't process it that way.

Louis C.K.: Well, it's interesting. My dad is Mexican, so I'm Mexican. I'm half Mexican. It's always been interesting to me. It's been an interesting part of my life experience. Yeah, my dad was Mexican and moved here - well, he came here to go to summer school and met my mother, who's American.

But anyway, we lived there for a lot of years. I was born here, but we lived there from when I was like a baby until I was about seven years old and that's where still my grandmother and everybody in my whole family is there. But because of the way that I look, I wouldn't be pegged as a Mexican, which is interesting because I'm more Mexican than a lot of people that are known as Mexicans, you know.

There's a comedian named Carlos Mencia who's very famous for being Hispanic. He's Honduran, German, from California, never lived anywhere else but California. I lived in Mexico, my dad's Mexican, I have a Mexican passport, I have citizenship there.

Tavis: (Laughter) And you're writing Pootie Tang.

Louis C.K.: That's right.

Tavis: I think that's probably why it didn't connect for me.

Louis C.K.: Well, Mexico is - and I'm not trying to say this like you don't know anything, but what I understand is that Mexico is like here in terms of racial makeup. There's a lot of white Mexicans. Actually, my dad's Jewish, Hungarian, Mexican. You know, Mexico is the land of immigrants like here, but they have more brown people because they didn't slaughter the Indians like we did, like they didn't do as thorough a job of genociding their Indians, so the face of the Mexican is more often brown.

Also, people experience Mexicans as that brown guy that comes over and works in my house, or whatever it is. They don't realize that they're surrounded by millions of white Mexicans and also a lot of white Mexicans who stay in Mexico because they're having a great time because white people went everywhere.

Tavis: So the moral of the story is that we're surrounded by Louis C.K.s that we know not of.

Louis C.K.: That's right. Lot of white Mexicans. My cousins all look like me, but they don't speak English.
Originally Posted by ddrtronco

When I saw this post I thought of this

funny thing I learned the other day...he's actually half Mexican. -- skip to 6:30
Tavis: Did I read - I'm sure I read this somewhere and I don't believe everything I read, but I think this is true. English is not your first language?

Louis C.K.: That's right. Spanish.

Tavis: How (laughter)? I don't mean how. I mean, I know how. I'm just like I never had any idea.

Louis C.K.: I'm curious what makes that so surprising to you.

Tavis: I mean, because you're - I guess it's the way that so many of us got introduced to you comedically. You know, it's possible, obviously. I just never thought of you - I don't know. I didn't process it that way.

Louis C.K.: Well, it's interesting. My dad is Mexican, so I'm Mexican. I'm half Mexican. It's always been interesting to me. It's been an interesting part of my life experience. Yeah, my dad was Mexican and moved here - well, he came here to go to summer school and met my mother, who's American.

But anyway, we lived there for a lot of years. I was born here, but we lived there from when I was like a baby until I was about seven years old and that's where still my grandmother and everybody in my whole family is there. But because of the way that I look, I wouldn't be pegged as a Mexican, which is interesting because I'm more Mexican than a lot of people that are known as Mexicans, you know.

There's a comedian named Carlos Mencia who's very famous for being Hispanic. He's Honduran, German, from California, never lived anywhere else but California. I lived in Mexico, my dad's Mexican, I have a Mexican passport, I have citizenship there.

Tavis: (Laughter) And you're writing Pootie Tang.

Louis C.K.: That's right.

Tavis: I think that's probably why it didn't connect for me.

Louis C.K.: Well, Mexico is - and I'm not trying to say this like you don't know anything, but what I understand is that Mexico is like here in terms of racial makeup. There's a lot of white Mexicans. Actually, my dad's Jewish, Hungarian, Mexican. You know, Mexico is the land of immigrants like here, but they have more brown people because they didn't slaughter the Indians like we did, like they didn't do as thorough a job of genociding their Indians, so the face of the Mexican is more often brown.

Also, people experience Mexicans as that brown guy that comes over and works in my house, or whatever it is. They don't realize that they're surrounded by millions of white Mexicans and also a lot of white Mexicans who stay in Mexico because they're having a great time because white people went everywhere.

Tavis: So the moral of the story is that we're surrounded by Louis C.K.s that we know not of.

Louis C.K.: That's right. Lot of white Mexicans. My cousins all look like me, but they don't speak English.
I think the very existence of this article proves that there is no white oppression and that they are definitely still the majority. If you consider that whites still control a lot of the US, and given that, the existence of this article just shows that they don't understand true equality so much that any little sign of them losing the majority makes them feel like a . . . minority.
  Until you randomly flip through 10 national TV stations or pick 10 random fortune 500 CEOs and the break down you see of individuals are 2 Whites, 2 Black, 2 Asian, 2 Hispanic, 2 middle eastern, then I don't want to hear that whites are a minority.

Anyways, this article cracks me up. One comment posted at CNN couldn't have stated it better it was a joke saying something like, "One white businessman, one Black businessman, and one rich white CEO are sitting at a table with a dozen cookies. The rich white CEO grabs 11 of the cookies, and looks over to the white businessman and says hey that darkie is trying to take your cookie." 
FOX does this well.
I think the very existence of this article proves that there is no white oppression and that they are definitely still the majority. If you consider that whites still control a lot of the US, and given that, the existence of this article just shows that they don't understand true equality so much that any little sign of them losing the majority makes them feel like a . . . minority.
  Until you randomly flip through 10 national TV stations or pick 10 random fortune 500 CEOs and the break down you see of individuals are 2 Whites, 2 Black, 2 Asian, 2 Hispanic, 2 middle eastern, then I don't want to hear that whites are a minority.

Anyways, this article cracks me up. One comment posted at CNN couldn't have stated it better it was a joke saying something like, "One white businessman, one Black businessman, and one rich white CEO are sitting at a table with a dozen cookies. The rich white CEO grabs 11 of the cookies, and looks over to the white businessman and says hey that darkie is trying to take your cookie." 
FOX does this well.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Honestly, if I were white, I think I would be pissed off at the idea of minorities given things simply because they are minorities. Understandably so, since this nation was created with white in mind. But if I was qualified for a position/scholarship and a minority was given my spot for the sake of Affirmative Action/QUota, I would be pissed.

Just trying to look at it from another POV.

Don't Uncle Tom me. Just trying to offer a different perspective.

sotomayor addressed this very intelligently...

she said, and i paraphrase, "being a minority affords me a perspective no white person can experience"

being a minority in america DOES give you a level of perception that a white person in america simply can't grasp....period.

so when the white dude is 'cheated" out of a job because of a "quota" or whatever, you have to look at it like this..

as humans, you both are solid 8s for this position...

as a white male, your 8 is benefit off race in this country, so your 8 isn't the same as, say, this hispanic woman's 8.....

to explain even further...

for a hispanic woman to be "equal", a solid 8 like the white man's solid 8, she has to overcome even MORE...

let me continue...

(and yeah, ill make generalizations, but so what?)

white male, born in urban america (not even suburbs).....goes to a decent majority white school, gets decent grades. Gets into a decent state university, gets a bachelor's degree, works an internship, boom, now he's applying to the job

hispanic woman, born in urban america...goes to majority "minority" school, actually has a better GPA because 45 percent of her fellow students dont even come to school. Fights break up teaching DAILY. Her teachers have a criminal element to deal with in addition to preparing her for college. She graduates, top 5 percent of her class (which isnt hard because 45 percent failed). She applies to decent state university, gets a bachelors, works an internship, BOOM now she's applying to the job

statistically, the hispanic woman's odds of graduating high school are dramatically lower than the white guys....

so the white guy graduating isnt as "impressive" a feat as the hispanic woman graduating....

the state university has a quota of 6 percent of their student body must be also has a quota which keeps the white enrollment around 68 percent....

so getting into state university, again, is more impressive, at least statistically, for the hispanic woman than the white male...only 6 percent of her peers get in, where 68 percent of his peers get in...

going off statistics, again, white males have a higher graduation rate (statistically and whole raw numbers) than hispanic females, so graduation, again, is more impressive for the female here...

internships....much the same way. Im pretty sure women AND hispanics are hired far less than WHITES or MALES for internships or otherwise....

now comes the job.

im the HR person...

the white male is an 8

the hispanic female is an 8

who is more attractive to hire?

regardless of "diversity" and "quotas" and "affirmative action"

who's 8 is MORE impressive?

and, again, i'm not saying its RIGHT or WRONG, but it's REALITY

we live in a society that's entire structure is based upon race...priviledge and punishment.....for close to 500 years....

like dirty said, 50 years ago, WHEN MY MOTHER WAS A KID, there was still institutionalized racism...

now that things are FINALLY starting to SWING towards equality, its the end of the world...


many white people see the phrase "institutionalized racism" and honestly don't consider just how big the impact of it's implementation STILL IS TODAY IN 2011....

You think my moms had a shot at becoming more than a school teacher? and actually, its amazing that even happened.....pre-segregation, her only aspiration (pitched and realized) was hair school....

this is my moms....not my great great great great great anything...

this is the woman who raised me. She had a meaaaaaaan glass ceiling over her....and signs above her water fountains....

and 15 years of "quota" filling and "unfair affirmative action" has evened out the playing field?


all this crying about unfair quotas and affirmative action is hilarious to me...

if, you, white man, at an advantage in this country from the moment you're born, are even COMPARABLE to a minority? well, sir, you've failed. They didn't "take" your position, they're more attractive off top....a university is more interested in a black kid from the hood who got a 25 on his ACT than a white kid from the burbs who got a 26....

that's just reality. his 25 is more impressive. look at the statistics.

Originally Posted by Nawth21

Lol wut? We are? Since when

Whiteness studies

i knew i liked you.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Honestly, if I were white, I think I would be pissed off at the idea of minorities given things simply because they are minorities. Understandably so, since this nation was created with white in mind. But if I was qualified for a position/scholarship and a minority was given my spot for the sake of Affirmative Action/QUota, I would be pissed.

Just trying to look at it from another POV.

Don't Uncle Tom me. Just trying to offer a different perspective.

sotomayor addressed this very intelligently...

she said, and i paraphrase, "being a minority affords me a perspective no white person can experience"

being a minority in america DOES give you a level of perception that a white person in america simply can't grasp....period.

so when the white dude is 'cheated" out of a job because of a "quota" or whatever, you have to look at it like this..

as humans, you both are solid 8s for this position...

as a white male, your 8 is benefit off race in this country, so your 8 isn't the same as, say, this hispanic woman's 8.....

to explain even further...

for a hispanic woman to be "equal", a solid 8 like the white man's solid 8, she has to overcome even MORE...

let me continue...

(and yeah, ill make generalizations, but so what?)

white male, born in urban america (not even suburbs).....goes to a decent majority white school, gets decent grades. Gets into a decent state university, gets a bachelor's degree, works an internship, boom, now he's applying to the job

hispanic woman, born in urban america...goes to majority "minority" school, actually has a better GPA because 45 percent of her fellow students dont even come to school. Fights break up teaching DAILY. Her teachers have a criminal element to deal with in addition to preparing her for college. She graduates, top 5 percent of her class (which isnt hard because 45 percent failed). She applies to decent state university, gets a bachelors, works an internship, BOOM now she's applying to the job

statistically, the hispanic woman's odds of graduating high school are dramatically lower than the white guys....

so the white guy graduating isnt as "impressive" a feat as the hispanic woman graduating....

the state university has a quota of 6 percent of their student body must be also has a quota which keeps the white enrollment around 68 percent....

so getting into state university, again, is more impressive, at least statistically, for the hispanic woman than the white male...only 6 percent of her peers get in, where 68 percent of his peers get in...

going off statistics, again, white males have a higher graduation rate (statistically and whole raw numbers) than hispanic females, so graduation, again, is more impressive for the female here...

internships....much the same way. Im pretty sure women AND hispanics are hired far less than WHITES or MALES for internships or otherwise....

now comes the job.

im the HR person...

the white male is an 8

the hispanic female is an 8

who is more attractive to hire?

regardless of "diversity" and "quotas" and "affirmative action"

who's 8 is MORE impressive?

and, again, i'm not saying its RIGHT or WRONG, but it's REALITY

we live in a society that's entire structure is based upon race...priviledge and punishment.....for close to 500 years....

like dirty said, 50 years ago, WHEN MY MOTHER WAS A KID, there was still institutionalized racism...

now that things are FINALLY starting to SWING towards equality, its the end of the world...


many white people see the phrase "institutionalized racism" and honestly don't consider just how big the impact of it's implementation STILL IS TODAY IN 2011....

You think my moms had a shot at becoming more than a school teacher? and actually, its amazing that even happened.....pre-segregation, her only aspiration (pitched and realized) was hair school....

this is my moms....not my great great great great great anything...

this is the woman who raised me. She had a meaaaaaaan glass ceiling over her....and signs above her water fountains....

and 15 years of "quota" filling and "unfair affirmative action" has evened out the playing field?


all this crying about unfair quotas and affirmative action is hilarious to me...

if, you, white man, at an advantage in this country from the moment you're born, are even COMPARABLE to a minority? well, sir, you've failed. They didn't "take" your position, they're more attractive off top....a university is more interested in a black kid from the hood who got a 25 on his ACT than a white kid from the burbs who got a 26....

that's just reality. his 25 is more impressive. look at the statistics.

Originally Posted by Nawth21

Lol wut? We are? Since when

Whiteness studies

i knew i liked you.
Originally Posted by LarryDavidSwag

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Honestly, if I were white, I think I would be pissed off at the idea of minorities given things simply because they are minorities. Understandably so, since this nation was created with white in mind. But if I was qualified for a position/scholarship and a minority was given my spot for the sake of Affirmative Action/QUota, I would be pissed.

Just trying to look at it from another POV.

Don't Uncle Tom me. Just trying to offer a different perspective.

sotomayor addressed this very intelligently...
Don't forget that the HR person, heck even the CEO is probably white, so if not needing to fill the quota they would probably pick the white person over the minority. It's about connections right? That's what everyone says, so I don't understand why white people can't understand the need for affirmative action. Is not like these minorities being hired are not qualified they are just as qualified both 8s but they choose the minority because they had less opportunity and is more impressive.

Plain and simple, If there is one position available at a top fortune 500 company and the CEO is a white guy who's family was already established and in the same business field so it wasn't hard for him to get the job since he had connections. He is hiring one guy to fill in a position and there are 2 qualified candidates 1 white guy and 1 black guy. But, the thing is the white guys is a friend of the family of the CEO, who do you think is going to get the job?

White people already have these connections and networks from when they are born. Minorities do not, and if its all about networking and connections, then why can't you understand that minorities need some help to get established just as you did. It wasn't long ago that individuals were segregated by race, and all before then whites have had that time to get established. Us minorities did not get that time because we were being oppressed.
Originally Posted by LarryDavidSwag

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Honestly, if I were white, I think I would be pissed off at the idea of minorities given things simply because they are minorities. Understandably so, since this nation was created with white in mind. But if I was qualified for a position/scholarship and a minority was given my spot for the sake of Affirmative Action/QUota, I would be pissed.

Just trying to look at it from another POV.

Don't Uncle Tom me. Just trying to offer a different perspective.

sotomayor addressed this very intelligently...
Don't forget that the HR person, heck even the CEO is probably white, so if not needing to fill the quota they would probably pick the white person over the minority. It's about connections right? That's what everyone says, so I don't understand why white people can't understand the need for affirmative action. Is not like these minorities being hired are not qualified they are just as qualified both 8s but they choose the minority because they had less opportunity and is more impressive.

Plain and simple, If there is one position available at a top fortune 500 company and the CEO is a white guy who's family was already established and in the same business field so it wasn't hard for him to get the job since he had connections. He is hiring one guy to fill in a position and there are 2 qualified candidates 1 white guy and 1 black guy. But, the thing is the white guys is a friend of the family of the CEO, who do you think is going to get the job?

White people already have these connections and networks from when they are born. Minorities do not, and if its all about networking and connections, then why can't you understand that minorities need some help to get established just as you did. It wasn't long ago that individuals were segregated by race, and all before then whites have had that time to get established. Us minorities did not get that time because we were being oppressed.
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

White people already have these connections and networks from when they are born.

well, see, you're being nice.

those "connections" and "networks" were established through INSTITUTIONALIZED RACISM AND OPPRESSION.

check it, why arent there many black CEOs? cause @*!@%@ is crazy and stupid?

naw, cause before 150 years ago, black people werent even LEGALLY allowed to learn how to read....

not that they would rather steal watermelons, or that they were too busy picking cotton by force.....not that they arent smart enough....there was LAW that made it ILLEGAL for them to even READ

150 years ago, white americans were establishing titan coprorations and buying huge vast quantities of land...

while it was illegal for black people to even read....

so, in 2011, if you're a white guy with a 500 year headstart and its even up for DISCUSSION if you should get the job over the black've already lost.

sorry, tough cookies, but that's reality in this country.

you have a systematically oppressed people that are recieving a laughable amount of "justice" and people have issues with it?

this country's corporate climate was formed in a landscape which made it illegal for black people to even be educated...

150+ years later, after the american corporate structure has been established and flourished by 100 percent white people, they have the nerve to say they're being oppressed or affirmative action is unfair?


black men were given death by lynching sentences from all white juries and you're over here *****ing about AFFIRMATIVE ACTION!?!?!?!??!

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

White people already have these connections and networks from when they are born.

well, see, you're being nice.

those "connections" and "networks" were established through INSTITUTIONALIZED RACISM AND OPPRESSION.

check it, why arent there many black CEOs? cause @*!@%@ is crazy and stupid?

naw, cause before 150 years ago, black people werent even LEGALLY allowed to learn how to read....

not that they would rather steal watermelons, or that they were too busy picking cotton by force.....not that they arent smart enough....there was LAW that made it ILLEGAL for them to even READ

150 years ago, white americans were establishing titan coprorations and buying huge vast quantities of land...

while it was illegal for black people to even read....

so, in 2011, if you're a white guy with a 500 year headstart and its even up for DISCUSSION if you should get the job over the black've already lost.

sorry, tough cookies, but that's reality in this country.

you have a systematically oppressed people that are recieving a laughable amount of "justice" and people have issues with it?

this country's corporate climate was formed in a landscape which made it illegal for black people to even be educated...

150+ years later, after the american corporate structure has been established and flourished by 100 percent white people, they have the nerve to say they're being oppressed or affirmative action is unfair?


black men were given death by lynching sentences from all white juries and you're over here *****ing about AFFIRMATIVE ACTION!?!?!?!??!

Originally Posted by LarryDavidSwag

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

White people already have these connections and networks from when they are born.

well, see, you're being nice.

those "connections" and "networks" were established through INSTITUTIONALIZED RACISM AND OPPRESSION.

check it, why arent there many black CEOs? cause @*!@%@ is crazy and stupid?

naw, cause before 150 years ago, black people werent even LEGALLY allowed to learn how to read....

not that they would rather steal watermelons, or that they were too busy picking cotton by force.....not that they arent smart enough....there was LAW that made it ILLEGAL for them to even READ

150 years ago, white americans were establishing titan coprorations and buying huge vast quantities of land...

while it was illegal for black people to even read....

so, in 2011, if you're a white guy with a 500 year headstart and its even up for DISCUSSION if you should get the job over the black've already lost.

sorry, tough cookies, but that's reality in this country.

you have a systematically oppressed people that are recieving a laughable amount of "justice" and people have issues with it?

this country's corporate climate was formed in a landscape which made it illegal for black people to even be educated...

150+ years later, after the american corporate structure has been established and flourished by 100 percent white people, they have the nerve to say they're being oppressed or affirmative action is unfair?


black men were given death by lynching sentences from all white juries and you're over here *****ing about AFFIRMATIVE ACTION!?!?!?!??!


Originally Posted by LarryDavidSwag

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

White people already have these connections and networks from when they are born.

well, see, you're being nice.

those "connections" and "networks" were established through INSTITUTIONALIZED RACISM AND OPPRESSION.

check it, why arent there many black CEOs? cause @*!@%@ is crazy and stupid?

naw, cause before 150 years ago, black people werent even LEGALLY allowed to learn how to read....

not that they would rather steal watermelons, or that they were too busy picking cotton by force.....not that they arent smart enough....there was LAW that made it ILLEGAL for them to even READ

150 years ago, white americans were establishing titan coprorations and buying huge vast quantities of land...

while it was illegal for black people to even read....

so, in 2011, if you're a white guy with a 500 year headstart and its even up for DISCUSSION if you should get the job over the black've already lost.

sorry, tough cookies, but that's reality in this country.

you have a systematically oppressed people that are recieving a laughable amount of "justice" and people have issues with it?

this country's corporate climate was formed in a landscape which made it illegal for black people to even be educated...

150+ years later, after the american corporate structure has been established and flourished by 100 percent white people, they have the nerve to say they're being oppressed or affirmative action is unfair?


black men were given death by lynching sentences from all white juries and you're over here *****ing about AFFIRMATIVE ACTION!?!?!?!??!


Co-sign ^^

Back in the day, when I was in HS and didn't know any better (Asian by the way) I subscribed to the anti-affirmative action tip. But then I got out of the house and to college and saw a lot of that stuff happening. And thought those same kind of thoughts. Whites do have a big headstart over any minority.

Even if you don't look at the knowledge angle (i.e. immigrants), consider the financial foundations. Some immigrants and most refugees come over here to start fresh and don't have jack to their name. Blacks and other minorities became part of normal society how long ago? Less than a century ago, that's barely a couple of generations. And through those periods, the window for accumulating wealth has only just started to grow larger. So minority families not only have to get past the racial perceptions from a white dominated society, they also have to get past the fact that whatever their generation has now is all they got to work with. Their grandparents in most cases didn't have the resources or opportunity to have made investments that could be passed down to them. And they're usually the first ones to be going to college so it's up to them to start from scratch essentially.
Co-sign ^^

Back in the day, when I was in HS and didn't know any better (Asian by the way) I subscribed to the anti-affirmative action tip. But then I got out of the house and to college and saw a lot of that stuff happening. And thought those same kind of thoughts. Whites do have a big headstart over any minority.

Even if you don't look at the knowledge angle (i.e. immigrants), consider the financial foundations. Some immigrants and most refugees come over here to start fresh and don't have jack to their name. Blacks and other minorities became part of normal society how long ago? Less than a century ago, that's barely a couple of generations. And through those periods, the window for accumulating wealth has only just started to grow larger. So minority families not only have to get past the racial perceptions from a white dominated society, they also have to get past the fact that whatever their generation has now is all they got to work with. Their grandparents in most cases didn't have the resources or opportunity to have made investments that could be passed down to them. And they're usually the first ones to be going to college so it's up to them to start from scratch essentially.
right. thats my point. there are entire lineages of minorities that didnt even finish middle school.

true, each individual DOES have to take on a part of the responsibility...

but BY AND LARGE, before 100 years ago, there was absolutely ZERO chance for these people...

like, if you're a 15 year old and you dont know a single person in your family back to slavery that even got into a college, let alone graduated.....what kinda odds are you fighting against to succeed?

whereas, youre a 15 year old and everyone in your family went to, graduated from and contribute to the same college......what kinda odds are you fighting against to succeed?

when i was a frosh...i head SO MANY WHITE KIDS CRYING ABOUT AA

"my friend didnt get into ohio state because they had to fill a quota for AA"

oh, you mean he wasnt in the top 69 percentile of white students admitted this year?


oh, he got into michigan, tho? oh, okay....

right. thats my point. there are entire lineages of minorities that didnt even finish middle school.

true, each individual DOES have to take on a part of the responsibility...

but BY AND LARGE, before 100 years ago, there was absolutely ZERO chance for these people...

like, if you're a 15 year old and you dont know a single person in your family back to slavery that even got into a college, let alone graduated.....what kinda odds are you fighting against to succeed?

whereas, youre a 15 year old and everyone in your family went to, graduated from and contribute to the same college......what kinda odds are you fighting against to succeed?

when i was a frosh...i head SO MANY WHITE KIDS CRYING ABOUT AA

"my friend didnt get into ohio state because they had to fill a quota for AA"

oh, you mean he wasnt in the top 69 percentile of white students admitted this year?


oh, he got into michigan, tho? oh, okay....

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