Another Religious Thread: If God is All-good, All-powerful, and All-knowing...

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

God is playing the SIMS with us, he chooses when to interfere when not to interfere.

God exist to you now? see you cant say he doessnt then comment about what he does and does not do.........."i dont believe in water, but man do i hate when it rains"

I was being SARCASTIC fam.....

Of Course
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

God is playing the SIMS with us, he chooses when to interfere when not to interfere.

God exist to you now? see you cant say he doessnt then comment about what he does and does not do.........."i dont believe in water, but man do i hate when it rains"

I was being SARCASTIC fam.....

Of Course
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by Mr Kuter


Mr Kuter wrote:

This world is quite obedient. Almost everyone plays a role.

How? somebody playing the "role" of terrorist is obedient because he's playing his role? or a rapist is being obedient by doing "what he

Small people out of the masses. Most people go to work. Have babies. Go to their religious center, tithe. Vote when its time. Have holidays around their
religious faiths. Go to school. Watch tv and movies. Listen to pop music. Most people are obedient. Most people aren't rapists.

so the small % dont count? and for the record it is far from a small ammount are prisons are packed and "evil" happends all over the place........what you call "obedient" is people just living thier lives and that was nothing to do with the fear of God, watch a man starve and see if he doessnt kill the next man for the last piece of bread......."god" isnt gonna keep him inline when that time comes

I never said they didnt man, I said MOST of the world is obedient. People "living" their life? Most people hate their lives. This world is asmisserabely as you say, because most people never actually do what it is they want to do....because they are obedient, to God, or their parents, or socialconstructs, etc etc.
Originally Posted by ACE BOMBER

I wasn't gonna add anything when I first clicked this thread but there are some seriously piss poor arguments against religion in here... (I don't "believe" btw)

The whole story that this thread was based on is a HORRIFIC example
A couple of yall are making some solid points though (Joe Camel and Galvelocity) I like to see/hear a good religious discussion where both sides can keep their cool and not start making personal attacks on the other side. It just really baffles me how many people believe in god. Not that it is a bad thing, I just personally could never do it. There is so much unknown that I can never look past... I'm gonna throw something out there that most of you, I would imagine, have already seen.� If you have not, I would appreciate responses from people who are christian to please tell me what goes through your mind when you see information like this... This movie has plenty of bs in different parts so I am just posting the first segment of the religion topic. Feel free to watch the second and third parts if you wish

Also, if anybody can disprove these claims I would love to hear it... (I'm really not trying to be sarcastic even though it may be coming across that way)
I understand.� But the claims made in this part of the film are easily proven false.�

Please check out this site with the quotes of historians: http://www.answertheskept...itgeist-fraud/2009/11/16

For more information, check out this video which methodically goes over all the claims Zeitgeist makes in Part 1:

Some of the similarities that do exist have explanations.� For example, the December 25th similarity is explained here:
Originally Posted by Mr Kuter

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by Mr Kuter


Mr Kuter wrote:

This world is quite obedient. Almost everyone plays a role.

How? somebody playing the "role" of terrorist is obedient because he's playing his role? or a rapist is being obedient by doing "what he

Small people out of the masses. Most people go to work. Have babies. Go to their religious center, tithe. Vote when its time. Have holidays around their
religious faiths. Go to school. Watch tv and movies. Listen to pop music. Most people are obedient. Most people aren't rapists.

so the small % dont count? and for the record it is far from a small ammount are prisons are packed and "evil" happends all over the place........what you call "obedient" is people just living thier lives and that was nothing to do with the fear of God, watch a man starve and see if he doessnt kill the next man for the last piece of bread......."god" isnt gonna keep him inline when that time comes

I never said they didnt man, I said MOST of the world is obedient. People "living" their life? Most people hate their lives. This world is as misserabely as you say, because most people never actually do what it is they want to do....because they are obedient, to God, or their parents, or social constructs, etc etc.

Just because people hat thier lives doessnt mean they dont just "live life" and die, you are saying that "god" or the man made idea keepsus less then 5% fallow what thier said religion says fully, again if you say "well they dont have to fallow it fully to keep theminline" what do they fallow then dont kill? your answers each time get dwindled down, so you are aying without the made up "god" this worldwould be chaos? funny because everybody says that without god we would be perfect
"Some of the similarities that do exist have explanations.� For example, the December 25th similarity is explained here"..............Too bad theBible NEVER SAYS anything about Jesus's date of Birth, The Catholic Church made that up in combination with a pagan holiday
Originally Posted by Its That Dude


only a handful of people answered my question of whether they thought they were still good or not.
Your question assumes that we can place ourselves in the position of God, which I don't think we can.

Just to throw a curve ball in there, this life is considered a test. When you consider that, along with the idea that the time we spend in this life issupposed to be comparable to the time it takes to blink in the hereafter, it makes sense.
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by Mr Kuter


Mr Kuter wrote:


Mr Kuter wrote:

This world is quite obedient. Almost everyone plays a role.

How? somebody playing the "role" of terrorist is obedient because he's playing his role? or a rapist is being obedient by doing "what


Small people out of the masses. Most people go to work. Have babies. Go to their religious center, tithe. Vote when its time. Have holidays around their

religious faiths. Go to school. Watch tv and movies. Listen to pop music. Most people are obedient. Most people aren't rapists.

so the small % dont count? and for the record it is far from a small ammount are prisons are packed and "evil" happends all over the
place........what you call "obedient" is people just living thier lives and that was nothing to do with the fear of God, watch a man starve and see
if he doessnt kill the next man for the last piece of bread......."god" isnt gonna keep him inline when that time comes

I never said they didnt man, I said MOST of the world is obedient. People "living" their life? Most people hate their lives. This world is as
misserabely as you say, because most people never actually do what it is they want to do....because they are obedient, to God, or their parents, or social
constructs, etc etc.

Just because people hat thier lives doessnt mean they dont just "live life" and die, you are saying that "god" or the man made idea keeps us less then 5% fallow what thier said religion says fully, again if you say "well they dont have to fallow it fully to keep them inline" what do they fallow then dont kill? your answers each time get dwindled down, so you are aying without the made up "god" this world would be chaos? funny because everybody says that without god we would be perfect

No, Ive never said God in any of my posts. Granted I know thats what this thread is about, and you were commenting to what devildog was saying about that. Isimply said that most of the world is obedient. We use the word sheep all the time on this message board. About people being sheep to fashion, technology,keeping up with the jones's. And people fall right inline with them. I stand by my statement that most people are obedient. But lets just agree todisagree. Were going no where with this side banter. Get back on topic everyone.
^ You talk and use the word "religion" then back track and say "I never said God"............really? really? lol........." I saidToyota Corolla but I never said Car"
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

"Some of the similarities that do exist have explanations.� For example, the December 25th similarity is explained here"..............Too bad the Bible NEVER SAYS anything about Jesus's date of Birth, The Catholic Church made that up in combination with a pagan holiday
...That's exactly what my link explained.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

"Some of the similarities that do exist have explanations.� For example, the December 25th similarity is explained here"..............Too bad the Bible NEVER SAYS anything about Jesus's date of Birth, The Catholic Church made that up in combination with a pagan holiday
...That's exactly what my link explained.

No no I know, Just reiterating for somebody who might not click on the link, good read btw
All creatures want to believe in something bigger than themselves.
they cannot live without blind obedience.
and to escape the pressure of that trust, those in whom faith is placed in turn look for someone higher than themselves.
and then those people in turn look for someone even stronger.
that is how all kings are born.
that is how all Gods are born. - Aizen Sosuke

with that said..."God" may not exsist as we think, but there is a power beyond our comprehension out there. our minds and thoughts are energy. itdoesnt just dissapate into nothingness.
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

^ You talk and use the word "religion" then back track and say "I never said God"............really? really? lol........." I said Toyota Corolla but I never said Car"

SO basically, you think the whole world runs rampant and does every single thing they want. They we live in a completely hedonistic society. Those very sameterrorists, whos role hes obediently playing, is doing it for his group of peers. And they are telling him to do it for Allah, no? Seems quite obedient. Im notsaying everyone is obedient to the same 10 things.

Btw, religion doesnt have to mean God. Here;s one definition, "a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number ofpersons or sects"
The whole fight club mentality of Niketalk could be seen as a religion, no?
Originally Posted by Galvelocity

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

These arguments go nowhere because of two things: stubbornness and narrow-mindedness.

For the record, I mean from any and all sides.

People ask questions already believing what they want to believe, and people answer questions with no intention of learning anything new from the person they're trying to 'fix' or 'convert'.

Go to a math tutor thoroughly convinced that 2+ 2 = filet mignon and carry with you a complete unwillingness to understand how that perspective is wrong, and you'll get as far with him as you would anyone else asking questions about God with an already established, thorough conviction that they are completely unwilling to have shaken or compromised.
What if you're like me and went from devoutly religious to devoutly atheist after taking the time to educate yourself the best way you knew how? Obviously I was open-minded or I would still be religious. And obviously I wouldn't still be reading about religion to learn about it if I was just going to say it was stupid in a blanket statement.
My closest friend right now fits that description. Got a ton of respect for dude.

I don't call myself a Christian, because I don't want the negative stigma associated with today's Christians attached to me, but I do believe there is a God, and I try to live according to that belief. I wasn't raised according to the way I believe, and I can definitely respect anyone who has developed their own belief system, even if the belief system they subscribe to is completely different than mine.
Yeah I like the idea of customized religion. Take the aspects of religion you like and apply them to your life as you choose instead of being mandated to do a thousand different things. You do what you think makes you a better person who is happier in this life.

EVERY religion is customized to your specifications. That's the thing with religious moderates. If you pick and choose what parts of thescripture or whatever apply to you, by definition you single-handedly defy what religion is. Religion isn't a Mongolian Barbecue. It's not pick andchoose what you find applicable. This is why I think religious moderates are just as harmful as religious zealots. It's not through some evolution ofreligion that they find themselves to be moderate...It's through logic constantly hammering away at religious ideals to the point of submission. Moderatesaren't enjoying some evolved version of faith, they are wallowing in a faith that has been beaten into submission.
Originally Posted by Prostaffer


i'd rather die believing in god and finding out he doesn't exist instead of choosing not to believe in him only to find out i'm wrong when i meet him.

if this is your reason for believing, you are going to hell regardless.
Originally Posted by recycledpaper

Originally Posted by Prostaffer


i'd rather die believing in god and finding out he doesn't exist instead of choosing not to believe in him only to find out i'm wrong when i meet him.

if this is your reason for believing, you are going to hell regardless.

elaborate plz
Galvelocity wrote:
i'd rather die believing in god and finding out he doesn't exist instead of choosing not to believe in him only to find out i'm wrong when i meet him.
With all the religions you have as options, your chances are PRETTY slim that the one you chose is the right one. Your odds are barely better than those of an atheist. One might even argue that a rival God would be more pleased with us for choosing to believe in nothing instead of one of his imitators.

but that's what people don't realize with my view on religion. Everyone's god is the same. In the end we all worship one supremebeing. (my gf is hindu we have discussed this at length.) Even though they have a big three they still believe that one god is the creator. Brahma = God. Shiva= The Holy Spirit. Vishnu = Jesus (he re-incarnates).

Jews and Muslims pretty much have the same main god except we all differ on Jesus' role in this. In the end we all answer to one guy. Buddhism is more of away of life than a religion. Although you can say that Bud was a great prophet.

Pope John Paul II one of my idols reached out to all religions and didn't call for people to convert. He said all religions at their base are good. Hewanted to strengthen bonds between religions.

The Dalai Lama has been quoted as saying that he doesn't want to convert people to his religion. All religions are good enough so long as people followthem.

I think in the end it won't be what/who you followed. I think the big guy will ask "what did you do with your to help/harm other people? Did you leavethe earth a better place after you had existed in it?"
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

God is playing the SIMS with us, he chooses when to interfere when not to interfere.
Don't you remember that NT provided proof that angels exist only a few short weeks ago?
Originally Posted by Mr Kuter

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

^ You talk and use the word "religion" then back track and say "I never said God"............really? really? lol........." I said Toyota Corolla but I never said Car"

SO basically, you think the whole world runs rampant and does every single thing they want. They we live in a completely hedonistic society. Those very same terrorists, whos role hes obediently playing, is doing it for his group of peers. And they are telling him to do it for Allah, no? Seems quite obedient. Im not saying everyone is obedient to the same 10 things.

Btw, religion doesnt have to mean God. Here;s one definition, "a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects"
The whole fight club mentality of Niketalk could be seen as a religion, no?

*Sigh* you are just not understanding the points Im trying to make and reading over things.........I will try and reply later but I gotta take my lunch break,see yeh later
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by devildog1776

The god that most humans pray to doesn't exist.... There is a creator but that origin is unknown to the masses.... The bible is a metaphor .... The Koran and Torah are also metaphors... They serve a good purpose but that purpose has been institutionalized by the elite to keep a spiritual hold on our lives.... If they lie to us about war , bailouts and global warming.... What do u think they would do to keep us somewhat obedient

Sorry bro but this is full of holes, How do you know the god "people" pray to doessnt exist? yet im sure youd say "you cant proove he does" yet you fallow that by saying "there is a creator but unknown" you say that as truth, but yet say the other god cant be truth, what the??? How can you say it's made by the Elite to have us in a "spiritul hold" yet Ive felt more bondage by the world's "what I should be and do" then anything I apply in my life that's in the Bible, it's freedom if anything and second ru kidding? to keep us "somewhat obedient" what is "obedient"? to who and what? not only that but do you know what going on around you? this world is farrrrrr from obedient lol

the words are deeper than the surface.... I forgot to say IMO
Originally Posted by Prostaffer

Galvelocity wrote:
i'd rather die believing in god and finding out he doesn't exist instead of choosing not to believe in him only to find out i'm wrong when i meet him.
With all the religions you have as options, your chances are PRETTY slim that the one you chose is the right one. Your odds are barely better than those of an atheist. One might even argue that a rival God would be more pleased with us for choosing to believe in nothing instead of one of his imitators.

I think in the end it won't be what/who you followed. I think the big guy will ask "what did you do with your to help/harm other people? Did you leave the earth a better place after you had existed in it?"

Not to sound like a %*#+ but wouldn't that also apply for people not believing in him/her? In an earlier post you said that you would ratherbelieve and end up being wrong than not believing and end up being wrong. I can't help but assume you were referring to being judged in the afterlife? Ifso, then the statement I put in bold somewhat contradicts your previous one... Not that I'm against your religion, the statement didn't just add up tome.
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