All NTers gather round and listen to the 25+ fambs w/ no children... TALK TO US

27 would be the ideal age for me to have kids looking at my plans... I don't wanna be 35+ havin my first kid, probably won't go exactly as planned but we'll see
I really find those married dudes to be funny as hell when it comes to the nightlife and the h*es.  My aunties husband used to hear about my sexcapades I would take my uncle on, and dude would pull me off into a corner and straight grill me for details with the tell me more face like
.  It used to crack me up.  I remember one holiday family gathering during one of my prime time years all the married dudes where all huddled around me and my cousin on some more more more type s**t.  Dudes in long term relationships are the thirstiest.

I had this one coworker that was three kids deep with the same chick, and when he found out how I got down he was always on me about coming through to kick it.  He would always tell me to bring the bomb budda, because his girl smoked.  But she would only smoke nothing but stress, so the bombay would turn her lights out every time.  Then she be like babe I'm going to sleep, and the homie would be like OK babe we bout to hit the store and get some more brew.  We would straight bounce for hours out in the streets messing with the h*es.  One night I pulled a house party move on that fool, and proped him up on his door at 4am rang the bell then skirted out.  The next day he told me she was on one about us being out from 10pm to 4am at the "store".  Homie said she literally hit him with the quotations when she said, "store". 

To me the two timing married dudes are best to kick it with over all of my single homies.  They go balls out and be down for whatever, because they are night life deprived they be on some let freedom ring type ish. 
Judging by some of the responses in this thread, I'm thankful that some of you are NOT having children. And that's no diss....just glad to see heads who haven't quite reached the maturity level to raise kids right openly admit it. If more people did this, we'd have far less effed up children in the world. Props brahs. :smokin
Just turned 29 last week and no kids. I been with my girl for about 5 years. We have had the talk about kids but when the time is right. I was laid off from my job of 10 years and if I would of had kids it would of been harder to get by on unemployement checks. My friends with kids give me a hard time about not having kids but most of them are bearly getting by. When I do have kids I want to make sure I'm financially stable.
I'm 29 and I don't really want kids now. I decided a while ago that I'd prefer to have kids before I was 30 and not after. On the brightside my siblings are poor as hell, so they've been pouring kids out. I have 11 nephews and 5 nieces so I'm set on finding excuses to play with Legos.
^ I'm somewhat in the same boat. Leaning more towards never having any but if that does ever change I'm waiting until I'm financially stable. Can't bring another life in this world when I'm struggling just to get by.
Bro you don't die or become wheelchair bound at 51.
Seriously, some of you guys just plain on being beer belly guys at 51? Just stay active for all your life and eat good and you wont worry about anything.
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Just hit 25 in June. Chillin, driving a truck, no kids, no major responsibilities just me.

Enjoying life for sure :pimp:
I'm 25 years old with no children. I would like to have children at some point but I'm in no rush. I'm an air traffic controller in the air force and I've seen how the military life can put a strain on relationships. I still want to travel to Europe, and Japan before my enlistment is up, children would just sidetrack me at this point. I like being able to live the lifestyle I live with no worries. Drive a nice car, and pull out my bike whenever I want. Plenty of my friends have kids. Whenever I try to put together a group ride it's always a hassle because they can't just get up and go. I'm also in agreement about not seriously dating a woman with children. Not knocking anyone else, I just can't do it.
31 - no kids. I'm indifferent to them. Seems like this illogical burden to put myself through. I'm living it up right now and couldn't imagine not just doing whatever I wanted because I had a little one running around. I will definitely be having kids in the next five years, I just don't see the point really.
31 - no kids. I'm indifferent to them. Seems like this illogical burden to put myself through. I'm living it up right now and couldn't imagine not just doing whatever I wanted because I had a little one running around. I will definitely be having kids in the next five years, I just don't see the point really.
Same here, but I'm 27. My mom stays pressing me about some grandkids and people act like there's something wrong with you when you're this old without them, even after telling them I'm single. For one, they're expensive and secondly I am not ready to get married and am not bout to be like so many of the dudes I hoop with having kids all over here, over there, by random bustdowns met in the club or whatever. Best thing about not having kids and being decently well off, is spur of the moment ****. Sometimes I just wake up on Friday morning, decide I'm going to go to Chicago for the weekend or catch a concert in Dallas, jump on priceline, pack my **** and I'm out. Even when I offer to pay, none of my friends can ever come because of their kids, babby mama situation, graduation, little one is sick, whatever. That freedom I have is priceless.
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Same here, but I'm 27. My mom stays pressing me about some grandkids and people act like there's something wrong with you when you're this old without them, even after telling them I'm single. For one, they're expensive and secondly I am not ready to get married and am not bout to be like so many of the dudes I hoop with having kids all over here, over there, by random bustdowns met in the club or whatever. Best thing about not having kids and being decently well off, is spur of the moment ****. Sometimes I just wake up on Friday morning, decide I'm going to go to Chicago for the weekend or catch a concert in Dallas, jump on priceline, pack my **** and I'm out. Even when I offer to pay, none of my friends can ever come because of their kids, babby mama situation, graduation, little one is sick, whatever. That freedom I have is priceless.
Funny. My mom tells me the opposite. She always told me to focus on my career, become a multimillionaire, lives the superlative lifestyle, and enjoy my hard work :lol:
My sister has 4 kids; my teen niece and nephew have turned themselves into screwups and the other 2 are too young to write off already but with my sister's stellar parenting there's no reason to think they won't end up the same. I'm sure Mom just assumes I am going to do a better job and give her better ones that are less trouble.
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My sister has 4 kids; my teen niece and nephew have turned themselves into screwups and the other 2 are too young to write off already but with my sister's stellar parenting there's no reason to think they won't end up the same. I'm sure Mom just assumes I am going to do a better job and give her better ones that are less trouble.

I'm imagining her telling you this but your reaction is:
I'm 29 and I don't really want kids now. I decided a while ago that I'd prefer to have kids before I was 30 and not after. On the brightside my siblings are poor as hell, so they've been pouring kids out. I have 11 nephews and 5 nieces so I'm set on finding excuses to play with Legos.
strong post on a subject I want to dive into...

Why do poorer people pop out kids? Do they view the government assistance as a way out?

Do dudes think that the chick will support them ?

Are they just not informed on the burden of kids? Jealous of friends that have kids b/c the attention?

I'm sure its a laundry list ... but what are a few main ones?
strong post on a subject I want to dive into...
Why do poorer people pop out kids? Do they view the government assistance as a way out?
Do dudes think that the chick will support them ?
Are they just not informed on the burden of kids? Jealous of friends that have kids b/c the attention?
I'm sure its a laundry list ... but what are a few main ones?

i just blame it on pure ignorance.

the fact that the government screwwwwwwws the working middle class with high taxes just to maintain someone else's kids can really get the best of you
I turned 25 in March, have no kids, and no girl. Haven't even started my career yet as I have just come back to school full time as of January after a 2.5 year hiatus. I'm a Junior so I still have a little while to go. My 2 closest friends that i normally hang with are both in committed situations, one being married, and both having children. It definitely changed things, and now I definitely feel like the odd man out because i'm not ready or interested in any of that, and my true life after college hasn't even began yet. As a previous poster stated I want kids but only if/when I can afford them. Its real out here. Best advice in here was on the first page. Live your life and run your own race. Don't focus so much on everyone else because we all have different paths in life. Just stay focused.
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