All NTers gather round and listen to the 25+ fambs w/ no children... TALK TO US

I felt the need to say it because its not the ONLY way to be successful. My son was not planned , and the point I was trying to make is that he and my wife made a MAN of me. I wouldnt chance anything about my experience.
its not, but the chances go up so much more...

lemme make this clear.... you had an child at an early age, still w/ the chick, and doing well?

for every 1 of yall, there's 500 other people that are fuggin up.... yall AINT normal, famb... in a good way though... :pimp:

but keep it real... would you rather have had your kid now... or whne you were 22?
I want to get married FIRST so I'm no even thinking about kids until that's taken care. Not sure financially if I want to get married yet.

Career-wise, I'm not ready for kids / not sure if I can afford give 100% to kids with how volatile the / my job market. I'm able to take care of myself, but add kids into the mix, then I wouldn't be a good father if I couldn't provide financially.
strong post on a subject I want to dive into...
Why do poorer people pop out kids? Do they view the government assistance as a way out?
Do dudes think that the chick will support them ?
Are they just not informed on the burden of kids? Jealous of friends that have kids b/c the attention?
I'm sure its a laundry list ... but what are a few main ones?
Nothing else to do. It's just one of those things that happens.

You don't got money to go out, what you gonna do? ****.

Can't go on vacation, what you gonna do? ****.

Job stressing you out and you're not getting paid enough, what you gonna do? ****.

Going for my masters next year.

Don't plan on havin' children till' 35 the earliest.

I want to bring my child in this world with everything available to them.

Along with my knowledge, maturity and finances. I'ma have to know the woman a very long time before we pro-create.
both are important, believe a son will appreciate a dad that has the energy to go on bike rides, throw a football, hike, etc with him.....i think thats the fear that a lot of dudes going into their 30's with no kids have...i know thats one of my concerns

My father had me a late age and never didn't have the energy to do stuff with me...he coached my sports teams, taught me how to play sports, ride bikes etc. My father is in better shape than many people 30 years younger than him. As long as your not a slob and keep care of yourself and your body, it really isn't a problem.
Nothing else to do. It's just one of those things that happens.

You don't got money to go out, what you gonna do? ****.

Can't go on vacation, what you gonna do? ****.

Job stressing you out and you're not getting paid enough, what you gonna do? ****.
down time + no money = yambs...


i keed i keed.
26 and finishing grad school, so I never really had a chance to have kids properly yet. I cannot imagine having kids for a long time, maybe in like 10 years. I just got out of a relationship, so I need to meet someone. Date them for a while, then get married. I want to be married and kid free for a while. I have a lot of friends who are getting engaged and I wish it was me. At the same time I intern as a divorce lawyer, so I know not to rush that ****. Hopefully I have one at some point, but it won't be a while.
23. kid due in January.

1st and foremost I feel the need to address this: In my experience any woman worth having wants kids. For a woman to not want kids 25+ is not natural. Even if she is career driven. Im not including those 25+ who dont have kids in general. Just those who dont want them.  I would say 23 and up but they can get the benefit of doubt and I throw em 2 yrs to get they mind right.

Im probably not your average dude but for me I'm not worrying about the kid. Been living on my own since 18 so responsibility is nothing new to me. Feel like I been missing out on a lot of things already by just making sure I handle my business and I dont have no regrets. Im better off because of it. I could be more prepared but Im educated, work hard and believe it will work itself out. Especially when I see others in tighter situations making it.

My advice would be stop looking at negatives to and focus on the positives my friend. Most women not thinking logically like us. If she feeling you only thing she would be worried about is if you still seeing kid's mom. If that
23. kid due in January.

1st and foremost I feel the need to address this: In my experience any woman worth having wants kids. For a woman to not want kids 25+ is not natural. Even if she is career driven. Im not including those 25+ who dont have kids in general. Just those who dont want them.  I would say 23 and up but they can get the benefit of doubt and I throw em 2 yrs to get they mind right.

Im probably not your average dude but for me I'm not worrying about the kid. Been living on my own since 18 so responsibility is nothing new to me. Feel like I been missing out on a lot of things already by just making sure I handle my business and I dont have no regrets. Im better off because of it. I could be more prepared but Im educated, work hard and believe it will work itself out. Especially when I see others in tighter situations making it.

My advice would be stop looking at negatives to and focus on the positives my friend. Most women not thinking logically like us. If she feeling you only thing she would be worried about is if you still seeing kid's mom. If that
bruh... get outta here w/ that nonsense....
28, gf, no kids checking in.

I'm about building a certain base first.

1.wanted to speak to all my NTers 25+ without children... how's life for you? is it a struggle dealing w/ you're friends and family? (Absolutely incredible, no it's not. My family knows that I have certain goals in mind before having kids).

2. how do the yambs treat you when they find out you have no kids? (They love it, they see me as a potential husband/father. Because I'm focused on building a certain base, and I don't carry baggage into the relationship. The others just see me as a man to have fun with.) do you view chicks w/ or w/out kids? (I won't mess with a woman with kids. Truth be told, I'm not about to be that kid's dad, so why even bother to enter their life. If there's some yambs that need to be regulated, I do my absolute best to not even be seen by the kid.) you wish you would have had kids by now... like you're past due? (i know men can make babies forever, but are you in a rush?) (No, why rush. I'll have a kid probably in 2-3 years, but I'm loving my freedom to do what I want, and when I want. Kids are a blessing, and when I have them, I hope for the best, but for now, I just want to enjoy)
25, no kids, graduated college

that's yamtastic 
why 33 rick? your first kid wont graduate till your 51, assuming you only have one :nerd:
also your chances of finding a chick with NO kids over the age of 26-28 dwindles by the second.
raising another man's child
Kids are not in the picture right now.

Just got out of a relationship and it's taken a while to move on. So without a female, it'll won't happen. Especially since I essentially have to start from scratch with someone completely new.

Plus I'm essentially uprooting my life after graduation, and I'm excited to see the world.

I'll be 24 this month, and I just don't see where kids fit in to my life right now.
I'm 28 w/ no kids and actually, yesterday I officially have a girlfriend after being single since 19. I have no idea how to be a boyfriend and care about someone else besides myself. :lol:
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