All NTers gather round and listen to the 25+ fambs w/ no children... TALK TO US

i just blame it on pure ignorance.
the fact that the government screwwwwwwws the working middle class with high taxes just to maintain someone else's kids can really get the best of you

Did it ever occur to either of you that one human may desire to bring into this world a purer version of themselves and give that desired purer human a better life than the two that begat it?

That human consumed with said desire is not trifled by poverty lines or income brackets...
In short, most of us will feel some type of pressure from family and friends to marry and have children once you hit your mid-to-late 20s. Your parents ideally want you to start your own family and home with stability following the typical American structure. Friends will pressure you by getting married and having children themselves. That changes your friends. Not as much time for the bar, football nights, etc.

Similarly, most women will want the title of marriage, hollow or not. As well as multiple children. I can't think of too many women that would be okay with accepting no children in their lifetime.
strong post on a subject I want to dive into...
Why do poorer people pop out kids? Do they view the government assistance as a way out?
Do dudes think that the chick will support them ?
Are they just not informed on the burden of kids? Jealous of friends that have kids b/c the attention?
I'm sure its a laundry list ... but what are a few main ones?
-government assistance (one can carve out a decent existence with a part-time job + stamps, WIC, section 8 and other programs)

-slightly increased social status (the single mother superhero myth)

-no consequences for overuse (need more money? make another kid!)

-attention (post pic of kid=instant praise)

-uniformed of burden of raising the world's deadliest animal from birth

-sexual irresponsibility x religious beliefs (I know, right?)

-the illogical hope that one man will finally stay and take care of all the kids

and other equally stupid ****.
one time I ran into these cute Domincan chicks at the gas station...coppin a rillo. At the time I didn't realize that they were mom and daughter so I actually holla'd at her moms first :lol:...when I saw em cop a rillo I had to say something....

I ended up burnin with her and she was tellin me a little about herself...she had 3 shorties....and she lived with her moms still...the first time I chilled her she was tellin me how she had to get reconstructive surgery on her face cause her mans would hit her...

i felt bad for her and her kids :frown: but I had to remove myself from that situation
i just blame it on pure ignorance.
the fact that the government screwwwwwwws the working middle class with high taxes just to maintain someone else's kids can really get the best of you

Did it ever occur to either of you that one human may desire to bring into this world a purer version of themselves and give that desired purer human a better life than the two that begat it?

That human consumed with said desire is not trifled by poverty lines or income brackets...

That's not an excuse. "I just want to have a kid or 2 and dont care how I plan to support them but I want to give them a better life"
From my experience young ppl that have all those kids do so because the woman wants to keep the guy around or vice versa.
The girl that was my first is 23 now with 4 kids and the father has 5 or 6 including her 4. According to her the father told her after they had
they 1st that he was gonna keep knocking her up so no other guys would want to mess with her :x Now they're getting divorced in December and
the father wants nothing to do with her or the kids. I couldn't do anything but laugh, like what's the thought process? Of course I want kids but not at the expense of a broken family and poverty.

As for me, I feel like I'm playing my cards right. 22 with zero kids while almost everyone I went to highschool with has at least 1 or 2. You'd be surprised at how much of a disadvantage my position is in my hometown. Women actually cling to the guys that have loads of children and aren't doing anything for themselves. I just have to remind myself that I'll be out of here soon.
I feel bad for the older couples who for years have been trying to have kids, yet all these 15-16 y/o girls are blasting out kids like an assembly line.
-government assistance (one can carve out a decent existence with a part-time job + stamps, WIC, section 8 and other programs)

-slightly increased social status (the single mother superhero myth)

-no consequences for overuse (need more money? make another kid!)

-attention (post pic of kid=instant praise)

-uniformed of burden of raising the world's deadliest animal from birth

-sexual irresponsibility x religious beliefs (I know, right?)

-the illogical hope that one man will finally stay and take care of all the kids

and other equally stupid ****.
That is not a increase of status at all and nobody views it that way. I hate how some of you make it seem like th egovernment COMPLETELY takes care of single mothers and their 4 kids, cause they don't. Ask any kid in the ghetto how much help the government gives them when they ain't got no food to eat.
That is not a increase of status at all and nobody views it that way. I hate how some of you make it seem like th egovernment COMPLETELY takes care of single mothers and their 4 kids, cause they don't. Ask any kid in the ghetto how much help the government gives them when they ain't got no food to eat.
You're helping me make my point tho...if you can't support the first kid, what logic is there in producing 3 more? One more? Hell...any at all?

Regarding the social status point, whenever the topic of single motherhood comes up they have the hardest job on the planet and work harder than anybody else and are praised for putting their kids before themselves...the fact that you'll rarely hear anything to the contrary even when many single mothers have no business with children is an overall increase in social status where I come from, homie.

Oh, and I was that stamps do work.
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im gonna be 29 soon with no kids = complete and utter freedom :nthat:

i seen horror stories with family court and child support from cats YOUNGER THEN ME...hmph! im good.

Yup. And as for yambs? having no kids is like a +1 at our age, it only helps. You will run into a lot of single moms, doesn't bother my *** though. Also the ones without kids want kids, so as long you got your **** together you'll be fine.
i just blame it on pure ignorance.
the fact that the government screwwwwwwws the working middle class with high taxes just to maintain someone else's kids can really get the best of you

Come on now, let's not act like public assistance is the only thing your taxes pay for. You mad about paying a little more in taxes so that some kids can eat 3 full meals a day or get checkups at the doctor. You mad that you could have a couple more pairs of J's if your taxes were lower.
It always bugged me that people get angry over social programs meant help your fellow citizen. Of course there are those that take advantage, but why is that your focus? Your local government wastes so much money just so they can maintain the budget they'd like, and no one makes an utterance about that.
It always bugged me that people get angry over social programs meant help your fellow citizen. Of course there are those that take advantage, but why is that your focus? Your local government wastes so much money just so they can maintain the budget they'd like, and no one makes an utterance about that.

Because these fools really think social welfare is bankrupting the economy :rolleyes.

How much more corporate welfare do we give out over social welfare??

No one really started complaining about this til as of lately. People love to use poor people as scapegoats in plenty of arguments.

People have no idea how much their tax dollars are being wasted and how the gov't literally is borrowing out of future retiree funds...

Not to mention all these state level governments going bankrupt and refinancing their debt with the same entities that caused the crash in the first place.

Our economics...straight up insanity.
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-government assistance (one can carve out a decent existence with a part-time job + stamps, WIC, section 8 and other programs)

-slightly increased social status (the single mother superhero myth)

-no consequences for overuse (need more money? make another kid!)

-attention (post pic of kid=instant praise)

-uniformed of burden of raising the world's deadliest animal from birth

-sexual irresponsibility x religious beliefs (I know, right?)

-the illogical hope that one man will finally stay and take care of all the kids

and other equally stupid ****.
the game has never been laid down as flat as it has right here...

:pimp: :pimp:
You're helping me make my point tho...if you can't support the first kid, what logic is there in producing 3 more? One more? Hell...any at all?

Regarding the social status point, whenever the topic of single motherhood comes up they have the hardest job on the planet and work harder than anybody else and are praised for putting their kids before themselves...the fact that you'll rarely hear anything to the contrary even when many single mothers have no business with children is an overall increase in social status where I come from, homie.

Oh, and I was that stamps do work.
this is very true... and society/tv/media etc perpetuate this 1000X fold... i mean just look at things like maury... how many episodes do u see where he says um ok u 5 guys arent the problem its the one girl who slept with all 5 guys at once.. (not at the same time but in the same small time frame) what is it tho oh ur a good person ur strong ur a hero to raise these kids on ur own.. hell ppl like tyler perry has made a billionaire dollar empire off of this mindset.

The irony of the whole put the kids before them is so flawed because... one if u have one kid and cant afford it,, how is it in the childs best interest that u bring more children in the world? and this is the part that kills me... women who get pregnant on b.c. because they simply couldnt follow the few/simple guidelines associated with taking bc.. I mean really if u cant even take pills on time that have the date and time in which to take em... how responsible could u be for something along the magnitude of another human being...

to put in in perspective if u had a child and they wasnt responsible enough to take care of a single goldfish... how would rationale and just str8 logic tell u that ok this kid is ready to be sole responsible for a dog? Yet we throw this reasoning and logic out the window when it comes to human life, children at that.

Its so crazy that you have to prove ur responsibility etc moreso to adopt an animal/get a cell phone etc... then it is to bring a child in this world and raise it... but u never hear about that aspect... not atleast on a grand stage.

and then the small percentage of kids who make it out of these hardships/tumultuous upbringing etc... they glorify the mother as if it was something she did instead of stating the truth that the kid made it all despite all his setbacks/roadblocks.

its indirectly saying u can be selfish, irresponsible. have no accountability but if ur child comes out good all that is washed away and u r a good mother... it like exempts the fact the kid had 20 uncles yet the mother was an only child, it conveniently avoid talking about the mothers who sell food stamps to get they hurr did etc.. and all the other things many of them do that gets brushed under the table if they kid comes out well adjusted.
it's really not that deep most of the time

they already don't have money so it's not much of a difference if its 2 people in the house or 8

plus they don't have any money so they aren't going anywhere, they're just having sex all day

and yes the government perks are somewhat of a fallback but they aren't balling off it

they'll sell some stamps and get a couple dollars but they're def not living lavishly off the govt
kids are overrated until you drive past the little league football game, and you start wondering of those madden wins can equal out making the next cam newton.
In short, most of us will feel some type of pressure from family and friends to marry and have children once you hit your mid-to-late 20s. Your parents ideally want you to start your own family and home with stability following the typical American structure. Friends will pressure you by getting married and having children themselves. That changes your friends. Not as much time for the bar, football nights, etc.
Similarly, most women will want the title of marriage, hollow or not. As well as multiple children. I can't think of too many women that would be okay with accepting no children in their lifetime.
turning 27 soon. no kids. recently engaged. I do want kids soon, as does my fiancee. we're not trying actively but if it happens we'll be happy. Just have to retire from sneakers next year first :wink:
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turning 27 soon. no kids. recently engaged. I do want kids soon, as does my fiancee. we're not trying actively but if it happens we'll be happy. Just have to retire from sneakers next year first :wink:
she got them developing *******?
Not gonna lie it was hard in the beginning. I was 22 when I had my son. Finally got a job a WEEK before he was born. That being said, from that day I busted my *** for him and his mom (we just celebrated our wedding anniversary) she now manages an million dollar a year loan company, and I asst manage a country club. Hard work and dedication pays, guys . We are comfortable in our lives and I can afford an expensive sneaker habit. And neither of us have graduated college.
Not gonna lie it was hard in the beginning. I was 22 when I had my son. Finally got a job a WEEK before he was born. That being said, from that day I busted my *** for him and his mom (we just celebrated our wedding anniversary) she now manages an million dollar a year loan company, and I asst manage a country club. Hard work and dedication pays, guys . We are comfortable in our lives and I can afford an expensive sneaker habit. And neither of us have graduated college.
props to you, but I just don't get why the"we didn't go to college"needs to be said...

Like, it screams of "you're doing it all wrong"

and trust me... You're in the minority of people that have children early. And become comfortable.
props to you, but I just don't get why the"we didn't go to college"needs to be said...
Like, it screams of "you're doing it all wrong"
and trust me... You're in the minority of people that have children early. And become comfortable.

I felt the need to say it because its not the ONLY way to be successful. My son was not planned , and the point I was trying to make is that he and my wife made a MAN of me. I wouldnt chance anything about my experience.
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