All NTers gather round and listen to the 25+ fambs w/ no children... TALK TO US

I was so close... :smh:

Everyone in here, if you've never listened to a word I said, heed me now: if you don't want kids, BE CAREFUL. These chicks are looking for y'all...they know what's up.

Congratulations to all of you on doing what's necessary (and probably getting lucky a few times) to keep your lives yours...0 sarcasm.

elaborate on these yambs pin pointing men...

I always thought that was exaggerated
I shine the light on the other side

I'm 26 with a 7 yr old son. Not with his mom but I have custody. Yea it wasn't easy at first but I believe if I didn't have my son I would either be dead or doing some real time. Having my son woke my up. At first it was a struggle but then I started to make real money so it cake. I feel that it's more rewarding doing for him then It every was doing for myself. Playing with him, teaching him thing etc is great. Having kids isnt for everyone. I feel if you are just getting to the point were things are going well (money, job etc) you should enjoy life a little. I just feel that you should have a kid when you know you can take care of them or you have the drive to do so.
I'm 29 = no kids.

All my friends are my age with no kids. The girls I associated with (26 and up) don;t have any kids.

My personal preference, I won't date a girl who has kid(s).
so you dont wanna have at least one son to carry on your name??
no, for what...  i'm not gona have a kid for that reason only. i dont have patience with kids and they irritate the hell out of me, i dont consider myself a patient enough person to be raising a kid and thus i disqualify myself as fit to be raising a human being. frankly if people were as responsible there would be less f'ed up people on earth. i'd also beat the hell out of my kid if i had one i wouldnt subscribe to this "time out" crap. and i'd probably make fun of them because im very immature. 

with that said most kids (at least the first born) arent planned and arrive as the result of an accidental creampie so im thinking if i ever do have kids that will be the way it arrives. and i will be forced to take my L accordingly. i may change my mind in the future and that'ts what's great about being a man. i can be 50, find a nice ripe 22 year old and plant something in her and it will hatch without defects. females have until they're like 33 before the risk of having a deformed kid with 4 eyes or being born with antlers skyrockets
I'm about to turn 27 in November and I have no kids either and in no rush. I do think about it from time to time, but I'm really enjoying my life at the moment and when I see my other friends who have kids that are not able to do a lot of the things that I do, I feel even better about my situation.
elaborate on these yambs pin pointing men...
I always thought that was exaggerated
It's not complicated. See how everyone in here is talking about having excess money, and free time? Chicks run on these things...if they know you have it to spare, it might could be theirs.

Plenty of females do not mind popping out a pup or two to get a little piece of that great career you have all that time to cultivate, start up that child support (which by law is NOT required to be spent on the child) or even just an extra bump on their income tax. Hell, if they really hit the lottery, they also get a father for the kid they probably have already. These women out here got vaginagendas...y'all would just do well to remember that.

*not saying all women are like that, or even that this specifically applies to me, I just see it all the damn time.
so you dont wanna have at least one son to carry on your name??
That's a ******** reason to have a kid. If your legacy isn't carried on through your own merit, what makes it worth carrying?

Bloodlines be damned, there's 7 billion people on this space rock, so we don't need people having kids simply for the sake of reproducing. If someone doesn't feel capable of eventually raising an adult, they shouldn't have kids...if that comes around when they're 30, 40, or never, until you feel you're ready to do it, you really shouldn't.
29... No kids.. None of my friends have kids... Most of my classmates from highschool and grade school dont have kids.. Maybe its because i went to private school or maybe its because the bay area is expensive... Maybe its because theres so much to do out here and accomplish that having a kid is not on peoples minds... Maybe its because i hang out w groups who wanna party every day... Who knows but the amount of people i know my age w kids is fairly low....
That's a ******** reason to have a kid. If your legacy isn't carried on through your own merit, what makes it worth carrying?
Your right, you legacy should be carried on your own name, but who's gonna keep that legacy going and who is going to teach him to be better than you?.

your great grandfather x 1000 had to #$^k for you to be here. you are part of someones legacy
how do the yambs treat you when they find out you have no kids?
I actually am praised because I have no baggage.

I prefer chicks w/o kids, but in this day in age I'd have a better chance at making the Dodgers roster than finding an attractive female w/o rugrats. I don't know if I'd ever date someone who has a kid, the circumstances would have to be right for it to happen.

I do at times wish I had a kid, but that usually passes once I am out and about and see some kid acting up in public. I am starting to believe that I may never have a kid especially since I never see myself getting married.
Turned 27 a few months back. No kids, wife or girlfriend. Wouldn't change a Damn thing. I was in a long relationship with someone almost 6 years a few years back. Don't want to get married. It's not even about being able to afford or want children these days o.p. its about whether or not you can even find a female that is truly worth your seed and life long investment all the while being completely on the same page. That George Clooney life is about the only reality I see for myself at 27. Who knows maybe it will change, but I seriously doubt it. My goals are too lofty and ambitious and I'm married to me right now and the foreseeable future. The freedom of not having any responsibility to anyone is so liberating. Think about up until at least 18 you have a responsibility to impress and serve the vision your parents have for you and within that period you typically have your first little serious relationship and then possibly others. At what point does the average person have true freedom to not answer to anyone? I experienced it for the first time at 25 after being in relationships since 18 and MAN THIS **** IS AMAZING but its O.D. if you have money in your pocket which you will because you only have to feed yourself! It should be mandatory that every human experience it. It's the only way you can truly learn who you really are without outside stimulus.
Your right, you legacy should be carried on your own name, but who's gonna keep that legacy going and who is going to teach him to be better than you?.
your great grandfather x 1000 had to #$^k for you to be here. you are part of someones legacy
Well, if you wanna get technical, my great grandfather x1000 and yours were probably the same person, or at least went to the same high school. As we all have common ancestors, by that logic we all share a legacy. All I was saying is no kid should be born with a job, including some responsibility to validate his father's existence. Truly great men tend to be remembered with no outside assistance...after all, do you know who Ceasar's direct descendants are? Neither do I.
Kids are cool to play with and babysit, but a full time gig wiping butts, and getting milk cause the lil man/girl is thirsty? :smh: Forget about it. Say goodbye to whatever free time you had and whatever extra income you had to buy those kicks, laptops, car, etc. Whatever life you had and that good sex with your significant other is pretty much gone. For example, I know dudes that can't even watch the living room TV on football Sundays cause their kids are watching Dora or some kids program! :lol: Pathetic!

You young cats better find the right female to have your seed, because the wrong one will destroy your life. Nothing worst than seeing your paycheck reduced by 1/3 because you owe child support! :x
Kids are cool to play with and babysit, but a full time gig wiping butts, and getting milk cause the lil man/girl is thirsty?
Forget about it. Say goodbye to whatever free time you had and whatever extra income you had to buy those kicks, laptops, car, etc. Whatever life you had and that good sex with your significant other is pretty much gone. For example, I know dudes that can't even watch the living room TV on football Sundays cause their kids are watching Dora or some kids program!
You young cats better find the right female to have your seed, because the wrong one will destroy your life. Nothing worst than seeing your paycheck reduced by 1/3 because you owe child support!
Listen to this man. I've seen every syllable of this happen. I got somewhat lucky, but it could have been so ******g much worse.
31... kids - plan to keep it this way for a couple more years.

Always told myself I wasn't getting married until 35, so I'm right on track...

...crazy because when my father was my age, he was married and I was already 1 - I can't even fathom that right now.
I'm old. 2 kids. and those 2 boys are the 2 best decisions I ever made. Couldn't imagine my life without them...
My wife and I still go out, still get down on a regular basis.
Some of you cats watch too much tv and that is what you think married, family life is like.
Family vacations, trips to amusement parks. Awesome.
I have no complaints.

how do the yambs treat you when they find out you have no kids?

I'm 30, no kids, usually get the :wow:... :evil: when I tell 'em I got no kids. They see someone that has their **** together with no kids, it's a mountain they want to climb.

Some of you cats watch too much tv and that is what you think married, family life is like.
Family vacations, trips to amusement parks. Awesome.

Nah, fam, just seeing a lot of folks I know that knocked up girls in HS and shortly after. Either divorced (shotgun weddings :lol:) or paying child support. I do know a couple of couples that did it right, post grad, good careers and are settled down. Frankly, that life is boring to me right now.

I'm too career oriented at the moment, too selfish, still like taking random trips anywhere and unleashing havoc on the random cities I visit. Still got some folks that are staring down the "marriage" barrell so it's still possible. I know it's coming to an end and I'll be happy being that boring dude going on family vacations. However, right now, I am not that guy, loving the fast lane a little too much.

The shift will come, just not now, still feel like I got another half decade in the tank.

Having a kid later in life will keep me focused on staying in shape and living right.

I'll have kids one day, not interested to have any right now.

30, college grad, good job/career... and I still dread the "I'm Late!" phone call, :lol:
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I'm 26, no kids, but I often think about it. Not ready for that until I'm married. I'm good playing with my nieces and nephews and lil cousins. I can give them bad *** kids back :lol:
32 no kids, doesn't bother me one bit. Miss me with all the 'selfish' talk.
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This must be a minority thing about people being surprised you don't have kids when you're between 25-30. Pretty laughable.

Kids I taught in high school would be shocked I didn't have children. (23 at the time) "What do you do Mr. if you don't have kids?" They would genuinely ask me this from time to time. lol

25 Now and I feel segregated honestly.

A lot of my piers growing up are on their 2nd child. Most have been married for a few years and are already divorced and on second marriage.

Didn't really have the time for a serious relationship in college because I had 2 jobs ( one of them school).

It's really evident how education is a caste (forecast) system out here in the U.S.

On the other hand I travel and enjoy it without guilt.

Women seem to wanna know where I've been hiding or how come they didn't find me earlier when they find out I don't have kids or haven't been married yet lol.They come by the crib and straight act a fool and I gotta keep it a secret because they are a "Lady in the streets...." :rolleyes

The reason I don't have kids now is because I don't think it's fair to bring people into this world with out having things in tact for them.

Every child is going to be an adult majority of their life. You are the footing for them to have a good take off in life.

I think I'm gonna be one of those dudes that has children in their late 30's.

I'm in no rush honestly and I still got a lot of things I want to do in life.

Peep Game:
Exactly. I'm 25, and my mom and dad were 21 and 25 when they had me, and my dad has made it fully clear to have yourself together before you make a decision like that, and make that choice when you get ready. So til that time, I'll enjoy the freedom of not looking over my shoulder every minute and feeling like I'm locked down.

I have been conditioned by my pops as well. Looking at how hard his life was and how full of regret he is, I'm not making the same mistakes
26 and no kids. I firmly believe you should have your papers up with a stable income before even thinking about that. If you have the means financially, you should be straight, and mentally straight also considering you're over 25. Avoid the accident if possible. I believe in the planned parenthood.
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