All NTers gather round and listen to the 25+ fambs w/ no children... TALK TO US

about to be 27 in October with no kids not mad about it at all

I just have fun with my nephews (3 and 8) and my niece (17)
Well i am 25, single, no kids, decent job i enjoy my life
I want kids but i don't wan them until i can afford them. I want a girlfriend but don't want one I am not crazy about.

And i agree with everyone about the age thing. I plan to keep in shape until i dad used to body-build and my mom is a personal trainer so ive seen what staying in shape can do. My dad and i still play competitive tennis games and he is 57. (he can still dead lift more then me too :lol:)
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Bro you don't die or become wheelchair bound at 51.

of course not, but depending how you lead your life and took care of your body, you may not have the energy to do certain things with your kids that will definately bring ya closer together.
Well i am 25, single, no kids, decent job i enjoy my life
I want kids but i don't wan them until i can afford them. I want a girlfriend but don't want one I am not crazy about.
And i agree with everyone about the age thing. I plan to keep in shape until i dad used to body-build and my mom is a personal trainer so ive seen what staying in shape can do. My dad and i still play competitive tennis games and he is 57. (he can still dead lift more then me too :lol:)

thats really 30....if we are lucky and get knocked up now, my kid will be in 18-21 as im rounding 50....hope to be one of those cool 50 year old dads in good shape.
Bout to be 26 in 3 weeks. No kids, its great. I know more about life then i ever have due to age/experience, and get to do **** that i really want to do, no brats holding me back home when i want to take trips or buy myself ****. My career is exactly where i want it to be. I wont lie i think about it from time to time...look around and a lot of people my age have em, but im not ready for that yet. It is true though if you wanna date girls around your age it gets harder and harder to find females that dont have a kid. Don't settle for that though.
This must be a minority thing about people being surprised you don't have kids when you're between 25-30. Pretty laughable.
The stigma painted by the media portrays the image that every (or most) young black men or women have kids at sub 24 y/o.

With that said, it's not just minority thing. :smh:
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I'm 26 years old, will be 27 in November December. I'm single with no kids. My focus right now is on my career.   I'm about to finish my second master's in December, and I'll be job hunting again then. I'm most likely going to go get a job abroad for a while to continue to expand my cultural awareness.   I'll have kids when I'm financially stable and can everything else is in place so I can provide the best for them.
 I hardly keep in touch with anyone from high school   (class of 2003) because we no longer have anything in common. Most are blue collar workers, working day to day and still partying. And yes, like most others, they have kids as well.  
31, work six days a week and really don't have time, really thinking about going back to school get a trade( bachaors degree ain't worth peanuts) , no kids, came from a single parent home and most definately will never date a women with kids unless she is a g like my mom. Bothers me when I see little girls doe, no lie, always wanted a little girl so I can have daddy's girl and teach her values that these bird brains don't have out in these streets or lil mans to play baseball or basketball with. Hopefully one day but just chillin enjoying the single life just don't want to be alone in the far future doe, hopefully I can meet a down *** chick because the chicks I have been coming in contact with are one dones(one date and if **** ain't poppin off in convo department I can't possibly have sex with you) never been bout that life
I'm 27 no children. My current gf is 22 and she wants one, but I told her wait until I'm thirty and she agreed.

At times I do want one, but I'm good with my little niece that was just born.
28, no kids.
A few of my friends have kids, it doesnt really affect things like you thinking about. Kids are cool man
Props to all you guys

I'll chime in from a different perspective though...I had my son at 17, I am 24 now. He is my only child but man fatherhood is something else especially at a young age.
I do sometimes think about what if she didn't keep it but I don't get down about it.

Me and his mom are not together but get along you can say. She has graduated with two degrees and I graduated in May with a degree in Electrical Eng.
I am also a military officer (commissioned when I graduated). I was lucky enough to have a kid with a sane, responsible woman at a young age an I am very grateful for it. Never had drama but it was challenging, juggling school work, military career with fatherhood but its something I have never backed down from. I love my son to death and if I could go back and change not having a kid early, I wouldn't to be honest.... BUT I will say, wait until you are ready and only you because you want to be in the best position for your family's sake....
I was so close...

Everyone in here, if you've never listened to a word I said, heed me now: if you don't want kids, BE CAREFUL. These chicks are looking for y'all...they know what's up.

Congratulations to all of you on doing what's necessary (and probably getting lucky a few times) to keep your lives yours...0 sarcasm.
26 with no kids.

Most of my friends have kids and I feel like they struggle sometimes.

I dated a chick with a kid once and it was a struggle. I don't recommend it.
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I'm 24, no kids, have girlfriend who is 21. Both of us agreed to start having kids once we finish our education. In a MS program currently and plan to go for a Doctorate, she's interested in going for International Law. Expect to get my doctorate around 29-30ish and she's expected to finish at 27, I'll be 31 by then.

So is life... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
why 33 rick? your first kid wont graduate till your 51, assuming you only have one

What does that have to do with the weather in Alaska? You have kids to raise them, not play with them.

At 51, he'll be way more knowledgeable and have more life exprience than a 33 year old.

Exactly. I'm 25, and my mom and dad were 21 and 25 when they had me, and my dad has made it fully clear to have yourself together before you make a decision like that, and make that choice when you get ready. So til that time, I'll enjoy the freedom of not looking over my shoulder every minute and feeling like I'm locked down.
im gonna be 29 soon with no kids = complete and utter freedom :nthat:

i seen horror stories with family court and child support from cats YOUNGER THEN ME...hmph! im good.

All of this. Being 28 without kids is great. You can do basically whatever you want to whenever you want to as long as you have the cash.
I'm 29 no kids, have lived with my fiance for 2 years but we've been together for 10. kinda want kids eventually but we are just enjoying life, and she is a preschool teacher so she is around kids all day.
25,No kids happily.
I don't "Date" females with kids, only tease them enough to get the panties and move on.
Never would I allow a female with a kid to enter my life fulltime on a relationship level.
What does that have to do with the weather in Alaska? You have kids to raise them, not play with them.
At 51, he'll be way more knowledgeable and have more life exprience than a 33 year old.

yeah. i'm in my first year of college and my dad turns 52 in's really not that old to me. he coached every sport i played, ran with me whenever i went to workout, still drinks/goes out/talks ****
so yeah there's nothing wrong w/ that
I'm 32 no kids, my fiancée is 25 with no kids and we're happy with the knowledge that neither of us wants to bring anyone into this world. We're content being the aunt and uncle to our siblings that have (or will have) kids, and our pets. Our friends with kids are still a big part of our lives, but we'd mostly settled into a domestic hanging out life style 4 years ago.

wait till she hits 30....
I am 26 with no kids, a great career and loving it. My gf is 29 is pressuring me about marriage and kids since her clock is ticking. But I am still too selfish to have kids (i like traveling, new expereince, stuff like that). I hope to have kids and get married in the future though. The only that sucks is all my friends are having kids and are married so my list of friends has dwindle down to a few.
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