*★*Official Chicago Bears 2009-2010 Thread(4-4)*★* week 10 @49ers

Yeah, i think we'll pick up Brooks for sure. Prolly move Briggs to the middle too.
briggs to the middle would be a good look.

lets just hope brooks old #@% holds up for this season at least.
Don't think we are at that HUGE a loss without Urlacher... he's more a vocal leader out there and I think Briggs can step in and become the General...

Our #1 issue this week was route running, it wasn't Vasher who bit on the play action because EVERYONE bit on it, give credit where it is due that was agreat play call. It was route running and the sheer lack of receivers running proper routes... I mean even Clark was "Randy Mossing" his routes,bottom line if routes were run all the way through we would not have had 4 INTs, that's not to say we would have had zero but most certainly not 4.

The defense is going to be alright, corners need work on slant routes but that's been the case for years in Chicago. As long as that front D Line stayshealthy we'll be good to go.
Funny how EVERYONE is turning on Cutler after that one game.

This is why I hate Bears fans. We're so quick to change our tone, even after one game. The reason why we haven't had a good QB in years is because wealways run them out of town and never give them a chance to develop (minus Grossman, he just flat out sucked). I mean of course 4 interceptions is terrible,but if he threw 4 TD's the next week everyone would be on his jock again. I was very disappointed about last night but like I said earlier, we have 15 moregames to play. It's going to take time for this offense to fully gel, and people aren't recognizing this.
Originally Posted by illmatic34

Funny how EVERYONE is turning on Cutler after that one game.

This is why I hate Bears fans. We're so quick to change our tone, even after one game. The reason why we haven't had a good QB in years is because we always run them out of town and never give them a chance to develop (minus Grossman, he just flat out sucked). I mean of course 4 interceptions is terrible, but if he threw 4 TD's the next week everyone would be on his jock again. I was very disappointed about last night but like I said earlier, we have 15 more games to play. It's going to take time for this offense to fully gel, and people aren't recognizing this.
Agreed 100%. If anyone here is hating on Cutler and saying he sucks and #+@% they needa curve promptly. Cutler did NOT lose us that game. im notsaying he played good im not even saying he didnt play badly cause he did. But he still hung in there after throwing the 3 ist half INTs. Alot of QBs will foldafter that, and he was our offense running away from blitzes, making plays, etc. He almost won the game for us.

And i would love to sign Brooks but like i said before watch out for Jamar Williams this year, he will be a problem. Him along with Kevin Payne are our 2 youngdefenders that i am most excited about in terms of their potential. I love both of them and i think both can definitely become pro bowl caliber players someday.
i was never really for cutler, i always had in my mind, he wont do good at all without a receiver and we never got one...
Offensive line > receivers.

Jay can make receivers look good, but he can't block for himself.

Did Coach Smith address that absurd 4th down try?
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

Offensive line > receivers.

Jay can make receivers look good, but he can't block for himself.

Watch his first three interceptions. Notice that he's running out of the pocket. The offensive line was just terrible last night. Granted, Green Bay'sD wasn't too shabby but regardless Cutler was basically running for his life. Bennett and Hester were actually decent and Knox was amazing but whatsurprised me was the fact that Clark and Olsen were no-factors. And nearly everyone decided to stop running their routes. Then again, Cutler shouldn't havethrow those interceptions in double/triple coverage. But we'll have to take the bad with the good. Cutler is a better player than this, and this seasonisn't over, so the world isn't going to end. I mean damn, Favre has the interception record by a large (and I mean large) margin. Terry Bradshaw threwonly 6 TD's in his rookie season and 24 interceptions along with that. He's only thrown 2 more TD's in hiscareer than interceptions. Joe Namath has throw nearly 50 more interceptions than TD's in his career. And what do they all have in common? They'reSuper Bowl champions. At the end of the day, as long as Cutler wins, that's all that matters to me.
Originally Posted by illmatic34

Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

Offensive line > receivers.

Jay can make receivers look good, but he can't block for himself.

Watch his first three interceptions. Notice that he's running out of the pocket. The offensive line was just terrible last night. Granted, Green Bay's D wasn't too shabby but regardless Cutler was basically running for his life. Bennett and Hester were actually decent and Knox was amazing but what surprised me was the fact that Clark and Olsen were no-factors. And nearly everyone decided to stop running their routes. Then again, Cutler shouldn't have throw those interceptions in double/triple coverage. But we'll have to take the bad with the good. Cutler is a better player than this, and this season isn't over, so the world isn't going to end. I mean damn, Favre has the interception record by a large (and I mean large) margin. Terry Bradshaw threw only 6 TD's in his rookie season and 24 interceptions along with that. He's only thrown 2 more TD's in his career than interceptions. Joe Namath has throw nearly 50 more interceptions than TD's in his career. And what do they all have in common? They're Super Bowl champions. At the end of the day, as long as Cutler wins, that's all that matters to me.
Agreed with all of that but add Forte to the non factor list he couldnt get a groove running the ball and i can not remember the last game he wentwithout a reception if he ever even has
if anybody thought he would come in and put up the same numbers as he did last year is a fool i knew he would have trouble just for the fact this will be likehis rookie year here other then one person he played with years ago he didnt know nobody else

and i knew it would be a bad start when i seen the 1st few games we had to play.

that lose goes a few ways everybody gets alot of blame

and we will start at the top

the game plan was wrong all wrong we should have been a run 1st team working off the play action so with that i blame Mr. smith and his round table they liedto us all about how the team was going to be ran and in the 1st game they go out and do wat pass the ball 40 damn times

2nd blame the Oline we knew coming into this year that the line would be ok at best............but they wasnt i seen more then a few times on a 3 man rush themget to cutler and make him have to move they wasnt blocking to save forte life and it shows

id like to take this spot to blame cutler even with that bum !%$ line he still is to blame cuz when it comes down to it he lets that pass go and his mind setshould be if my WR dont get it nobody will that wasnt the case.

last but not less them bum !%$ WR that thought it was cool to quit on a route knox, earl, greg, clark !%$ not once but twice(one that turned into a int theother for the TD that lead to a int being throw the next play)

poor forte will still see 8 in the box after that display

big ups to the D they did they thang
Originally Posted by CP3isdatruth

What we NEED is Brandon freaking Marshall...

No you don't...just another headache from Denver. Actually, I think Chicago should try and acquire Marvin Harrison for some neccessary depth atWR...Ya'll have no true #1 receiever on that team that strikes fear in opposing corners.

Marvin would do wonders for a team with no real veterans on the offense and despite a questionable shooting incident involving him awhile back....the guy'sas reliable as there has ever been in the league. He's an older player at 37 years old...but I can still see the guy coming in and being a reliable #2 evenat this stage of his career and he'll be able to guide the younger receiving corp on that team...
Schefter says Derrick Brooks will not sign with Chicago for now.
Originally Posted by JPZx

Schefter says Derrick Brooks will not sign with Chicago for now.

Did he specifically say that he doesn't want to sign with us or we didn't offer him a contract?
Originally Posted by illmatic34

Originally Posted by JPZx

Schefter says Derrick Brooks will not sign with Chicago for now.

Did he specifically say that he doesn't want to sign with us or we didn't offer him a contract?
They want to give the younger guys a shot first...i've also heard that they are looking @ Napoleon Harris
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

We need to pick up some "stick um" for our receivers.

Is Marvin H. of M.Jones asking for too much money?... we need a vet now
read on espnews last night that the eagles are shopping hank baskett to get jeff garcia on the roster...you guys think we should get him?
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