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  1. tman90

    What college do/did you go to?

    University of Bath, England.
  2. tman90

    When Michael Jordan dies, will he get the same treatment as MJ?

    nope, people are by far over-estimating michael jordan's worldwide impact. here in europe i have never heard him be discussed, and i see him as arguablythe best basketball player of all time, THATS IT. he's not known for charity work or for reaching out to people worldwide. In fact, he would...
  3. tman90

    How do you clear album art on iTunes? VOL: FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUU iTunes!

    Select the music from that album, and then right click and press get info (or press command-i). then choose album art and drag in the correct image. itunes album art finder can be pretty temperamental, I tend to just add album art manually whenever I add music. It works for me!
  4. tman90


    I hear american psycho 2 is not great - what did you think of it? I feel precisely the other way - by making the murders in the film so over-the-top (slightly humerous, in fact) this made me feel that the only way they couldhave happened, is if they were in his head. Now in the book, it is a...
  5. tman90

    The Watchmen...your thoughts

    Haha, that obvious that I haven't read it? I may just give it a read, although I am a bit worried the film and my opinion of it will ruin the story forme...
  6. tman90

    The Watchmen...your thoughts

    I am a big fan of All Along The Watchtower, but this is one of songs that stuck out for me for not fitting. I remember that scene when they were flying to thecompund, and it just didn't seem to fit in IMO. Also, the use of the Hallelujah remix durig the sex scene was incredibly cheesy as well...
  7. tman90

    The Watchmen...your thoughts

    C'mon, a comic is the greatest piece of literature you've ever read? I mean, I'm all for personal opinion, but you need to read moreif this is the case! I can see why comic fans enjoyed the film, but I found the film incredibly boring and in fact, when I left, I remember saying it was the...
  8. tman90

    ***Transformers 2:Revenge Of The Fallen***

    Video makes some good points. I just back from watching it, enjoyed it, but there were so many unnecessary parts to - there was no need in havingthat Decepticon destroying the periods and then being blown up by some sort of laser/railgun thing. It just reveals flaws in the plot - why weren't...
  9. tman90

    What college are you currently attending?

    University of Bath, England.
  10. tman90

    Wembley Stadium in running to stage Super Bowl?

    Sorry if this is a re-post, couldn't find it on the search function....
  11. tman90

    ::Oxford/Cambridge Interview Questions::

    I think it's kind of the point, seeing if people can adapt for difficult/obscure questions. Most applicants probably didn't answer themperfectly, I'm pretty sure of that. I have a couple of friends who go to Oxford or Cambridge and they said that these type of questions at the interview,although...
  12. tman90

    LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

    good episode tonight, glad to see farraday back. one thing i've been wondering about for a couple of weeks - where is rose, bernard etc? surely they wouldalso be in 1977, so perhaps they are others now? or were they just killed by smokey so we'd forget about them?
  13. tman90

    Buying a new laptop for college

    a mac pro is the heavyweight desktop mac, in tower form. it is the most powerful, hence why it is most expensive. for most people, it is total overkill andare better off getting a "regular" mac such as the laptops which include macbook or even a macbook pro for heavier use. other desktop macs...
  14. tman90


    it's funny how van nistelrooy (sp?) takes a shot from outside the area in that vid. like that would ever happen i hope poland go far - they're an underdog and there's a huge polish population in this country!�
  15. tman90

    *Official LOST Season 4/5 Discussion Thread*

    so is it three hours tonight - last week's episode with extra scenes and then a two hour finale?
  16. tman90

    *Official LOST Season 4/5 Discussion Thread*

    So season 5 starts in January? Another long wait
  17. tman90

    Official UEFA Champions League Final: Manchester United vs Chelsea May 21st 2:30PM EST ESPN 2

    This game will probably end up being quite boring, as the teams will cancel each other out. 1-0 ManU in extra time or either team in penalties.
  18. tman90

    *Official LOST Season 4/5 Discussion Thread*

    i was reading another forum, and this comment just made my day:
  19. tman90

    *Official LOST Season 4/5 Discussion Thread*

    i just watched the scene with the backgammon, and i must be missing something. all i can think of is the black and white theme, walt is wearing whiteshoes....people walking in the background?? locke's cut?? i must be being dumb... EDIT: something to do with dice, and skeletons?
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