The Watchmen...your thoughts

Jun 3, 2007
This should be dropping around July 21st the official DVD. I saw it in theatres twice. I thought the visuals were amazing. The story line was off the hook andI acting was actually pretty spot on for a comic. I think a lot of people expected a comic comic book, while those it the know knew it wasn't going to be acomic book, but rather a book adaptation. All and all I loved this movie. Tell me what you think. and "it sucked" replies don't help, becausethats all I keep getting no one seems to have a real answer as to why it sucked whereas I could come up with a laundry list of things as to why it was good.
the comic-awesome
the motion comic-awesome
the visuals in the movie-awesome
the movie as a whole-garbage
I don't get people saying it was boring. Elaborate, a lot goes in this movie, honestly didn't realize I had watched three hours of it. Those in thesocial sciences, philosophy, english lit or anything of that nature should like it. It speaks to the politics of the world at that time, even now. It talksabout what it means to be human. I really really dig this movie and this whole thing.
those saying the comic was better, idk how that is possible. A lot of the lines and frames from the movie were exactly word from word frame by frame from thecomic. This is the first movie that I can think of that did that. So I don't get how you like the comic but not the movie. The only difference is whenDr.Manhattan was on Mars. I've read the comic atleeat four times, and trust when I tell you with the adaption of a few scenes this joint is directly fromthe comic. Saying the comic was x times better doesn't make sense to me. Idk I just think no matter what a director does,the version you read in your headis always going to be better than the one you see on the screen. People said the same thing about 300.
--I dont know why people saying it "sucked badly". That was the best interpretation of Watchmen on film we will ever see. Waaaay better than nothing.
--I will agree the book is better. Just like a majority of movies out there.
The comic is amazing and probably the greatest piece of literature I've ever read. The movie for the most part is a spot on adaptation of the comic so onthat front, it was awesome. Just like any book that gets turned into the movie, there is no way the movie can live up to the book (unless its not well known)because you have more storyline and character development in a book. On this front I think the movie was above average. Not amazing but as far as books madeinto movies, I'd think its near the top.

Anyone that says the movie sucks is basically saying the comic sucks because it is about 95% straight from the comic.
the graphic novel's conclusion was very different than the movie.

the movie was dull. point blank period

i would have been happy just reading the novel and keeping my 9.50
Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

The comic is amazing and probably the greatest piece of literature I've ever read. The movie for the most part is a spot on adaptation of the comic so on that front, it was awesome. Just like any book that gets turned into the movie, there is no way the movie can live up to the book (unless its not well known) because you have more storyline and character development in a book. On this front I think the movie was above average. Not amazing but as far as books made into movies, I'd think its near the top.

Anyone that says the movie sucks is basically saying the comic sucks because it is about 95% straight from the comic.
I agree for the most part.

I think this was one of the hardest adaptations to make for a film, and that it was done as well as possible. He stayed as true to the story as he could, timelimitations hurt the film in the end and couldn't give the weight or impact of the graphic novel.

I liked it a lot, will definitely pick it up when it's released.
Originally Posted by itsphillthy

the graphic novel's conclusion was very different than the movie.

the movie was dull. point blank period

i would have been happy just reading the novel and keeping my 9.50
It had to be, movie was made to be set in present day (if I remember correctly) while the book was during the Cold War. Obviously one of the mainthreats in the book is a possible nuclear attack from Russia and the conclusion plays on the fears many had.

I don't agree but I'm assuming you would have like there to be more character development? That honestly is the only thing that could have made themovie better without changing too much of what it had. Obviously the movie was already 3 hrs so some things had to be cut.

$9.50 for a movie
You got robbed
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

the comic-awesome
the motion comic-awesome
the visuals in the movie-awesome
the movie as a whole-garbage

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]this[/color]
Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

The comic is amazing and probably the greatest piece of literature I've ever read. The movie for the most part is a spot on adaptation of the comic so on that front, it was awesome. Just like any book that gets turned into the movie, there is no way the movie can live up to the book (unless its not well known) because you have more storyline and character development in a book. On this front I think the movie was above average. Not amazing but as far as books made into movies, I'd think its near the top.

Anyone that says the movie sucks is basically saying the comic sucks because it is about 95% straight from the comic.
C'mon, a comic is the greatest piece of literature you've ever read? I mean, I'm all for personal opinion, but you need to read moreif this is the case!

I can see why comic fans enjoyed the film, but I found the film incredibly boring and in fact, when I left, I remember saying it was the second worst filmI've seen at the cinema. Which is true - it just dragged on, and the whole story was just ridiculous. The film just jumped from scene to scene, all of asudden we're on Mars watching the blue guy meditate? %!+? And how were they so great at fighting, just because they put on a costume?

The ending was horrible and the music choice throughout the film was not fitting at all. I thought that overall, the film was highly disappointing.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

I think this was one of the hardest adaptations to make for a film, and that it was done as well as possible. He stayed as true to the story as he could, time limitations hurt the film in the end and couldn't give the weight or impact of the graphic novel.
Not only that but I personally think that comic book films have to be the hardest movies to make. Not only do you have to try to appeal to thecasual fans but you also have to appeal to the hardcore fans, who probably are one of the biggest critics of movies. For every complaint I heard about HarryPotter/LOtR, I heard 5 times as many complaints about Spider-Man.
Originally Posted by bboy1827

those saying the comic was better, idk how that is possible. A lot of the lines and frames from the movie were exactly word from word frame by frame from the comic. This is the first movie that I can think of that did that. So I don't get how you like the comic but not the movie. The only difference is when Dr.Manhattan was on Mars. I've read the comic atleeat four times, and trust when I tell you with the adaption of a few scenes this joint is directly from the comic. Saying the comic was x times better doesn't make sense to me. Idk I just think no matter what a director does,the version you read in your head is always going to be better than the one you see on the screen. People said the same thing about 300.
The dynamics surrounding the ending was drastically different. Not to mention there was no cheesy comic relief in the comic like in the movie. Ithought the soundtrack added to the story but over all its an un filmable story. Its entirely too massive of a plot to attempt to shrink into a feature film. Alan Moore is on some next level $#!t. He has elaborate stories that take time and patience to fully comprehend. The comic has way more depth and characterdevelopment. None of his films translate well. Look at The League of Extrondinary Gentlemen even V for Vendetta did not capture everything although it wasdone well. That said Snyders Watchmen will be the best interpretation of the book but its still not comparable.
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