The Watchmen...your thoughts

Originally Posted by vjetti

25 extra minutes
! I think these could really add to the movie, bring it even closer to the comic. I still have one question tho...Did they even imply that the Comedian shot Kennedy in the comic?? Thought that was a rather crazy addition in the movie.

[h2]Watchmen' Returning To Theaters In July With 25 Minutes Of Extra Footage[/h2]
Published by Brian Warmoth on Thursday, June 25, 2009 at 1:38 pm.

If you didn't feel like you got your money's worth paying to see "Watchmen" in its original 162-minute incarnation, there is good news today, because Zack Snyder has announced that the film is returning to theaters in select cities this summer, even longer than before.

"Watchmen: The Director's Cut," which Snyder called "considerably more violent" and "sexier" than the movie's original version, will only be out for a week leading up to its DVD and Blu-ray releases, but the director's will cap the limited run by hosting a July 25 screening at Comic-Con.

- im sure the extra footage will show the fight in the bar after the goons killed the OG Night Owl.
I have never read the graphic novel but I came in knowing that the movie was not going to be a super hero movie. It was pretty good. I really enjoyed thesocial questions the film asks. What if someone were so powerful would they feel disconnected from everyone else? Does killing a few thousand people to savethe entire world worth it? But I will agree with some people about the movie seeming to drag out. I can't really explain overall how I feel about itthough. I don't think I could sit there and watch it again though
Just because people didn't like the movie doesn't mean they didn't get it or it went "over their heads."
i liked it. will buy the dvd.

i took some friends and they acted like they didnt understand. they were esp. confused as to why the blue guy was naked and had all those powers
Originally Posted by ruffreiter

Just because people didn't like the movie doesn't mean they didn't get it or it went "over their heads."

Doesn't necessarily mean that... but in many cases, that's exactly what it means.

I loved the movie, and I like it even more given how many people disliked it... or got so distracted by a blue penis and music that their immature little mindscouldn't focus on an interesting storyline.

If it had been pitched for the real type of story it was and not as just another superhero movie, most of you complaining never would've gone to see it inthe first place - many were just disappointed because they think Spiderman is what a superhero movie has to be. They want blunt storylines and over the topaction so there's no thinking necessary.
Craftsy21 wrote:
ruffreiter wrote:
Just because people didn't like the movie doesn't mean they didn't get it or it went "over their heads."

Doesn't necessarily mean that... but in many cases, that's exactly what it means.

I loved the movie, and I like it even more given how many people disliked it... or got so distracted by a blue penis and music that their immature little minds couldn't focus on an interesting storyline.

If it had been pitched for the real type of story it was and not as just another superhero movie, most of you complaining never would've gone to see it in the first place - many were just disappointed because they think Spiderman is what a superhero movie has to be. They want blunt storylines and over the top action so there's no thinking necessary.


- consumers are sheep, and in general people are stupid. i was cool with the movie except i was disappointed in them switching up the ending to appeal to movieaudiences. i wish they would have left it the same with the squid. movie was cool, wish i had seen the movie first instead of reading the book because watchingthe movie after the book felt like someone spoiled the movie for me already....i found myself always anticipating the next scene.

- thats why i mostly stay away from big blockbusters. people are stupid and the studios know it they engineer the movies to appeal to those smallminds.........just take a look at the amount of people who loved Transformers
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

- thats why i mostly stay away from big blockbusters. people are stupid and the studios know it they engineer the movies to appeal to those small minds.........just take a look at the amount of people who loved Transformers
so what youre saying is: if one finds a blockbuster movie, (such as spiderman, ironman, transformers etc.) entertaining they have a small mind?

Just because it doesnt have deep meaning doesnt mean it cant be good or entertaining in my opinion.

I watch movies to be entertained if that entertainment comes from a cool message or complex storyline im happy

If it comes from mindless action and cheesy storyline, im cool with that too.

That doesnt mean i like all blockbuster movies, nor does that mean i like all "deep meaning" movies. It just means I like what I like.
Book/novel whatever it's called was GREAT
movie was of the best from this year

Spoiler [+]
no giant squid
was disappointing but oh well
SDS45 wrote:
When I stepped out of the theater there was a group of teeny-boppers that had neither the attention span or intelligence required for this flick, complaining about how stupid it was....every time I hear someone complain I think of them

and to the dude that said "cmon a comic"

I can relate, you know a lot of people that replied in this thread fall into that category.
the movie did not capture the sense of impending doom that the book did. That was my main problem with the movie.

Other than that, the pacing was off, adriann vedit was a horrible actor, the music was atrocious.

visually it was spot on
i thought it was good....

it had to be long though, for ppl like me, who knew nothing about it...
so i was entertained the whole time...
yep617 wrote:
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

- thats why i mostly stay away from big blockbusters. people are stupid and the studios know it they engineer the movies to appeal to those small minds.........just take a look at the amount of people who loved Transformers
so what youre saying is: if one finds a blockbuster movie, (such as spiderman, ironman, transformers etc.) entertaining they have a small mind?

Just because it doesnt have deep meaning doesnt mean it cant be good or entertaining in my opinion.

I watch movies to be entertained if that entertainment comes from a cool message or complex storyline im happy

If it comes from mindless action and cheesy storyline, im cool with that too.

That doesnt mean i like all blockbuster movies, nor does that mean i like all "deep meaning" movies. It just means I like what I like.

- nope. i never said anything about ironman and spiderman...only transformers. dont readtoo deep into what in saying i stay away from blockbusters because those are the ones studios usually load up with as much superficial garbage they can to tryand appeal to as many groups as possible to recoup their money.
*a couple loose examples*
- that robot chick was thrown into Transformers just for the 'hot' appeal to the hormone raging teenager, (i could also make a case forMegan Fox not being in the movie altogether but i wont go then take Spiderman for example Kirsten Dunst has a purpose...her characterwas in the comics, her role isnt some thrown together character made for some eye candy to entice more guys to come out and see the movie. look at Iron Man,aside from the chicks Starks was banging and Pepper Potts (who was also in the comics) you didnt see random eye candy following Starks around every scene justto give you something to look at, and i respect that.

- Transformers had so many shameless plugs and borrowed elements from other movies trying to appeal to everyone i wouldnt be surprised to see Frodo Baggins anda few hobbits in the third one

- that shows me you as a director/producer respect my intelligence. when they randomly throw in out of place violence, hot chicks, shameless adertising, movies (and you can detect this BS from miles away, at least i can), it turns me off from the movie altogether......its disrespectful, at least to me it is,im not stupid and you as a director/producer should'nt expect me to be fooled by you dangling a carrot in front of me like a mule to pay to see your movie.

- im not asking for every movie to have some deep meaning....just make sense. Transformers had so much garbage thrown in it that didnt even go together, all inan effort to make that money back. Iron Man....made sense, so did Spiderman and countless other action flicks. the rub is, its usually action flicks thatsuffer from this problem so i stay away unless i KNOW its good.
I didn't read the novel but I did watched the movie a few days ago, I fell asleep...
Good flick.... Definately gonna pick it up when I update my TV blue ray(ps3) later this yr
Originally Posted by bboy1827

This should be dropping around July 21st the official DVD. I saw it in theatres twice. I thought the visuals were amazing. The story line was off the hook and I acting was actually pretty spot on for a comic. I think a lot of people expected a comic comic book, while those it the know knew it wasn't going to be a comic book, but rather a book adaptation. All and all I loved this movie. Tell me what you think. and "it sucked" replies don't help, because thats all I keep getting no one seems to have a real answer as to why it sucked whereas I could come up with a laundry list of things as to why it was good.
agreed, like one early review said "feels like they made a movie just for me." Like i loved it, but i know it's not something mygirl or my dudes would enjoy. It is how i wanted it to be for the adaptation.
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