Wrestling Thread May 13-19 | 5/19 WWE Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Now Open!

Here's the entire report:

- After holding the United States Championship for 240 days through last month when he was upended by Kofi Kingston, Antonio Cesaro’s standing in WWE has been greatly curtailed as the Swiss grappler has lost the majority of his televised matches. For those wondering whether his demotion is as a result of “heat” backstage, it is not. Rather, top WWE officials simply feel he lacks personality.

While addressing Cesaro’s current placement in WWE, Dave Meltzer noted on Wrestling Observer Radio Monday night that company brass believe that the former Ring of Honor standout is “boring,” resulting in his slide down the card. Some in WWE, however, are not in favor of the demotion, and believe Cesaro should be a headliner.

While Cesaro engaged in a match with Kingston two weeks on WWE Main Event that was well-received by management, it failed to alter his standing in the organization. Meltzer noted, “They don’t see him any higher than they did two weeks ago. There was lip service paid there for a week or two, but it’s over now.”
Christian being better than Matt Hardy is a massive understatement. Hardy peaked at his awesome V1 gimmick and never recovered. Christian can legit still be a top guy, especially as a heel.
Guys like Matt Hardy & christian. Great wrestlers. There too good to be in the mid card yet not good enough for main event. Its a tough spot to be in. 
IMO,Christian can be a main eventer.

Mines too. Outside of Punk he could've been a great #2 face of the company after his first title win. But, instead the give us Orton and then switch Christian to a heel even after the fans were behind them. After that they force fed us Sheamus, and nobody cared for that.

Whomever is running this is out of touch. It's not just Vince. I haven't tuned in in awhile, but by reading I knw I'm not missing nothing. Cesaro was my fav guy, but now they're just crapping on him.
Raw MITB Winner For This Year Possibly Revealed???


:pimp: :evil:
- At the May 24th RAW live event in Salt Lake City, it will be Shawn Michaels Appreciation Night. No word yet why they’re doing a Shawn Michaels night on a Friday in Salt Lake City of all places. Jim Ross noted on Twitter that he will be appearing for the festivities. Apparently other Legends are being brought in also.

- As noted before, the May 27th RAW from Calgary will be Bret Hart Appreciation Night. This will be for TV also, not just the local crowd. Bret is still having some trouble getting around and is going through the recovery process from his second knee replacement back in February. As noted, Shawn Michaels will be returning for that show.

- There is some talk within WWE that with the way officials booked the Triple H and Brock Lesnar cage spot on RAW where Lesnar was easily knocked out of the cage, the whole reason they booked the cage match for Extreme Rules was because they didn’t want to have to beat either guy.

- While WWE officials have been really hot on JBL since returning, which is why he’s doing more announcing now, they do want him to work on getting new material. The feeling is that he’s repeating some of his material because he’s doing more shows now.

- Regarding Antonio Cesaro, we noted before that some WWE officials feel he’s boring while others in the company feel he should be in the top mix of things. It’s said some of those who think he’s boring are some of the most important people in the company. However, there is a general feeling that Cesaro is right near the top of the best workers in the company. He is also described as having no real problems in the sense that most people in the locker room respect him, thinks he’s great in the ring and has no drug or immaturity issues.

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter
- There is some talk within WWE that with the way officials booked the Triple H and Brock Lesnar cage spot on RAW where Lesnar was easily knocked out of the cage, the whole reason they booked the cage match for Extreme Rules was because they didn’t want to have to beat either guy.
A complete joke.
Current lines on 5Dimes
[table][tr][td]John Cena vs Ryback - WWE Championship[/td][/tr][tr][td]graded with final decision as broadcast ends, see sportsbook rules section for all conditions[/td][/tr][tr][td]Sun 5/19[/td][td] [/td][td]103 John Cena (end of broadcast ruling)[/td][td] [/td][td]  -650 [/td][td] [/td][td]  [/td][td]  [/td][/tr][tr][td]8:00PM[/td][td] [/td][td]104 Ryback (end of broadccast ruling)[/td][td] [/td][td]  +420 [/td][td] [/td][td]  [/td][td]  [/td][/tr][tr][td]Brock Lesnar vs Triple H - Steel Cage match[/td][/tr][tr][td]graded with final decision as broadcast ends, see sportsbook rules section for all conditions[/td][/tr][tr][td]Sun 5/19[/td][td] [/td][td]113 Brock Lesnar (end of broadcast ruling)[/td][td] [/td][td]  -1700 [/td][td] [/td][td]  [/td][td]  [/td][/tr][tr][td]8:00PM[/td][td] [/td][td]114 Triple H (end of broadcast ruling)[/td][td] [/td][td]  +800 [/td][td] [/td][td]  [/td][td]  [/td][/tr][tr][td]Sheamus vs Mark Henry - Strap match[/td][/tr][tr][td]graded with final decision as broadcast ends, see sportsbook rules section for all conditions[/td][/tr][tr][td]Sun 5/19[/td][td] [/td][td]143 Sheamus (end of broadcast ruling)[/td][td] [/td][td]  -650 [/td][td] [/td][td]  [/td][td]  [/td][/tr][tr][td]8:00PM[/td][td] [/td][td]144 Mark Henry (end of broadcast ruling)[/td][td] [/td][td]  +420 [/td][td] [/td][td]  [/td][td]  [/td][/tr][tr][td]Randy Orton vs Big Show - Extreme Rules match[/td][/tr][tr][td]graded with final decision as broadcast ends, see sportsbook rules section for all conditions[/td][/tr][tr][td]Sun 5/19[/td][td] [/td][td]153 Randy Orton (end of broadcast ruling)[/td][td] [/td][td]  -530 [/td][td] [/td][td]  [/td][td]  [/td][/tr][tr][td]8:00PM[/td][td] [/td][td]154 Big Show (end of broadcast ruling)[/td][td] [/td][td]  +350 [/td][/tr][/table]
Sin Cara In Line for a Title Shot
For those who missed WWE Main Event this week, Sin Cara defeated Wade Barrett in a non-title match and is now in line for an IC Title shot.

The wonders of lazy booking. Vince needs to pass the torch already. The Al Davis of Wrestling.
Maybe we're missing something guys. Maybe the US and Intercontinental championship titles are used as punishments and not to elevate like we've thought. Like when the internet likes someone Mcmahon gives them the title and lets the WWE machine bred stars bury until we no longer care. Vince you demented yet clever bastard.
- WWE officials in developmental have told Sami Zayn, the former El Generico, to slow down and not do so many high spots. The feeling is that he’s really good, very intelligent and does good promos. Officials like the spots he does but don’t want him to do so many in one match.
- WWE officials in developmental have told Sami Zayn, the former El Generico, to slow down and not do so many high spots. The feeling is that he’s really good, very intelligent and does good promos. Officials like the spots he does but don’t want him to do so many in one match.

Let that boy cook.

what about Cesaro with Heyman?
Funny you mention that...
The following is a new article from WWE's website:

Is Paul Heyman scouting a third client?

Might there be another Paul Heyman guy waiting in the wings?

While CM Punk languishes in self-imposed exile and Brock Lesnar prepares to battle Triple H inside a steel cage, rumors have begun swirling that the mad scientist is looking to expand his ranks, and actively scouting for a third client inside the WWE locker room. The rumors are admittedly just that at this point, but the WWE Superstars and Divas are still abuzz over the possibility of Heyman's ranks increasing by one.

Despite Heyman's firebrand reputation, it would appear there is no shortage of Superstars clamoring for his representation, which makes sense given the visibility an association with the mad scientist brings.

“Would I like to be represented by Paul Heyman? Of course,” said NXT Superstar Corey Graves. “It doesn’t mean you’re gonna be liked. You’re not gonna make any friends … but you can’t deny that if you’re a Paul Heyman guy, the world’s going to talk about you.”

United States Champion Kofi Kingston also weighed in with a response that some may find a bit surprising. “I think anyone who is not interested in having Paul Heyman as a representative would be foolish. Look at his track record and what he’s done for guys like Brock Lesnar. You see how much of an asset he’s been for CM Punk. [Heyman] is a genius.”

Others are more wary than anything over the potential growth of Heyman's cult of personality. Take the recently returned Miz, for example. “What’s in it for me? I’ll answer a question with a question, because while Heyman definitely has something to offer, I just don’t know what he has to offer to me.”

As for Paul Heyman himself, he responded with an uncharacteristic silence when pressed for comment. Third man or not, it would appear he has the WWE Universe talking regardless – which, of course, is just the way he likes it.
It's from WWE's website so you have to take it w/ a grain of salt...but there's been times where they've foreshadowed future storylines on there as well so who knows. If Heyman is allowed to grab a third client...Cesaro would have to be the frontrunner, right? Makes a lot of sense.
This PG era is absolutely deplorable. WWE has more sponsors & tv shows than ever before. They make bank off sponsors, yet ratings & buyrates & attendance is in the gutter. 
About the TV & sponsors thing:
Variety has a new article online with several WWE business notes including the social media push and the shift to PG programming. The publication WWE has attracted several huge sponsors since going PG five years ago. Below is an excerpt from the piece:
The “Attitude Era” may have launched the careers of “Stone Cold” Steve Austin and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson during the 1990s, but WWE’s programming was considered too edgy for advertisers. Five years ago, the wrestling conglom embraced a PG rating, and since then it’s helped attract family-conscious advertisers like General Motors, Ford Motor Co., Disney, DreamWorks, Paramount, Kmart, Subway, Taco Bell, Colgate, Frito-Lay, Schick and Mattel. WWE nabbed $160 million through its toy licensing pact with Mattel last year, up from $110 million in 2010.
On WWE's expansion of programming:

While some companies have brokered exclusive deals with a pay-cabler or streaming service, WWE has shows on multiple networks — NBC, USA, Syfy, Ion, the CW — and offers up programming to YouTube, Hulu Plus and Netflix. After seeing how some companies are selling more pay-per-views through apps, WWE recently launched its own on Microsoft’s Xbox Live and Samsung Smart TVs to boost sales.
Variety also reports WWE is looking at a new concept where fans would be able to purchase virtual goods with “WWE cash.” Below in an excerpt:
So far, WWE collects a licensing fee and percentage of the ad sales for its content on YouTube and Hulu Plus. But to take further advantage of digital platforms, WWE is considering elements of gamifi cation, where fans can purchase virtual goods or be rewarded with accumulating “WWE Cash” for activity via apps or on Facebook and Twitter.
Quote from Vince McMahon:

“John Cena or the Big Show could walk down the aisle and shake your hand,” said WWE chairman Vince McMahon in describing the importance of the personal connection between WWE stars and fans. “It’s a little difficult for Spider-Man to do that.”
Click here to read the Variety article in its entirety.
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It's from WWE's website so you have to take it w/ a grain of salt...but there's been times where they've foreshadowed future storylines on there as well so who knows. If Heyman is allowed to grab a third client...Cesaro would have to be the frontrunner, right? Makes a lot of sense.

I hope it is Cesaro. Good fit or not, Heyman can definitely give the dude the rub. I hope Punk pulls some strings and help out his boy Cesaro.
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- There is some talk within WWE that with the way officials booked the Triple H and Brock Lesnar cage spot on RAW where Lesnar was easily knocked out of the cage, the whole reason they booked the cage match for Extreme Rules was because they didn’t want to have to beat either guy.

A complete joke.

So basically, Brock will be getting a cheap win so HHH can still hold something over Brock, since HHH badly needs to be put over.

And that Wade/Sin Cara match :smh: Wade whoops Sin Cara's *** the whole time, and then Sin Cara just rolls him up AFTER being powerbombed. And now he's a contender, that's just lazy
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I heard a rumor that the new Paul Heyman guy is gonna be RVD.  Don't know if it's true though but RVD did comment recently saying that he signed to either WWE or back with TNA and TNA said they haven't had any contact with him so who knows.  Then again  maybe it's just the rumor mill blowing smoke up our butts since it's been a boring couple of weeks.
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