Wrestling Thread Mar 3-9 | 3/9 TNA Lockdown - Magnus v Joe | Team MVP v Team Dixie Lethal Lockdown

again i dont know how to express this more Renee is mine and all you guys talking about my boo now can f off
thats not what she told me
wrestlemania card so far is looking like...

RKO vs. Batista
Taker vs. Barack
Bryan vs. Shovel
Cena vs. Wyatt
Sheamus vs. Christian
Langston vs. Cesaro vs. Twagger
Usos vs ??? (Wyatts)
The Shield breakup
Random Divas Match

That's 9 matches tentatively which is pretty much a full card. So many guys are goin to be left off the card this year.

Del Rio. Big Slow. Ron Misterio. Kofi Kingston. Mizark. Sandow. Rhodes. Goldust. Miz. Show Off. Any chance they decide to throw a Money in the Bank match to fit all these guys in or are they SOL?
There definitely won't be a MITB match.

I'm thinking it's a 3 way dance between the members of The Shield.
All I am trying to say is The Miz is in a similar role as Hogan. As the top spokesman in the wwe right now. Movie roles, talk shows, local news. That's the same role hogan was in. I am not even saying Miz is close to hogans popularity or talented as hogan was at that.
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All I am trying to say is The Miz is in a similar role as Hogan. As the top spokesman in the wwe right now. Movie roles, talk shows, local news. That's the same role hogan was in. I am not even saying Miz is close to hogans popularity or talented as hogan was at that.

Just stop.
Heyman's promo this past monday was off script. He received alot of praise backstage.
Watching this Rey/Jericho match from "The Bash." Not sure what year this is. 09? Same card with Hardy/Punk. HHH/Orton.

Good damn match masn
Somebody said Percy Watson died and came back as Mojo Rawley.

Oh yea, forgot Camacho is still on the roster
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With the amount of senseless beatings he's taken as of late, would hate to see The Hall of Pain not get a match at WM
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What ever happen to percy watkins? That use to be 4wrestlings idol after orlando jordan left wwe
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