Wrestling Thread Mar 3-9 | 3/9 TNA Lockdown - Magnus v Joe | Team MVP v Team Dixie Lethal Lockdown

The amount of sabotaging the WWE did to Zack Rydet was epic. This guy got himself over, the WWE have him a sledgehammer to the back of his head. They embarrassed him day in and day out, took over his YouTube shows, and sucked everything out of his character. I think the worst thing they did was align him with Cena. They knew full well that Cena wasn't gonna help Ryder get more popular, as it only zapped cheers from him. In a real world job, the higher ups could get sued and relieved for some of the things the WWE does :lol:
I don't know if it's been posted in here yet, but I've been seeing today that Linda McMahon will be the one to induct Ultimate Warrior into the HOF..
2 annoncements tonight concerning WM 30. 1 by Taker, 1 by Hogan.
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Never realized how damn good Owen was man. His feud with Shamrock was awesome.

From an overall standpoint, Owen > Bret. Come at me
I'm not gonna come at you but I'm going to disagree..I'd say that Owen definitely knew more moves, but he couldn't tell a story in the ring like Bret could..Not saying Owen couldn't tell a good story, because he could, but Bret's work was just more consistent than Owen's..Plus Owen had a tendency to botch more moves than the Hitman..People can say what they want about BH's place in history as far as where he ranks on the all time list, but nobody can take away the fact that the man was a machine in the ring and always delivered no matter who he faced..

Plus, and I firmly believe this, Stone Cold and HBK don't become as over as they were without the rub of having major feuds/matches with Bret Hart..Those 2 guys most memorable matches came against Bret..SCSA in the I Quit match and HBK in the Ironman match..Those are all time great matches and the 1 common denominator is The Excellence of Execution..
I don't think we ever got to see the best of Owen.  Imagine the programs he would have had against guys like Eddie, Edge, Benoit, Angle, etc etc etc.
Nah man say it ain't so... I'm going to WM31 next year

They still gotta do Cena vs. Taker man.
I wouldn't want his last match to be against garbage cena.
True. But its only fitting for today's product tho.
I wanna see it. Say what you will about his selling or stale character, but the guy has great chemistry with basically everybody and is one of the better big-match wrestlers ever(inb4 he is the most easily carried wrestler ever) . Plus the crowd reactions would be next level and it will be another rare chance to see cena job clean (I hope).
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I'm in the same boat as you..Me and the Cat Master hardly ever agree..But on this I'm right there with him..Rider is a total turd and is pure NyQuil in the ring..I tried watching a couple of those Youtube shows and it made me want to slit my wrists..He's not a wrestler, or even a sports entertainer, he's just another internet personality..And a mediocre one at that..Add him to the list of WWE employees whose parents should of had second thoughts about not using contraception..

Good Lord :x
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