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Never realized how damn good Owen was man. His feud with Shamrock was awesome.

From an overall standpoint, Owen > Bret. Come at me
Punk announced for The Talking Dead next week.. interesting that Hardwick said "Phil Brooks aka CM Punk."

Phil Brooks aka CM Punk is to be on Talking Dead next Sunday night...

Never realized how damn good Owen was man. His feud with Shamrock was awesome.

From an overall standpoint, Owen > Bret. Come at me

I'm not gonna come at you but I'm going to disagree..I'd say that Owen definitely knew more moves, but he couldn't tell a story in the ring like Bret could..Not saying Owen couldn't tell a good story, because he could, but Bret's work was just more consistent than Owen's..Plus Owen had a tendency to botch more moves than the Hitman..People can say what they want about BH's place in history as far as where he ranks on the all time list, but nobody can take away the fact that the man was a machine in the ring and always delivered no matter who he faced..

Plus, and I firmly believe this, Stone Cold and HBK don't become as over as they were without the rub of having major feuds/matches with Bret Hart..Those 2 guys most memorable matches came against Bret..SCSA in the I Quit match and HBK in the Ironman match..Those are all time great matches and the 1 common denominator is The Excellence of Execution..
I think Owen had tons more charisma than Bret, but I don't know if I could put him above his brother as a wrestler.

Overall I think they're just about even...maybe a slight edge to Bret.
I'm pretty sure I've said this before but I gotta say it again, Matt Striker is ****** awful :x I tried watching WM 26 and I couldn't do it man. You can tell how annoyed Cole and Lawler are of the guy too.
I'm pretty sure I've said this before but I gotta say it again, Matt Striker is ****** awful :x I tried watching WM 26 and I couldn't do it man. You can tell how annoyed Cole and Lawler are of the guy too.

Cole and Lawler being annoyed at anyone other than their parents for giving birth to them is outrageous..
Striker was just saying what was getting put in his ear.

I believe he's actually really knowledgeable about the business.
Cole and Lawler being annoyed at anyone other than their parents for giving birth to them is outrageous..

Damn man... :lol:

Striker definitely knows his stuff, he made sure of that with his beating into our heads how much indy knowledge he had as if that gave him some cred. It doesn't make him a good announcer, not that Cole and Lawler are much better... thank god for JBL man.
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Damn man... :lol:

Striker definitely knows his stuff, he made sure of that with his beating into our heads how much indy knowledge he had as if that gave him some cred. It doesn't make him a good announcer, not that Cole and Lawler are much better... thank god for JBL man.

Seriously. Thank god for jbl. Cole and lawler are horrible! Can't believe cole refers to himself as "the voice of the wwe" and lawler was GREAT during attitude era. Then pg era he has been awful
SuperBrawl 2000 

Tank Abbot vs. AL Green

yeah, and followed up by Booker vs. Ahmed Johnson I mean Big T. 

I think Kevin Sullivan was the booker at the time (which led to Benoit leaving)
Never realized how damn good Owen was man. His feud with Shamrock was awesome.

From an overall standpoint, Owen > Bret. Come at me

No need to come at you, I preferred Owen over Bret from day one.

That Booker vs Ahmed Johnson match...*facepalm* I hated seeing Ahmed finished like that. All those injuries built up over the years, he gain weight, yet was still trying to use some of his semi-highflying offense that he had at his peak shape.
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I don't care what the Cat Guy says Ryder has "It" and he's another one who connects with the crowd. Woo Woo Woo!
I rarely ever agree with 4w but Ryder sucks man :lol:

I know there are a lot of people who liked his youtube videos, I didnt,but he was def not able to translate whatever charisma he had in the videos to promos in front of a live crowd. His ring attire is pure buffoonery and he is still a mediocre worker.

I guess he still has room to improve cause he's pretty young, they should probably send him down to NXT for a year or two.
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I rarely ever agree with 4w but Ryder sucks man :lol:

I know there are a lot of people who liked his youtube videos, I didnt,but he was def not able to translate whatever charisma he had in the videos to promos in front of a live crowd. His ring attire is pure buffoonery and he is still a mediocre worker.

I guess he still has room to improve cause he's pretty young, they should probably send him down to NXT for a year or two.

I'm in the same boat as you..Me and the Cat Master hardly ever agree..But on this I'm right there with him..Rider is a total turd and is pure NyQuil in the ring..I tried watching a couple of those Youtube shows and it made me want to slit my wrists..He's not a wrestler, or even a sports entertainer, he's just another internet personality..And a mediocre one at that..Add him to the list of WWE employees whose parents should of had second thoughts about not using contraception..
I rarely ever agree with 4w but Ryder sucks man :lol:

I know there are a lot of people who liked his youtube videos, I didnt,but he was def not able to translate whatever charisma he had in the videos to promos in front of a live crowd. His ring attire is pure buffoonery and he is still a mediocre worker.

I guess he still has room to improve cause he's pretty young, they should probably send him down to NXT for a year or two.

Are you serious bro?!

Seriously when has Ryder gotten a legitimate chance to cut promos on live TV? If I'm recalling correctly during his only "run" as the Woo Woo Woo he was used as a vessel to get the crowd on John Cena's side. Cena did the same pandering that he's been doing for Bryan originally with Ryder. "Oh give this guy a chance, listen to the crowd, etc..." Then they let Kane rape him and throw off a stage. He was booked to fail and the E just pimped him out to sell merchandise. Anything Ryder "did" always somehow came back to John Cena. Just look at this nonsense. :smh:

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