Wrestling Thread Mar 11-24 | 3/18 RAW - HHH Responds to Brock | Punk Still Has Taker's Urn

- According to PWInsider.com, while WWE is keeping a tight lid on the stipulation for Brock Lesnar and Triple H's match at WrestleMania 29, the creative team has been considering an MMA style fight between the two superstars. WWE.com recently posted photos of Brock Lesnar's UFC history, which could be a sign that an MMA bout will be the 'Mania stipulation.

uh what...

are they actually going to have a fist fight...lets stop this nonsense just put on a great match - hell in the cell or hardcore match.
- HHH & Undertaker will be on Raw next week.

- Monday’s episode of Raw scored a 3.36 rating and averaged 4.81 million viewers. These numbers are down from last week’s 3.54 rating with 5.02 million average viewers.

Raw did 4.98 million viewers the first hour, 4.89 million the second, and 4.57 million viewers the third hour.
- According to PWInsider.com, while WWE is keeping a tight lid on the stipulation for Brock Lesnar and Triple H's match at WrestleMania 29, the creative team has been considering an MMA style fight between the two superstars. WWE.com recently posted photos of Brock Lesnar's UFC history, which could be a sign that an MMA bout will be the 'Mania stipulation.

Didn't TNA try this one before? Angle vs Joe, I think.

And DC, was it New Japan or All Japan that incorporated shoot type matches before?
- According to PWInsider.com, while WWE is keeping a tight lid on the stipulation for Brock Lesnar and Triple H's match at WrestleMania 29, the creative team has been considering an MMA style fight between the two superstars. WWE.com recently posted photos of Brock Lesnar's UFC history, which could be a sign that an MMA bout will be the 'Mania stipulation.

Please noooooooooooooooooo
I honestly like the angle they are going with Henry and Ryback. Its just something different to me and I hope they keep pushing it to mania. But it could also backfire and we have another Lesner vs Goldberg which was and outstanding match...
Lion's Den match :pimp:

Those RAW #'s are impressive with the fact that neither Cena or Rock were there. I guess they were pretty high because of Bearer.
Lion's Den match :pimp:

Those RAW #'s are impressive with the fact that neither Cena or Rock were there. I guess they were pretty high because of Bearer.

Farmer's Den match.

Imagine HHH showing up to Brock's farm. Brock hides behind a haystack, ambushes HHH.

- It was reported earlier that WWE officials are considering a MMA-style fight for the Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H match at WrestleMania 29 in just a few weeks.

F4Wonline.com reports that the match will not be held under MMA rules.

WWE officials are considering 3 or 4 different stipulations but they had not decided on anything as of last night’s RAW. It’s possible we won’t find out the stipulation until the March 25th or April 1st RAW.

- Word at last night’s RAW is that WWE officials have revamped a lot of the WrestleMania 29 undercard once again.

There is said to be a lot of stress internally because Vince McMahon continues to frequently make changes. While some feel that the product has been better as of late, Vince is reportedly not happy with creative and wants changes made.

- Vince McMahon was reportedly a lot more hands-on with producing and scripting last night’s RAW from Indianapolis. This was the first week since Eric Pankowski’s departure and it’s said that he wasn’t missed last night and it was like he was never there.

What likely led to Pankowski’s departure was having CM Punk, Randy Orton, Sheamus and Big Show compete in the Fatal 4 Way two weeks ago to earn the right to face The Undertaker at WrestleMania 29.

Everyone felt that the Fatal 4 Way was a bad idea. People told Pankowski it was a bad idea but he blew them off and went with it. No word yet why Vince McMahon approved it for TV.
Didn't TNA try this one before? Angle vs Joe, I think.

And DC, was it New Japan or All Japan that incorporated shoot type matches before?

It was New Japan that did it. Antonio Inoki went mma-crazy and it resulted in NJPW almost folding because he basically buried all his homegrown stars and pushed mma fighters who couldn't wrestle.
John Layfield @JCLayfield
The Catholic Church spends almost as much effort selecting a pope as they did hiding child molestors.
Chavo Guerrero vs Essa Rios (Metal '01) Never knew they wrestled against each other. Really good finish.
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SmackDown! Spoilers

Sheamus & Randy Orton defeated Cody Rhodes & Damien Sandow. Sandow ate a Brogue Kick, Rhodes hit an RKO to take the pin. After the match, The Shield challenged Orton and Sheamus to find a partner for a six man at WrestleMania. Orton and Sheamus accepted.

The Miz defeats Darren Young via submission with the figure four. Wade Barrett was on commentary.

Backstage, Big Show wanted to be the tag partner against The Shield. Orton & Henry said they already picked somebody - Ryback.

Layla & Kaitlyn defeat Tamina Snuka & Aksana. Sloppy match. Kaitlyn hit Aksana with a GORE, but Layla snuck a tag in and pinned Aksana with a crossbody. Turn coming.

Backstage, the Bellas beat up Naomi and Cameron. Bellas made fun of the "dancing dinosaur and his fat friend who thinks he is Japanese."

Dolph Ziggler defeated Kane with the ZigZag. Daniel Bryan and Big E brawled at ringside towards the end. This distracted Kane leading towards the finish. Big E tossed Bryan over the timekeeper wall. After the match, Ziggler taunted Kane until Kane grabbed Ziggler's throat for a chokeslam. Big E saved Ziggler, then hit his finish on Kane.

Another Ricardo/ADR spoof on Colter aired. This one was about Canadians. It was pretty funny.

Fandango vs Great Khali never happened. Fandango came out, calling Khali "stretch." He wanted Khali to pronounce his name. Khali tried. Fandango was sickened by Khali's attempt. No match.

Backstage, Booker made The Shield vs. Sheamus, Ryback & Orton official. The Shield then attacked Orton and Sheamus and left them laying.

Mark Henry vs The Ryback never happened. 10 seconds after the bell rang, The Shield attacked Ryback. Ryback initially cleared the ring and faced back off with Henry, but the Shield got the better of Ryback on attempt #2. The Shield left Ryback laying with a trio powerbomb. After Shield left, Henry came back in and gave Ryback a World's Strongest Slam. And then another. And then another. Henry welcomed Ryback to the Hall of Pain.

Jack Swagger pinned Chris Jericho. This was a good, long match with a lot of back and forth trading nearfalls at the end. Swagger won with his gutwrench powerbomb. Swagger and Zeb posed to close the show.

After reading these spoilers I doubt they'll keep Ryback in the six man tag match.

:rofl: :pimp: :pimp: @ Henry giving Ryback 3 Slams
New WM29 match announced

Shield VS Orton, Sheamus & Ryback

:lol: :stoneface: what???? So...nvm...

Ken Shamrock vs Vader (IYH: Cold Day In Hell '97)

Gangrel vs British Bulldog (Metal '99)

Test, Edge & Christian vs Mean Street Posse (Oct '99 Smackdown)

Kane vs Vader (No Way Out '98)
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Smackdown Spoilers


Ted DiBiase defeated Bray Wyatt via rollup

Main Event

Miz & Michael Cole on commentary

Big Show defeats Alberto Del Rio via Countout. Jack Swagger came out and watched the match from the ramp. When Show sent Del Rio over the ropes, Swagger came down and chop blocked Del Rio's knee.

Jey & Jimmy Uso defeat Drew McIntyre & Heath Slater. Drew took the pin after a top rope splash.

Wade Barrett defeats Justin Gabriel via pinfall. Gabriel was coming off the top rope when Wade caught him with his forearm smash for the win. Wade aced off with Miz (on commentary) afterwards.

Saturday Morning Slam

Daniel Bryan & Josh Mathews on commentary

Prime Time Players defeat Tensai & Brodus Clay via pinfall - PTP'ers originally got a pin via cheating. Mick Foley came out and said he believes referee decisions are final. He won't restart the match, but scheduled a rematch for right now.

Tensai & Brodus Clay defeat the Prime Time Players via pinfall after double splash.

R-Truth defeats Antonio Cesaro clean with his finish.


Josh Mathews / Michael Cole / Brad Maddox on commentary

Sheamus & Randy Orton defeat Cody Rhodes & Damien Sandow. Sandow ate a Brogue Kick, Rhodes ate an RKO to take the pin.

After the match, The Shield challenged Orton and Sheamus to find a partner for a six man at WrestleMania. Orton and Sheamus accepted.

The Miz defeats Darren Young via submission (Figure Four). Wade Barrett helped on commentary.

Backstage, Big Show wanted to be the tag partner against The Shield. Orton & Henry said they already picked somebody - The Ryback.

Layla & Kaitlyn defeat Tamina Snuka & Aksana. Sloppy match. Kaitlyn hit Aksana with a GORE, but Layla snuck a tag in and pinned Aksana with a crossbody. Turn coming.

Backstage, the Bellas beat up Naomi and Cameron. Bellas made fun of the "dancing dinosaur and his fat friend who thinks he is Japanese."

Dolph Ziggler defeats Kane with the ZigZag. Daniel Bryan and Big E brawled at ringside towards the end. This distracted Kane leading towards the finish. Big E tossed Bryan over the timekeeper wall. After the match, Ziggler taunted Kane until Kane grabbed Zigg's throat for a chokeslam. Big E saved Ziggler, then hit his finish on Kane.

Another Ricardo/ADR spoof on Colter aired. This one was about Canadians. It was pretty funny.

Fandango vs Great Khali never happened. Fandango came out, calling Khali "stretch." He wanted Khali to pronounce his name. Khali tried. Fandango was sickened by Khali's attempt. No match.

Backstage, Booker made Shield vs Sheamus, Ryback, and Orton official. The Shield then attacked Orton and Sheamus and left them laying.

Mark Henry vs The Ryback never happened. 10 seconds after the bell rang, The Shield attacked Ryback. Ryback initially cleared the ring and faced back off with Henry, but the Shield got the better of Ryback on attempt #2. The Shield left Ryback laying with a trio powerbomb. After Shield left, Henry came back in and gave Ryback a World's Strongest Slam. And then another. And then another. Henry welcomed Ryback to the Hall of Pain.

Jack Swagger pinned Chris Jericho. This was a good, long match with a lot of back and forth trading nearfalls at the end. Swagger won with his gutwrench powerbomb.

Swagger and Zeb posed to close the show.

I can still see The Shield match changing back to what we originally thought it would be.
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