Wrestling Thread Mar 11-24 | 3/18 RAW - HHH Responds to Brock | Punk Still Has Taker's Urn

Shaul Guerrero looking right.

How old is Eddie's daughter?
Shaul looking A LOT better than she did in her FCW days, even thought thos photos are probably heavily edited. I heard she battled anorexia and bulimia over the last year or so.
That innocent AJ who actually wrestles :wow:

Wow she looks like Eve in some of those pics.

I actually have 0 interest in this. I'd like to see Rock vs Ziggler/Orton though.

Wait.........what :lol: :lol:?

I hadn't seen that Kane vs Vader match I posted since it originally happened, so it was practically a new match to me. Near the finish, I nearly flat-lined at the gradual no-selling :lol: I'm not sure if that was planned, or if they started to get pissed off at each other, but it was hilarious.

Also about Vader, it sucks how bad he was used in WWE run. He came in like a monster, and then gradually they reduced him to Khali status. How do you have a legit monster (whether he was face or heel) lose to everybody??? It's like they just took advantage of him. I know he really wanted to put Edge over early on, but the way that loss happened still irks me, it was so week. And then he taps out to a Shamrock ankle lock, and loses to Bradshaw :smh:
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Maybe someone can answer this for me.

Did every match at the early Wrestlemanias have a reason behind them or were they random pairings? Like was there a build for Undertaker vs. Jimmy Snuka?
Bored enough at home today that I just finished watching 12 Rounds...

Cena no sold everything in this damn movie.
id rather job to BrasilianMami via finger poke of doom than ever watch that 
Wednesday News & Notes question: When did 'Takers streak became a thought in creatives mind to keep going?
Wednesday News & Notes question: When did 'Takers streak became a thought in creatives mind to keep going?

Id probably say between 2005 and 2007. After WM24 I don't think anyone he fought had a real shot at ending the streak
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AJ is so ugly that she's cute if that makes sense.

Eddie daughter is just ugly.

It's 5 AM here & I been drinking
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