Wrestling Thread Mar 11-24 | 3/18 RAW - HHH Responds to Brock | Punk Still Has Taker's Urn

I think the best thing for the business would be for a legitimate threat to the WWE empire to arise.
You're 100% right but
Too bad that will likely never happen.

Kinda makes sense. What do you mean by WWE style? What makes their wrestling different than TNAs or ROH? 
Man you can't talk about ROH's quality/talent vs. WWE and then ask this.
I'm just sayin'.

HybridSoldier is correct, btw. Also has to do w/ the type of stories they want told in the ring. Much more simplified and cliché in WWE...same goes for TNA. In terms of match structure, they're pretty much the same.
WWE Style

Your finisher can't be something that anyone else in the locker-room does unless you are given permission (Paul London/Kidman)
No over spottiness (Unless you are RVD or Jeff Hardy: Hell Rey even toned it down but most of that was injury reasons. But look at Mistico Kara)
Head Drops limited (Will we see BRAINBUSTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA doubt it)
The "no psychology" of Lucha definitely isn't WWE style (Again, ask Rey and Sin Kara)
Great Wrestlers aren't allowed to outdo the Big Names (unlike in WCW where Rey vs. Juvy being the best match wasn't cawkblocked)

Those are just a few things off the top of my head
You're 100% right but


Man you can't talk about ROH's quality/talent vs. WWE and then ask this.
I'm just sayin'.

HybridSoldier is correct, btw. Also has to do w/ the type of stories they want told in the ring. Much more simplified and cliché in WWE...same goes for TNA. In terms of match structure, they're pretty much the same.
Lol I just never noticed that WWE movesets were watered down. No wonder ROHs matches are a lot more entertaining. That's what I was basing my opinion on.

I'm just trying to learn as much as I can about everything I can 
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:lol: It's funny that the WWE's style is mostly watered down, but the majority of NXT/Superstars is less of the case just cause Vince doesn't care about either. I do remember the HHH article awhile back talking about scaling things back just so in time, there's more notable things (though that was more storyline wise instead of moves), but there's a point when you've been scaling back for years and you should be able to cut loose already. Doing 900 moves in a match doesn't automatically equate to being an awesome wrestler, as not doing too many doesn't make you bad. The WWE always wants stories in their matches, and when they're on, they're amazing. I'd much rather see HBK/Taker or Punk/Cena than Flip Casanova/Amazing Red doing massive no-selling after missed 720 splashes, but taking into account an entire PPV or Raw/SD, there has to be some type of variety on a card. That's why the thoughts of a CW division coming back needs to die down, cause why have CWs when the WWE won't let their matches be much different than Orton/Cena or (at worst) Khali/Big Show?
Lol I just never noticed that WWE movesets were watered down. No wonder ROHs matches are a lot more entertaining. That's what I was basing my opinion on.

I'm just trying to learn as much as I can about everything I can 
ROH/Indy matches typically have less of a story. Even if WWE matches are boring, the moves typically flow. Your gonna see somebody work the arm a lot, exceteriza.

Those 02-06 ROH days were GROSS in terms of psychology. I mean spot AFTER SPOT AFTER SPOT AFTER SPOT.
Yeah, the only thing that bothers me about ROH is all of the near falls and big spots, and dudes rarely sell moves. Cena would be proud.
I mean think about it, how many brianbusters have you seen in WWE over the last year?
On an unrelated note, DC when watching Japanese wrestling are you only captivated by the matches,
or do they have subtitles for promos like a foreign-film.
Don't get me wrong, they put on a spectacular in-ring product, but as a young-adult raised on wrestling with story-lines,
it's a little weird to see the art of wrestling with no outside influences.
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The WWE should've worked on trying to create new stars 5+ years ago and not botching pushes instead of shooting their load on Cena/Orton and having everybody else trade wins every week. Then they wouldn't have to practically crawl back to Rock & Brock to make things interesting. They shouldn't be blaming Rock, they should be blaming Vince and his minions.
This is 100% true, but at the same time when certain characters just don't get over, they just don't.  Look how much they have tried to build Del Rio, as a heel and face, but yet it's just not working.  Granted he gets better pops as a face, but in general most of these wrestlers don't have the IT factor. You can blame the WWE creative team and Vince for the character, but most of these wrestlers need to blame themselves as well, for the lackluster performances they give.  I look at someone like Kofi Kingston.  Has the ability to really be a star, because he is just amazing when it comes to work in the ring, but that cheesy pumped up attitude he brings is nauseating.  I just can't stand that character let alone is God awful mic skills.  Only time I have enjoyed him was that feud with Randy Orton.  A lot of these wrestlers are really good as technical  wrestlers, but aren't doing anything with it.  Look at Daniel Bryan.  WWE gave him an idea on how they wanted his character to be and he ran with it.   Take it from me, I could not stand D-Bry.  He was extremely boring, but the absurdness with the YES chants was great and his pops are something I have not seen in years.  Some of these dudes (and females for that matter) are afraid to cross the line and in the end affects their careers. There's a reason why the greats are separated from the average; they know what it takes. 

But anywhoo lol most of these wrestlers that are complaining were never making it anywhere in the WWE with Rock being there or not. It's harsh but it is what is it.
On an unrelated note, DC when watching Japanese wrestling are you only captivated by the matches,
or do they have subtitles for promos like a foreign-film.
Don't get me wrong, they put on a spectacular in-ring product, but as a young-adult raised on wrestling with story-lines,
it's a little weird to see the art of wrestling with no outside influences.
I don't/can't understand the characters/language. So it is strictly for the in ring action. No subtitles

On another note

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Random question. What do you think about D-Bry losing in 18 seconds last year at 'Mania? What a waste of a match and money for people
Random question. What do you think about D-Bry losing in 18 seconds last year at 'Mania? What a waste of a match and money for people
i think of it like this, i hate the fact he lost in 18 seconds but he is the most over right now as he has ever been, him & Kane make a great tag team, entertaining as hell & he made a boat load of money this year off those t-shirts. Can't be mad at all that.

D-Bry has a long career ahead of him. He'll be back on top one day. 
That was a travesty.

That may have been the final straw that fully cemented my hatred for the Sheamus character.
Random question. What do you think about D-Bry losing in 18 seconds last year at 'Mania? What a waste of a match and money for people
The following Raw and his mild push for the rest of the yearalmost made up for it, but it still rankles as a baffling, boneheaded decision. I hope Bryan finally gets his 20 minute singles match at WM30 because I'm sure it'd be fantastic.
i think of it like this, i hate the fact he lost in 18 seconds but he is the most over right now as he has ever been, him & Kane make a great tag team, entertaining as hell & he made a boat load of money this year off those t-shirts. Can't be mad at all that.

D-Bry has a long career ahead of him. He'll be back on top one day. 
Im more happy for him making the money man. That dude used to do matches for peanuts. Now he making GOOD MONEY.
Random question. What do you think about D-Bry losing in 18 seconds last year at 'Mania? What a waste of a match and money for people
It was definitely a travesty at the moment, but it may have done more for his career in just that 18 seconds than whatever he did that year had it not happened. He's one of the most over people on the roster now with one of the most over chants in the WWE.
PLEASE Watch. Peep, I know you will. But please pay attention to masato Yoshino. He is easily the fastest rope runner I have ever seen in the ring. Dude is like Ty Lawson man

Do Fixer (Ryo Saito, Genki Horiguchi & Dragon Kid) vs Blood Generation (Masato Yoshino, Naruki Doi & CIMA) - Supercard Of Honor - vimeo.com/16607480
We all cried one hunnid tears but, in retrospect, it was the best thing to happen to him @ the time. If he loses the belt in a hard fought Wrestlemania contest, we talk about it for a bit and move on (everyone pretty much knew Sheamus was going over after the rocket push he had). Bryan goes back to lower mid-card status and who knows when he gets another opportunity like that again.

Instead he loses in ridiculous and embarrassing fashion and the crowd lets 'em know they weren't down with that ****.

So then Vince realizes this guy is way over and has to keep him relevant, Bryan gets some new shirts that make him $$$ and a subsequent feud w/ Punk at the top of the card.

Management/Creative doesn't deserve any type of credit for D. Bry. They had him doing ridiculous **** on the first season of NXT and he still got over. When they got rid of Bryan after the Nexus incident...the fans forced them to bring him back. 18 seconds could've killed his WWE career but the fans didn't let it happen. A lot of respect for the best wrestler in the company.
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