Wrestling Thread Dec 9-22 | Dec 21 The Great SWAGTISTA Is Returning for WrestleMania XXX

- WrestlingDVDNews.com reports that WWE has just added a three-disc DVD and two-disc Blu-ray set on The Ultimate Warrior to their 2014 schedule. It is listed as a match compilation and there’s no word yet if Warrior himself will be involved but it is possible with Warrior’s Vince McMahon meeting during SummerSlam weekend and his involvement in WWE 2K14.

It was reported earlier this month that one or more possible 2014 WWE DVD titles were “pending Superstar involvement” and this may be one of those.

The new Warrior DVD set is expected to be released in April, which adds to speculation that WWE may induct him into the Hall of Fame next year.

- John Cena vs. Randy Orton with Booker T as special referee is advertised for next Monday’s RAW from Dallas, Texas. The tagline is, “Who will walk into Dallas the new champion?”

WM 31 Logo
- John Cena vs. Randy Orton with Booker T as special referee is advertised for next Monday’s RAW from Dallas, Texas. The tagline is, “Who will walk into Dallas the new champion?”
That WM31 logo is AWFUL! :lol:

It looks like a "futuristic" design from 1996.

It's going to be the most interactive WM ever.

Most likely what they will do is have the fans choose the stipulations for all the matches.
New company logo revealed on the WM 31 Logo.

That logo has been rumored for about 2 years now.
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What I want to know is this...during the attitude era, were there this many "creative" issues and re writes and problems back stage in terms of storylines. Like if we had "inside" access the way we do now to info, would we be hearing leaks of Vince being mad at creative and not knowing where to go with Rock or SCSA or HHH or one of the big names?

It's a joke, and a sham that a company with this amount of talent has so much incompetence when it comes to putting together a cohesive, entertaining story.

:pimp: :pimp:

I know PLVN mentioned it already, but them stripping Big E on commentary :smh: it was so obvious they pretty much told him "don't be interesting, don't be yourself". That was the most dry commentary/speaking I've heard from him, and Cole/JBL set him up perfectly with vague *** questions
Going to be pretty angry if they never do Shield/Wyatts. Ending of Raw a few weeks ago would wind up being one huge tease. I just don't see how Punk wins this match without some major dissension within The Shield such as Reigns accidentally spearing Ambrose like somebody else said. Punk does have to win this match, right?
still can't blame austin aries for shoving his crotch in her face after christy hemme announced the wrong team or whatever.
The more I think of it, the more I don't mind The Shield breaking up. Where else do they go from here? They've already been a stable of champions, they ran through most of the roster, won pretty much all their big matches, there's nowhere to go as a group for them.
^Yeah, it's inevitable they're going to break up and I don't object. However, before they do I personally want to see them face the Wyatts. The tease on RAW couple weeks ago solidified that for me and that was :smokin.

i think it would be a big mistake to break them up before a feud with the wyatt's. Wyatt Family vs The Shield at Wrestlemania 30 would be :smokin

yes DC.
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FWIW, without giving out any info/details (frankly because I actually don't know much :lol: ), a friend of mine has interned at WWE in the past and Vince & Steph are extremely nice; the going-out-of-their-way-to-say-hi type. HHH on the other hand... he's pleasant, but not on the level of Steph and Vince.
Last night's ending to Raw wasn't as good as that Wyatt/Shield tease one, but it was definitely one of the best of the year.
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