Wrestling Thread Dec 9-22 | Dec 21 The Great SWAGTISTA Is Returning for WrestleMania XXX

Think I'm in the minority who feels like HHH didn't bury anyone.

Someone earlier said that "Da 'E" just showed their cards in saying outright who their top guys are. Randy Orton got hit with a Pedigree....big whoop. But you see the storyline with it at the very end at him looking up as him being "replaced" in The Authority's eyes. The group shot with the Helmsleys, Kane and Cena planted the seeds for something dope. I mean MITB 2011 dope. All conspiracies and stuff aside, let's just ride this wave and see what happens.

sometimes well always anything involving HHH is looked down upon. Let it go and enjoy the show guys. Great Raw.
Best ending to RAW in a LONG time.

yup. fantastic.

only redeeming part of the show.

Punk lays into Randy, and HHH...then takes a sweet chin music, HBK gets lay out by D Bry, then HHH buries Randy and Cena looks like a hero.

That was Cena's best promo all year in my eyes. Serious and to the point, loved it.

Enjoyed the havoc too. Great stuff. Hopefully the PPV delivers and presents new storylines set in motion. It's time to run with what just happened...you can easily build from here.
That was a great ending, Cena included.

:lol: at faces such as Big Show and Cena having to use Daniel Bryan as a way for them to get cheered.
Wonder how WWE will mess this up next week, it's bound to happen. :lol:

The product has been SO bad aside from this past week since Payback (only good things has been the Brock/Punk and Orton/Bryan match at Summerfest) that I can't help but feel they will ultimately ruin anything they tried to start last night. Just gonna revert back to the old "oh hey, got you Cena.. I'm really with Orton lulz." Punk/Bryan are already stuck in feuds with other factions, but hopefully they close those chapters and move on quickly starting Sunday. One can only hope for the best, since RR is coming up and the big builds should be starting soon, last night was definitely a step in the right direction.
Punk's feud can easily end with The Shield on Sunday by having Reigns spear one of the other by mistake allowing Punk to win and the group to start disbanding.

My question is how do you get D.Bry out of this dumb feud without making either of them look bad?
Last night

Someone's going to get buried.
- Ending was great. But lets not forget this is the WWE.
Im not gonna get my hopes up, as we all seen in the past, all this can lead to nothing and all be forgotten.
I see alot of people talking about a Cena heel turn this sunday but i really doubt it happens.

-The perfect story line would be, HHH helps Cena get the win to set up the double turn. and Cena becoming the new Corporate champ.
Cena then gives D-Bry the "fair" rematch he promised him last night but of course the authority will prevent D-Bry from winnig again.
I think along the way HBK gets involved costing Bryan the title which hopefully sets up their match at mania.

- Also why are they teasing D-Bry joining the Wyatts?
Doesnt make sense for one of the most over guys in the company to work under a stable and not even be the main guy in the stable.

- One thing I do see happening this weekend is the shield breakup.
I think miscumunication leads to Punk winning.
The way I see it is Reigns and Ambrose get into it and while they fight on the outside Punk takes advantage and gets the win over Rollins.

“THIS IS AWESOME!” Moment of the Year (presenter: Christian)
Dolph Ziggler cashes in his Money in the Bank contract
Daniel Bryan wins the WWE Championship from Randy Orton at Night of Champions
Big Show knocks out Triple H (WINNER)
Kofi Kingston hops on a chair to stave off elimination in the Royal Rumble Match

So glad for DVR. Thank god it recorded that long *** overrun. Was worth watching. Reminded me of a smackdown ending where Angle does the Olympic slam on Show and Rock does the Rockbottom on Angle and Austin does the Stunner on Rock.
Damn..youtube took down the vid DC put up.

My DVR cut it off smfh.
- There has been some speculation as to whether or not WWE will introduce a new championship belt once they crown a new undisputed champion, whether it happens at TLC with Randy Orton vs. John Cena or some other time between now and WrestleMania XXX.

One WWE source points to the fact that they have heard of no information on a new title being made by Mattel for WWE’s toy lines. This same observer points to all the mentions of “never seeing both belts again” as a possible setup for a large swerve.

- Regarding The Shield splitting up, WWE officials felt like it was too early to break up the group but apparently this has changed.

Word at RAW was that Triple H is ready to move forward with the split but by no means is their break-up “set in stone” for the TLC pay-per-view where they will face CM Punk in a handicap match.

The biggest point to note here is the uncertainly with creative from week to week.

- There were people in WWE pointing out that Daniel Bryan won the fan vote for Superstar of the Year but wasn’t considered enough of an “attraction” by Vince McMahon to be given a run with the WWE Title. The voting for Superstar of the Year was extremely close.

- MercuryNews.com has an article about WrestleMania 31 coming to the Bay Area. Vince McMahon promised the event would set a “new standard” for fans and be “the most interactive experience in WrestleMania history.”
I think the WWE is trying to "hide" what happened last night.
For some reason, the WWE Channel didn't show up on my subscription feed this morning when I logged into YouTube. Has never happened before.

I found the video they put up but they cut it down to the last 2 mins.

Did they acknowledge Daniel Bryan getting all of that love on the website at least or is HHH going to delete that from the history books?
I think the WWE is trying to "hide" what happened last night.
For some reason, the WWE Channel didn't show up on my subscription feed this morning when I logged into YouTube. Has never happened before.

I found the video they put up but they cut it down to the last 2 mins.

Did they acknowledge Daniel Bryan getting all of that love on the website at least or is HHH going to delete that from the history books?

I thought the same damn thing... The only video they posted of the entire thing started at the handshake... They ignored the rest the Title Something-anther because it was a massive D Bry love fest... And Cena's promo was pretty much saying "look at D Bry, he's the best, he beat me"... Also, can't find the Slammy acceptances, I'm guessing because D Bry won a few...:rolleyes:{
I think the WWE is trying to "hide" what happened last night.
For some reason, the WWE Channel didn't show up on my subscription feed this morning when I logged into YouTube. Has never happened before.

I found the video they put up but they cut it down to the last 2 mins.

Did they acknowledge Daniel Bryan getting all of that love on the website at least or is HHH going to delete that from the history books?

They'll edit the chanting out

Also did #HEEL Ziggler forget he wasa face last night, helping the other heels hold back Randall. He looked out of place with Miz-co Inferno, DUI Swagger and Alberto del Jobber.
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