Wrestling Thread Dec 9-22 | Dec 21 The Great SWAGTISTA Is Returning for WrestleMania XXX

The last segment was pretty cool minus the ending

That was a great Raw ending. 

I liked seeing Cena stand with the Authority and Executive Glenn Jacobs looking

at Orton with shame like he just sharted himself in the middle of the ring. 
WM xxx has the potential for some awesome matches. If hbk, taker, Brock, and shovel all come back, along with some high profile matches for punk, Bryan, and cena (yes, Cena. Stop hating, he can work) then this could be a card worthy of WM XXX
My initial thought was that a double turn would happen on TLC. But I'm still not sure they'd pull the trigger on making Cena heel.
The subtext of that segment was the really great thing about it:

-CM Punk visibly chuckling to himself when Stephanie called her husband one of the best of all time.

-A flustered Triple H trying to ignore the chants, then sort of dismissing them, then trying to get back on track.

-Bryan clearly trying to figure out how he can react to the crowd in a way where he will not get a ton of heat backstage.

-Cena smartening up and realizing he couldn't keep ignoring them. So he acknowledged the crowd and leeched off of Bryan's heat.

-Mark Henry's bemused reaction to it all.

-Bret looking noticeably bored.

When Mark Henry did the throat-cut gesture after holding Bryan's hand up, was he saying to the crowd "There, now be quiet" or "This kid is so ****** now."
khali makes dough for the E overseas so it's reasonable that he gets thrown out there. but miz man, he sucks.
What if the swerve of that pedigree on Orton is to trick Cena into thinking that HHH no longer is siding with Orton (so it appears to be a fair match), when in reality he will screw Cena and Orton will walk out champ.

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So glad for DVR. Thank god it recorded that long *** overrun. Was worth watching. Reminded me of a smackdown ending where Angle does the Olympic slam on Show and Rock does the Rockbottom on Angle and Austin does the Stunner on Rock.
Another funny thing about last night was when Orton said he took years off of Foley's life and the camera shot to Foley and he was like, "He's right."
The subtext of that segment was the really great thing about it:

-CM Punk visibly chuckling to himself when Stephanie called her husband one of the best of all time.

-A flustered Triple H trying to ignore the chants, then sort of dismissing them, then trying to get back on track.

-Bryan clearly trying to figure out how he can react to the crowd in a way where he will not get a ton of heat backstage.

-Cena smartening up and realizing he couldn't keep ignoring them. So he acknowledged the crowd and leeched off of Bryan's heat.

-Mark Henry's bemused reaction to it all.

-Bret looking noticeably bored.

When Mark Henry did the throat-cut gesture after holding Bryan's hand up, was he saying to the crowd "There, now be quiet" or "This kid is so ****** now."

Forgot to add the invisibility cloaks of Swagger, Dolph, and Christian :lol:
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