Wrestling Thread Dec 9-22 | Dec 21 The Great SWAGTISTA Is Returning for WrestleMania XXX

Just rewatched the beginning of the final segment (missed it live)..The Punk reaction to Steph's mention of Shovel was fantastic..And the look on Bret and Shawn's face during the Shovel slurp off was priceless..They both had the literal definition of stone face..

And after that last segment I'm convinced (like I said in the last thread) that after TLC your new World Undisputed Unified Global Supreme Heavyweight Champion of the Galaxy will..

The most interesting thing to me was it certainly seems like we are getting Bryan vs HBK at Mania.
Is it a reach to say there's been seeds planted for a Shield feud with how Ambrose cut off Reigns? I'm catching the rebroadcast.

Back to HHH marketing the heck out of Cena.

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I really hope they don't do Punk/HHH again.. it was a disaster last time and there's no way he would put Punk over. I just want that dude to not wrestle anymore. :rolleyes
I just caught the ending segment, thought it was great promo work by both Orton and Cena. Right then and there, Cena proved why hes atop the company, and he clearly knows he's the #1 guy.

Shocked to see HHH pedigree Orton :wow: .

The tell all of that segment was the chants for DB, even with HHH/Steph/Cena looking down at Orton.
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Orton clearly had the feels from both Cena and the crowd :lol: whoever said that was Genesis of McGillicutty 2.0 was right
Putting together a little something for all the PWG fans in here... should be ready in a couple days... PM for details....
The most interesting thing to me was it certainly seems like we are getting Bryan vs HBK at Mania.

I agree whole wholeheartedly.... They wouldn't tease this much with them without leading somewhere... It's not like the isolated UT tombstoning Cena in MSG a few years back... and I am truly excited if it does indeed happen, even more thrilled that it appears HBK will be the heel if it happens... If that match were to happen, I would pay $60 for network with quickness...
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