Wrestling Thread Dec 9-22 | Dec 21 The Great SWAGTISTA Is Returning for WrestleMania XXX

How come these idiots can't do this more often? Other than Trips ending raw burying Orton that was a good promo from Cena and a great ending
And also, Punk wasn't buried. WWE showed their hands with Cena, Bryan, and Punk being their TOP GUYS. reason they were all involved. I wanted Shawn to do that since the pipe bomb episode.
at first it seemed like hhh/hbk vs cmpunk/dbry at some point, but that pedigree to orton really throws that out the window
Triple H is just itching for a ring return, he needs it for his ego. i wouldn't mind to see HBK returning to face CM Punk or D Bry in the future.
This reminds of the times either Rock or Austin would just go run in and rockbottom/stone cold stunner everyone in sight :rofl:
Now...seriously. I am not a Cena fan, but I feel alot of other stars would not have been able to re-manipulate the crowd to work in his favor and deliver a promo like that. He deserves credit for that promo, it was pretty good.
So seeds were planted for Bryan/HBK, Punk/HHH, Orton/HHH, Orton/Steph, Orton/Bryan, and Swagger/Christian. Sweet.

And this guy HHH tossed Punk as if he was tossing every Indy guy in history :rofl:
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I've saw a few statements about HBK returning for one more match, which I'd love..But didn't Shawn say that he wouldn't return for a match because it'd be disrespectful to the Undertaker?..Thought I heard that recently..Maybe during his last Rosenberg interview?..
A great segment at the end.

They really have opened up a lot of options to go with after TLC leading to the Rumble then the Road to Wrestlemania.
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