Wrestling Thread Dec 19-25 | 12/25 Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to the Entire NTWT

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Damn..I wanted to see Hero in the WWE.

THIS. Elevated testosterone? Must not have seen that with Mason Ryan and Bautista..
for those who havent picked up wwe 12 its on sale at bestbuy.com for 29.99 for xbox and ps3. available for in store pick up aswell
26th huh? 4cena up to his old tricks again...


Kenneth Forrest I hate Daniel Bryan he is so boring I wish Michael Cole would punch him in the face


Gabo Barrera ‎1.congrats on the win for the big show, but *+! danniel bryan new champion. he sucks.its a new low for the world heavyweight championship


Amanda Sue Prill if wrestling was fake then why do ppl get hurt and end up in the hospital..i dont care what anyone says wrestling isnt fake..i love the WWE and John Cena is a better wrestler than anyone


Jah King I want mark 2 break is back and put ##%# hole out 4 good


Barni Okoes O boy, i don't care wot u called ur self. Bt if dis is wot u ve broght 2 fb 2 kill ppl, g assure u, Jah will kil only u. Boombo klaat...


Evan Craft i know that the MITB is an opportunity for a title but they should still have to earn it in an actual match......and the thing that makes Bryan a hypocrite is the fact that he said he was going to cash it in at Wrestlemania not the fact that he did it right after someone else knocked Big Show out....Daniel Bryan just plain sucks he's not even a good wrestler let alone a champion...he does NOT deserve the heavyweight championship at all


David Woodcraft-Smith Why would this be in any way a shock to anyone?They have done this to many times now!But I'm not going to knock Bryan until I see him defend it.Although Big Show deserved that title after all those epic battles, the script never has liked the giants to have the title that long.Look at Kane for a perfect example, he should of had alot more tilte shots over his employment!


Mark Simonson And when he tried using it on Mark Henry, the crowd cheers. Uses it on Big Show, and he gets this much beef? Is there something wrong with this picture?


Matthew Jetlife Sweet How is superstars like daniel bryan going to earn a title match the actual way if all the title shot opportunity are given to the people that won the title mutiple times its like history repeating itself 


Chichi Ibegbu IS THIS A JOKE *+! DANIEL BRYAN !!! I really hope the Undertaker returns and gives you the biggest last ride of your life!!!!!


Acxel Quito Fir all those people that THINK that his a loser and fool , well I got news for U !!! Let him crash it in !!! u guys if he wants to then he can it's his case and mind NOT yourssss!!!!! His awesomer than the miz (WAY)


Jesse Gutierrez Booooo...I hate Daniel Bryan!!!!! He is boring!!!!!!

Justin Neville ok so heres my 3 cents on the most overratted not cut out for WWE, shoulda stayed in Roh world champion ever, mr.brian danielson: creative KNEW he wouldnt draw gate @WM28 BUT much like ryder s'marks love him, so to appease the IWC they gave him the belt. BEST thing to do now-go back to ignoring "big men"(show, WSM, even Calloway and Jacobs) and have a unification match between danielson and punk-then have the winner of that drop to Calloway so he can drop the streak and title to jacobs. thats my 3 cents

Megan Nosworthy I think michael cole should shut up and except the fact that d brian is the world champ deal with it its a guaranteed championship match in the money in the bank brief case so shut up cole


Keith Brooks Jr. You know you duke bryan I hope you lose on friday bryan by Big Show you dont have a capital letter bryan same thing with mark henry


Stuntman Ben R is it just me or does it look like daniel bryan look like a young chuck norris...lol


Éric Kayolo the biggest hypocrite hes lied


Aleks Gorbatchev he's small to win the world heavey weight champion


Ron W French figured this would happen now. They cant find anyone who will job for him at wrestlemania!! cena wont, the rock wont, big show wont. mark henry will be gone before WM .enjoy the limelight DB, cause it wont last long.


Natron Sneed U no my boy big show bout to go ham on daniel n can someone tell me who won between booker t n cody


Helena Giovanni i'm just glad that Randy/ Cena isnt part of this title run of morons.. ( Ryder, CM Punk & Daniel).. besides we knew Daniel would cash in early anyway.. he isnt wrestlemania material for a main event.. unless, they drag this out till spring.. which they might.. & that would be wack.


Rich Allen Kane loses to Cena? %$+?! So much for Kane's "monster" push


Travis Trevor What have punk done to call himself "the best in the world"??? Glad cena is Ϟϕ† the top face in the WWE anymore cause he sucks big time but punk don't deserve to be either. And that GTS is total crap just like the AA!!


Travis Trevor I'm sure most of you who saying CM Punk rocks and he's the best in the world are the same ones who use to boo him when he was a heel!! Bunch of bandwagoners I tell you!! 


Travis Trevor Cena got hurt by kane??? Haven't seen raw as yet. If that's true well haha it good for cena!! He sucks I'm fed up of that clown! Kane should end cena's career!! Go kane!!!


Travis Trevor Sheamus has been on a major role. He's been defeating superstars every week on raw and on smackdown,its time for him to get a title shot!! He deserves it!! Go great white!!


Travis Trevor Already have a CENA SUCKS TSHIRT!!! Don't wear it though!! My dog skip sleeps on it!!


Helena Giovanni Cena might turn heel.. Randy is always a heel ( the voices & all).. Cena doesnt really need to be a heel because he is so popular.. making him a heel is really for the fan base that complians about him.. Randy is still doing the same thing & is overdue for a Punt stunt.. Wade looks like the perfect candidate IMO..


Ron R Yeomans The Philly fans should be ashamed of themselves chanting ECW with ryder in the ring. In the original ECW he would not have been allowed to sell popcorn let along wrestle and wear a belt.

(no picture)
Tito Hernandez Lsa it should've been cm punk, zack ryder, and the big show


Ryan Farmer I believe a match between Undertaker and Sting is in order and a Kane vs Abyss match is over due. While im at it, Punk vs Kazarian, DB vs Aj Styles, i dont even know who Ryder is so put him against Gillberg
are there any easy ways to create logos on WWE 12? import images or anything? i wanna make one of my tattoos to put on my digital me.
Pretty interesting talk about wrestling with Jonathan Coachman and that other dude on the Scott Van Pelt show
FYI for those with WWE 12 the Divas DLC pack is available now.

Caveat though, the problem with DLC resetting movesets, deleting created tag teams and Superstar threads from last year hasn't been fixed.

So anyone planning to get the DLC should do the following to avoid this problem

1) Turn off auto save (if you had it on)
2) Download the desired DLC
3) Turn the game off
4) Restart the game and put auto save back on if you want
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Most of those are a bunch of lame-o's posting

im willing to bet good money most of you look like lame-o's (and i know for a FACT atleast one of you does)

so lets settle that down
VeintiSiete wrote:

im willing to bet good money most of you look like lame-o's (and i know for a FACT atleast one of you does)

so lets settle that down


What's the point of even posting those pictures? Honestly, who cares. If you're ragging on others based on looks/wrestling "intelligence"..you need to take a long look in the mirror. Because just taking the time to post that crap is an embarrassement, bro.

I'm going to balance out the crap that has been posted by giving you all the dragon gem I just posted.. Check out the YouTube channel for more excellent Dragon matches.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Save your stupid heel personas for the fantasy league.
You started it by posting the fans. What was the point of that, nobel one? Let those people live.  
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Save your stupid heel personas for the fantasy league.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]that's the one? that's the big bad comeback from 4w?..... [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]. Paper Champion is Overrated. [/color]
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Save your stupid heel personas for the fantasy league.
You started it by posting the fans. What was the point of that, nobel one? Let those people live.  
I posted it to show what WWE's core audience thinks of their product and just how disconnected I am from them.
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Most of those are a bunch of lame-o's posting

im willing to bet good money most of you look like lame-o's (and i know for a FACT atleast one of you does)

so lets settle that down
Originally Posted by hombrelobo


This past week in wrestling just keeps getting better. Best botchamania in a while.

i'm glad he finally started uploading to blip.tv.
now his new videos won't be raped by youtube and WWE after every upload.
I have no idea where Eden Stiles did most of her work for the WWE. but Cody Rhodes is one lucky guy.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]huh...[/color]

Spoiler [+]





[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]well done sir, well done.[/color]
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