Wrestling Thread Apr 15-21 | 4/16 Forget that Awful Raw... WRESTLEMANIA PPV PRED CONTEST RESULTS!

There is a major "spring cleaning" / "house cleaning" going on in the front offices of TNA.  This is not really in regards to the booking team.  This is in regards to PR, advertising, marketing, etc.
I've always hated this type of ring set up. It just looks so awkward when a person is sprinting in to interfere, and they pretty much stop on a dime to carefully go under the ropes.
And can you talk about Mr. BWO coming to visit your gym? What was he talking about and did he bring the Blue Meanie with him.
 he told us he caught Vince jerking himself in gorilla during a divas match once

after Chris Masters shattered his face, he says he went up to Masters and said "is your hand ok?"

which was funny

but then he immediately followed with him telling us that Masters didnt get any heat for that from the back because "its just Stevie, we dont really care about him"

which was kind of sad

he's working an indy show for CCW on saturday. im not booked on the card.
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Sidebar on this match; to really get the full enjoyment out of this match you would have to watch their previous three matches because this last match builds off the other three
with their counters and counters to counters. It's still a great match without having watched the older ones, but you'll enjoy it a lot more.
Just watched this. Man Tanahashi (as I said before), is Mimi Mutoh with the Dragon Screws. My man went OD on Okada's arm.

Man Okada is a cool dude. Rainmaker huh? Cool dude. I like his style.

For those interest:

Hiroshi Tanahashi (c) vs. Kazuchika Okada (NJPW) April 7, 2013
I know every couple of years, you can see stuff recurring in wrestling, but good lord, it's like TNA goes directly from old WCW transcripts or something :lol:
Just re-watched


I always wondered if Brock was supposed to end the match witht he Shooting Star Press. GOD I wished he would have it ti!!!!!!
I just recently got through Season 1 of NXT. I said I was going to catch up. Some of yall warned me that it will be a struggle. Oh well. I kinda like the way NXT is now in that dark Orlando soundstage. I don't like it at a big arena. Reminds me of B-list WCW/NWA shows.

Seeing the Shield come out in a small venue seems weird to me.

Thanks for the link.

Any news on when Pac is getting called up?
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