Wrestling Thread 10/21-11/3 | Oct 28 RAW - Orton & Cena Are Champs | NTWT Secret Santa Q Due Tonight

DC, did you hear JBL shout out Muta when Ambrose dropped that elbow?..
Not this time but I heard him show praise before. I turned the match on late.

Can somebody find me links to all

Cody/Goldust vs Shield matches in the past month or so. I missed them all
Screw that man..I can't let my fellow NTWT Tag Team Champion of the WWWWWWoooooorrrrrrrrrllllllllllddddddddddd go without..Fill out a questionnaire and send it to me..I'll hook you up and I'll send it to a couple randoms (so you won't know who got you what gift) and your fellow wrestling thread brothers will take care of you..It's only right since you're the one that put this together..And don't argue with me about this, I'm your elder and you know what they say about respecting your elders..

Good man, Case.

Hey I'm just putting the pieces together but..

Isn't the SyFy deal with SmackDown about to expire? I would like to think that's why the have Cena on the show now. I would see how networks would like to sign up with that kind of starpower.
So, just a question... are we not telling our "elves" who we are when we send gifts?...

I was gonna ask this too..I've never done the secret santa thing so I'm not sure if I sign my name on the card or just send a box that's blank on the outside..
Well the box will have your return address on it.

Yeah, but you don't have to put a name on it..You can just put your addy and it'd get returned if something got damaged or couldn't be delivered..

Are you guys going to have a signature required when you ship?..
Tell the person who you are when you guys send it out. Put a christmas card or something in the package with your NT name on it. :lol:
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^^I knew you was gonna pop up sometime..Send me your questionnaire..

I appreciate the thought, I really do, but it's alright really. I'm just going to sit back and see what everyone gets. Hopefully everyone gets something that they can appreciate and enjoy.
I appreciate the thought, I really do, but it's alright really. I'm just going to sit back and see what everyone gets. Hopefully everyone gets something that they can appreciate and enjoy.

B.S..I already got a couple pm's from people that want to do this..So just fill out the survey and send it too me..
Seriously, don't make us get some NT detectives on the case.... We want to send you gifts, not dig up the dead hookers in your yard....
- WWE officials have been in talks with Devon Dudley about coming to work at the WWE Performance Center as a NXT trainer. Part of WWE being interested in bringing Devon in is because of his experience from co-owning The Team 3D Wrestling Academy.

There’s always talk that The Dudleys wouldn’t be welcome back to WWE but it’s really Bully Ray that has heat. Devon is seen as someone that is generally well-liked. Triple H is not opposed to bringing in Devon as a trainer.

Devon has reportedly told friends he has no interest in returning to TNA and he’s believed to be interested in working for WWE.
Missed Smackdown, but based on the report, sounds pretty awesome. Couple lengthy matches, short matches that built some storylines, and overall cohesive stuff. Almost sounds too good to be true.
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