WM XXVII Fallout - 4/7 NTWT Maina I Concludes Tonight! - Hombrelobo vs TennHouse | IC Title Tourny

Originally Posted by chino905


You better dropkick your $%+ back to the dressing room.

*please press play*

masondid.support comes inand immediately takes it to both 510 and toine. masondid.support connectswith a Vader bomb on 510, and toine hits him with a.

*toine please select from the following*

1-Throat chop


3-Kick to the gut
Toine hits a big elbow from the top, and masondid.support and toine begin double teaming 510as the countdown begins. 10...9....8....7....6....5....4....3....2...1

*please press play*

jdcurt2 comesright to the ring and takes it to everyone, hitting a Sidewalk Slam on 510. jdcurt2then turns his attention to support, shoving him down to the mat hard. toinegets up and teases sweet shin music, hitting it, but jdcurt2 shrugs it off andcomes right back with a

*jdcurt2 please select from the following*

1-big boot

2-low blow

3-scoop slam
Toine hits a big elbow from the top, and masondid.support and toine begin double teaming 510as the countdown begins. 10...9....8....7....6....5....4....3....2...1

*please press play*

jdcurt2 comesright to the ring and takes it to everyone, hitting a Sidewalk Slam on 510. jdcurt2then turns his attention to support, shoving him down to the mat hard. toinegets up and teases sweet shin music, hitting it, but jdcurt2 shrugs it off andcomes right back with a

*jdcurt2 please select from the following*

1-big boot

2-low blow

3-scoop slam
*Stumbles through the curtains drunk.*
*Proceeds to interfere with whats going on*
*Steals whatever title was laying out there*
devastating Big Boot to his face knocking him out cold. Jdcurt2then grabs him by the throat and puts him over the top rope. toine has beeneliminated. 510 hits jdcurt2 him from behind, but jdcurt2 gives him aclothesline, then turns his attention back to support, grabs his throat withtwo hands, and throws him outside of the ring sending him to the outside.

support has been eliminated.

The Countdown Begins.10...9...8....7....6....5....4....3....2....1
*Stumbles through the curtains drunk.*
*Proceeds to interfere with whats going on*
*Steals whatever title was laying out there*
devastating Big Boot to his face knocking him out cold. Jdcurt2then grabs him by the throat and puts him over the top rope. toine has beeneliminated. 510 hits jdcurt2 him from behind, but jdcurt2 gives him aclothesline, then turns his attention back to support, grabs his throat withtwo hands, and throws him outside of the ring sending him to the outside.

support has been eliminated.

The Countdown Begins.10...9...8....7....6....5....4....3....2....1
Originally Posted by ElCubanoDel510

*Stumbles through the curtains drunk.*
*Proceeds to interfere with whats going on*
*Steals whatever title was laying out there*
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