WM XXVII Fallout - 4/7 NTWT Maina I Concludes Tonight! - Hombrelobo vs TennHouse | IC Title Tourny

510 attempts to send him over the top rope, but Toine hangs onfor dear life as the countdown begins for another competitor to come out.10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1

*please press play*

Chino makes his way down to a big ovation from the crowd.Chino takes his time coming into the ring. 510 releases toine, as he and Chinostare each other down, as toine crawls over to a corner. Chino and 510 lock up,and Chino

*Chino please select from the following*

1-Attemps dropkick

2-Attempts big back elbow

3-Attemps a hammerlock
Chino is able to comeup with a big back elbow, but 510 drops a beautiful dropkick, before mounting Chino in thecorner and hitting a series of punches. 510 catches him however and delivers anavalanche kneeling jawbreaker off the turnbuckle on to the mat. as the crowdlets out a huge ooooo 510 picks up Chino and tosses him outside thering.

Chino has been eliminated.

510 quickly begins beating on the back of toine, as he triesto throw him out as the countdown begins.10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1
Chino is able to comeup with a big back elbow, but 510 drops a beautiful dropkick, before mounting Chino in thecorner and hitting a series of punches. 510 catches him however and delivers anavalanche kneeling jawbreaker off the turnbuckle on to the mat. as the crowdlets out a huge ooooo 510 picks up Chino and tosses him outside thering.

Chino has been eliminated.

510 quickly begins beating on the back of toine, as he triesto throw him out as the countdown begins.10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1
*Watches Chino try to dropkick the air after being eliminated from the outside*

Now back to my waiting.
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*please press play*

masondid.support comes inand immediately takes it to both 510 and toine. masondid.support connectswith a Vader bomb on 510, and toine hits him with a.

*toine please select from the following*

1-Throat chop


3-Kick to the gut
*Watches Chino try to dropkick the air after being eliminated from the outside*

Now back to my waiting.
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