Why do people think college is the best route to go ?

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by burgundyaltima

hmmm what about those with a college degree that still cant get a job? or have a college degree but working a job outside of their degree? lol ..like seriously.. i have friends who work at walmart..mcdonalds etc WhO HAVE college degrees ..and STILL cant get a job ..because either the field they going into is already saturated OR..employers want someone with 5+ experience...lol smh...and hell i know some people without a degree that are doing very well (business, real estate, taxi drivers, sanitation workers, postal workers) ..but for me...looking at the future aspect ..i think having a solid education that you can always fall back on is important and ive notice that they are more commonly required on some applications these days...........

I'm tired of hearing this argument.

Where you went to college (university prestige), your degree (demand), GPA (proven track record/demonstrated commitment), internships (experience), networking (who you know), extracurricular activities (leadership) etc are all factors.
I'm willing to bet your friends were sub-par in at least one of those categories.

You can't just go to college...and you can't just go to any college. The system does not work like that.  You need to pay your dues.
I swear like 50% of the people who attend college are doing it wrong....and wonder why they end up unemployed.

If you attend a reputable school, perform well in school, and build a good network, you will be head and shoulders ahead of the average person with no degree.

you are so right, i want to punch you...

College degree open up doors and opportunities
People with a college degree will have a higher chance of getting a stable job in this economy
People with a college degree tend to earn more $
If everything fail ( your business plan, side hustles, etc ) you can still rely on your college degree to find a decent job that still pay good

The only negative about education is that it's a business. At the end of they day you really only learn about 20%. The rest is just made up schemes that university made you go through so they can get paid $$$. Things like books, tuition, general classes, etc are all part of the grand scheme college business.
College degree open up doors and opportunities
People with a college degree will have a higher chance of getting a stable job in this economy
People with a college degree tend to earn more $
If everything fail ( your business plan, side hustles, etc ) you can still rely on your college degree to find a decent job that still pay good

The only negative about education is that it's a business. At the end of they day you really only learn about 20%. The rest is just made up schemes that university made you go through so they can get paid $$$. Things like books, tuition, general classes, etc are all part of the grand scheme college business.
Originally Posted by Flyest In The Hood

i'm just getting my degree becaue i have financial aid.. i wouldn't waste any money on it though..

i plan on becoming a truck driver anyways so i don't need a degree..

college is a joke.
Care to elaborate on why "college is a joke"

The people that are saying college was a waste, sucked, didn't learn anything can you list where you went to school. I think the school you go to has a huge bearing on what you get out of it outside of the academics. I think the pure academic side of it you get out what you put in. Networking will obviously be better with the more prestigious school you go to.
Originally Posted by Flyest In The Hood

i'm just getting my degree becaue i have financial aid.. i wouldn't waste any money on it though..

i plan on becoming a truck driver anyways so i don't need a degree..

college is a joke.
Care to elaborate on why "college is a joke"

The people that are saying college was a waste, sucked, didn't learn anything can you list where you went to school. I think the school you go to has a huge bearing on what you get out of it outside of the academics. I think the pure academic side of it you get out what you put in. Networking will obviously be better with the more prestigious school you go to.
College is the best route because it's an easy route to a stable life if you have the money. Sure, there are plenty of people that have earned large amounts of money without college. Good luck trying to end up like those lucky few.
College is the best route because it's an easy route to a stable life if you have the money. Sure, there are plenty of people that have earned large amounts of money without college. Good luck trying to end up like those lucky few.
Originally Posted by The Prince of LA

So, I'm currently studying for back to back finals tommrow and I don't understand why people say one needs to go to college in order to be financially successful.
With the likes of Richard Branson, Bill Gates,  Steve Jobs, Ralph Lauren, Kirk Kerkorian (all Billionaires) never graduating college and the lack of emphasis that the past business geniuses ( Cornelius Vanderbilt, William Randolph Hearst, etc..) put on college, why have people been conditioned to believe that college is the best route to be successful.

I am not saying college can't help one achieve success but if time is slipping away studying rather than working wouldn't it be more prudent to skip college.

Discuss ???

Times change, just because those people dropped out and made a billion dollars doesn't mean you or I can.
Originally Posted by The Prince of LA

So, I'm currently studying for back to back finals tommrow and I don't understand why people say one needs to go to college in order to be financially successful.
With the likes of Richard Branson, Bill Gates,  Steve Jobs, Ralph Lauren, Kirk Kerkorian (all Billionaires) never graduating college and the lack of emphasis that the past business geniuses ( Cornelius Vanderbilt, William Randolph Hearst, etc..) put on college, why have people been conditioned to believe that college is the best route to be successful.

I am not saying college can't help one achieve success but if time is slipping away studying rather than working wouldn't it be more prudent to skip college.

Discuss ???

Times change, just because those people dropped out and made a billion dollars doesn't mean you or I can.
Major plays a huge role in post-college success also.  A lot of people take BS majors, and end up not being able to find a job after graduation (along with having loan debt).  Those are the people who usually claim that college was a "waste of time".
Major plays a huge role in post-college success also.  A lot of people take BS majors, and end up not being able to find a job after graduation (along with having loan debt).  Those are the people who usually claim that college was a "waste of time".
I read a few of the comments and I feel a lot of the different sides. I say go to college if you don't know what you want to do in life so you can establish some discipline and sense of responsibility. However, there are people that know what they wanna do who have to go to college to get it. The thing with a lot of colleges tho is that it's expensive and even with financial aid you still have to pay in the end. If you have a dream and don't think college will help you achieve it then I strongly believe hard work will get you there.

But.... Having a college degree can't hurt
I read a few of the comments and I feel a lot of the different sides. I say go to college if you don't know what you want to do in life so you can establish some discipline and sense of responsibility. However, there are people that know what they wanna do who have to go to college to get it. The thing with a lot of colleges tho is that it's expensive and even with financial aid you still have to pay in the end. If you have a dream and don't think college will help you achieve it then I strongly believe hard work will get you there.

But.... Having a college degree can't hurt
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Some professions have no choice.

You need to learn the basics of math and engineering in order to become an engineer.
You need to learn the basics of scientific reasoning and essentially prove you have learn and apply an insane amount of information before anyone lets you into med school.

There are countless professions where forgoing further education is simply NOT an option, unless you're a genius which most of us are not. Good colleges give even the most intelligent the resources (labs, etc) to let their talents blossom.
unless your job is something Manual, like a Car Mechanic, or your taking over the Family business, wether its something like plumbing, landscaping or a restaurant, i see no need Not to go to College, 
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Some professions have no choice.

You need to learn the basics of math and engineering in order to become an engineer.
You need to learn the basics of scientific reasoning and essentially prove you have learn and apply an insane amount of information before anyone lets you into med school.

There are countless professions where forgoing further education is simply NOT an option, unless you're a genius which most of us are not. Good colleges give even the most intelligent the resources (labs, etc) to let their talents blossom.
unless your job is something Manual, like a Car Mechanic, or your taking over the Family business, wether its something like plumbing, landscaping or a restaurant, i see no need Not to go to College, 
If you want to go to law school pursue a major where you can get the highest grades possible.

If you cannot afford college do not go UNLESS you plan to study:



Only major in something that has a "track". 

If you don't take my advice and major in what you find interesting start networking freshman year so by senior year you will have a job.

If you cannot afford college do not pay full sticker price and especially don't pay full sticker price for an out of state school.

If you have money and your parents are footing the bill study whatever the hell you want.
If you want to go to law school pursue a major where you can get the highest grades possible.

If you cannot afford college do not go UNLESS you plan to study:



Only major in something that has a "track". 

If you don't take my advice and major in what you find interesting start networking freshman year so by senior year you will have a job.

If you cannot afford college do not pay full sticker price and especially don't pay full sticker price for an out of state school.

If you have money and your parents are footing the bill study whatever the hell you want.
Originally Posted by DwyaneWadeOG

If you want to go to law school pursue a major where you can get the highest grades possible.

If you cannot afford college do not go UNLESS you plan to study:



Only major in something that has a "track". 

If you don't take my advice and major in what you find interesting start networking freshman year so by senior year you will have a job.

If you cannot afford college do not pay full sticker price and especially don't pay full sticker price for an out of state school.

If you have money and your parents are footing the bill study whatever the hell you want.
Originally Posted by DwyaneWadeOG

If you want to go to law school pursue a major where you can get the highest grades possible.

If you cannot afford college do not go UNLESS you plan to study:



Only major in something that has a "track". 

If you don't take my advice and major in what you find interesting start networking freshman year so by senior year you will have a job.

If you cannot afford college do not pay full sticker price and especially don't pay full sticker price for an out of state school.

If you have money and your parents are footing the bill study whatever the hell you want.
I am tired of people saying that anybody was/is lucky.

Luck is when opportunity meets preparedness. If you are prepared when a good opportunity comes your way you will close the deal, land the job, etc.

I went to community college as a junior and senior in HS then for 2 more years after that. It wasn't for me. I dropped out and took advantage of an opportunity and went to work in the entertainment industry as a multimedia intern. I learned web/graphic design, video production and a bunch of other skills.

Now I own an IR consulting firm, throw concerts, am partners in a computer store (soon to be stores), and I design/host/operate about 30 websites. I just turned 26.

Most of the skills I use everyday, I learned myself. Self-taught....

My opinion is that college isn't for everybody. If you want to be a doctor, lawyer, engineer, etc then do it get your degree.

Either way, college or not, stop dreaming, stop chasing and actually reach for your goals. Picture it. Visualize it. Plan it. It is your future, take full advantage of every opportunity that comes your way.
I am tired of people saying that anybody was/is lucky.

Luck is when opportunity meets preparedness. If you are prepared when a good opportunity comes your way you will close the deal, land the job, etc.

I went to community college as a junior and senior in HS then for 2 more years after that. It wasn't for me. I dropped out and took advantage of an opportunity and went to work in the entertainment industry as a multimedia intern. I learned web/graphic design, video production and a bunch of other skills.

Now I own an IR consulting firm, throw concerts, am partners in a computer store (soon to be stores), and I design/host/operate about 30 websites. I just turned 26.

Most of the skills I use everyday, I learned myself. Self-taught....

My opinion is that college isn't for everybody. If you want to be a doctor, lawyer, engineer, etc then do it get your degree.

Either way, college or not, stop dreaming, stop chasing and actually reach for your goals. Picture it. Visualize it. Plan it. It is your future, take full advantage of every opportunity that comes your way.
Originally Posted by hometownhero25

Originally Posted by DwyaneWadeOG

If you want to go to law school pursue a major where you can get the highest grades possible.

If you cannot afford college do not go UNLESS you plan to study:



Only major in something that has a "track". 

If you don't take my advice and major in what you find interesting start networking freshman year so by senior year you will have a job.

If you cannot afford college do not pay full sticker price and especially don't pay full sticker price for an out of state school.

If you have money and your parents are footing the bill study whatever the hell you want.
Originally Posted by hometownhero25

Originally Posted by DwyaneWadeOG

If you want to go to law school pursue a major where you can get the highest grades possible.

If you cannot afford college do not go UNLESS you plan to study:



Only major in something that has a "track". 

If you don't take my advice and major in what you find interesting start networking freshman year so by senior year you will have a job.

If you cannot afford college do not pay full sticker price and especially don't pay full sticker price for an out of state school.

If you have money and your parents are footing the bill study whatever the hell you want.
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