What jackets yall rockin this fall/winter?

u need to buy jewelry..i get what you're detractors are gettin at...

if this was NBA2k, your fly rating is at 99...you can't go higher than 99 and your making decisions that other people are implying da money you spending would be better served at this point getting a fly car or a cuban link.

you're gonna have a epiphany one day when someone gonna pull up on you on some mean muscle car or hulking truck jewels, and you're gonna feel outgunned.

moral of da story, diversify your ish...you can't get any flyer anymore...but you can get a nice whip, or some jewelry, then hell cop a cribs & rent it out as a means of passive income...you don't even gotta move out
No I don’t need to do anything :lol:
Just got this as a gift from a customer. This will be my winter to spring transition jacket. Not super warm but good quality.

That discussion is intriguing, those particular rich people have no passion for clothing or sneakers etc. whatever passion they have they pay money for. I live and breathe Sneakers so of course ima have a lot of pairs even though financially it doesn’t make sense.
That discussion is intriguing, those particular rich people have no passion for clothing or sneakers etc. whatever passion they have they pay money for. I live and breathe Sneakers so of course ima have a lot of pairs even though financially it doesn’t make sense.

You also young, so while I clown you, I can’t hate because at 20 I was also still under my mommas tit, I just made the decision to independice myself once I got my first REAL job, instead of balling out for a couple of years while still at home, that was the route i took, at that age ain’t no wrong with sticking with moms a little longer, hope you at the very least helping her out financially tho..
I’m not going to abandon my moms to live by myself, that doesn’t make any sense
And yea I pay the phone bill and cable bill, which is annoying.
I’m not going to abandon my moms to live by myself, that doesn’t make any sense
And yea I pay the phone bill and cable bill, which is annoying.

Of course not, you don’t have to...is dope that you wanna hang with moms, I needed my own space tho, well the GF and I did...was getting uncomfortable having her sleep over in the bedroom next to my moms all the time :lol:
Of course not, you don’t have to...is dope that you wanna hang with moms, I needed my own space tho, well the GF and I did...was getting uncomfortable having her sleep over in the bedroom next to my moms all the time :lol:
I don’t want my own space, I have the money it would be burning it though just so I could say I live by myself? *** backwards and I’d probably be lonely
Bro be thankful. My bills are $20k/month. You’re young and only have to worry about $400/month that’s a blessing. Just make sure you saving too.
And if I really wanted to I could just take her debit card and pay those bills too and pay nothing monthly but it’s aight. I also been copping everyone monthly metrocards recently so add another couple hundred to that total.
Meh, generalization. You'll see someone rich rock basic clothes then go to their crib and the pool has a couple of 10k lion statues around it. No one is immune to wasting money.
That’s what I’m saying. Most people rich or not got something they’re burning money on.
It’s like my buddies that will drop 2-3Gs on a golf memebership for the summer while I’ll spend that monthly on gear. I get to keep my clothes at the end of summer tho/ sell them online.
Bro be thankful. My bills are $20k/month. You’re young and only have to worry about $400/month that’s a blessing. Just make sure you saving too.
Damn. Big spender.
Not in your pockets, but I hope you own your own business's with expenses that high (spending money to make money).

I'll never complain about my 5-6k/mo expenses again.
Damn. Big spender.
Not in your pockets, but I hope you own your own business's with expenses that high (spending money to make money).

I'll never complain about my 5-6k/mo expenses again.
If we’re including business expenses then my bills are over $20k a month :lol:
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I mean retailers like Zara, HM and others have been putting out mottos for the past 3 seasons, wouldn’t say is fast fashion, more of a staple, but these are budget brands so they not gonna sell real leather, it would sit on shelves because no one is gonna break the bank for a real leather motto branded by Zara...I rocked the pleather joint for 2 years and loved it, but eventually I wanted to make the investment into a real leather motto and so I took the dive with Coach, it was a great investment.

should've gotten da actual OG maker ..schott biker perfecto jacket.
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