Warning, Don't get messed up before a flight.

I thought that this said "don't get messed up before a fight." Either way, I agree with both statements.
it wasnt shrooms. ud know if there were shrooms in ur sandwich. they taste like $**%.
Favorite new NTer. It was def the acid that did it. Shrooms? Maaaaaaybe. I mean, if this story is real. Regardless, the taser part had me dyyyying right now.You sir are a good man (no h..............well, you already know).
OH. and BTW if this is real like maaaaaaan the audacity of this trick. I couldn't (well, I could) believe a girl would do that. I can just picture herthinking "oh ya hehehe this IS going to be the best pb&j you've ever had".
Originally Posted by Nako XL

it wasnt shrooms. ud know if there were shrooms in ur sandwich. they taste like $**%.

He did say the sandwich tasted a bit funny. I dont think its that much of a dead giveaway, especially with peanut butter which can mask a bunch. I'veeaten my fair share of fungus in my day, and damn right it tastes terrible but there are ways to mask it. If the taste is extra buggin you can put it throughyour buds grinder and then sprinkle it on a pizza and go to work (lil bit of red pepper flakes for good measure). Doin it like that on a hot pizza you can defsmell it cause the hot pizza enhances the odor, but you aint really tastin it that much. ducktales or not, I totally believe that you can slip someone somefungus without them knowing it.

I cant believe you made it as far as you did dude. To me the timing makes me think that either she didnt dose you that hard or you got tolerance like a champ. Ive never double dosed on the mushrooms and the L at the same time but whenever I go with one or the other within 1 hour I am done. I live no more than 12minutes from the airport (no traffic) but aint no way I can take doses, get in a car, get through security check, and get on the plane, all inside of 1 hour. Borderline impossible, atleast at LAX. Being around Homeland Security dudes and airport cops with huge crowds of people is the last place i would want to beif I was trippin. Crazy story.
This is your third thread where you tell a random, probably made up story, with tons of references like this. Give it a rest.
Sorry my dude but I'm callin BS on this one. Ive done acid and mushrooms a ton of times and in high doses. I never once seen a cartoon character or hadevil voices speaking to me. Acid and mushrooms dont make crash bandicoot appear. They simply manipulate what is there. Ex. wood grains will crawl, walls willbreath. no pink elephants or mickey mouse. the mushrooms you would have tasted and I doubt she had any liquid acid to drop on your peanut butter which would bea sorry medium for the acid.Im not sayin you didn't have a freak session on the plane but mushrooms and acid are not the likley cuprit. I would suggestgoin to the hospital and gettin a blood test to find out what you took.
at the yoga chick for giving anyone something without them knowing.

WOW! Messing around with that air port %+! ain't no joke. I hope they don't try to give you nothing serious.

I had a mushroom sandwhich before. Crazy.
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