*VIDEO On to the Next One VIDEO* Vol. Weird

NostrandAve68 wrote:
Because everything that you're learning at your school is the whole truth, right?
Point out where I said that anywhere in my post. I'll wait.....
Can you prove to me that your mother is in fact your mother from a FIRST HAND ACCOUNT as you like to put it? You see wher I'm going?
No honestly I didn't see where your going because that was quite possibly the dumbest example you could use to rebut what I said.

Ohhhhhh!!! So is THAT what it takes in order for people to speak on a subject? Formal institutionalized education is what we need? Ooookaaay... I'm anxious to see your response.
Nope but it brings about the foundation for people to start expanding their mind. Question for the majority of your life until now how were you educated? self thought or American school system.

You left out a lot...

Point out where I said that anywhere in my post. I'll wait.....
You didnt, but the way you talk, I'm assuming you're not crediting anything less than a "formal" source for information.

No honestly I didn't see where your going because that was quite possibly the dumbest example you could use to rebut what I said.
Why? Because it proved you wrong?

Nope but it brings about the foundation for people to start expanding their mind. Question for the majority of your life until now how were you educated? self thought or American school system.
Your punctuation is way off, so I'm going to assume that you're asking me how I was educated.

I graduated from high school with a diploma, I'm in school right now, my dad taught me a LOT about life and all sorts of subjects and I study subjects ofmy intrest on my own.

What difference does that make? The method of my education holds no weight to what I know.
What difference does that make? The method of my education holds no weight to what I know.
Thats EXACTLY what I wanted you to say to point out that being self thought or attending a "institutionalized" school system as you putit doesn't diminish a person's knowledge because at the end of the day the basic premise of our thinking and how we logically use information isusually gathered from an exterior source whether its from a professor, mentor, parent, textbook, scholarly journal etc. My whole matter with the issue is thatsome of the sources people refer to isn't always credible thats not to say textbooks are because we all know how underrepresented "our"people's thoughts are excluded from teachings. Its like for example Fox News.. millions of people go to that channel for their news. People see the word"News" in their title so automatically think well it must be credible. They invite "guests" refer to "articles" provide analysiswith media clips, polls and etc all this seems legitimate right? but in essence their title couldn't be more misleading since 70% of its broadcasting isopinion promulgated as News... misleading articles, doctored clips, biased guests. The same people telling me I should look deeper than the surface are thesame ones who are taking something they learned for face value aswell.

But I will just respectfully disagree.. its clear neither side is changing any minds so this is my last post.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

What difference does that make? The method of my education holds no weight to what I know.
Thats EXACTLY what I wanted you to say to point out that being self thought or attending a "institutionalized" school system as you put it doesn't diminish a person's knowledge because at the end of the day the basic premise of our thinking and how we logically use information is usually gathered from an exterior source whether its from a professor, mentor, parent, textbook, scholarly journal etc. My whole matter with the issue is that some of the sources people refer to isn't always credible thats not to say textbooks are because we all know how underrepresented "our" people's thoughts are excluded from teachings. Its like for example Fox News.. millions of people go to that channel for their news. People see the word "News" in their title so automatically think well it must be credible. They invite "guests" refer to "articles" provide analysis with media clips, polls and etc all this seems legitimate right? but in essence their title couldn't be more misleading since 70% of its broadcasting is opinion promulgated as News... misleading articles, doctored clips, biased guests. The same people telling me I should look deeper than the surface are the same ones who are taking something they learned for face value aswell.

But I will just respectfully disagree.. its clear neither side is changing any minds so this is my last post.

Son, I'm not understanding the point you're trying to make.
All this knowledge being dropped is great but can I get info on Jay's jacket though?

........and that Jag as well.
Originally Posted by sterrett02



Or it could be because the nets are really bad lol. Brons gone either way.
Originally Posted by illfrozn


@!% IS THAT?!?!?!

Clearly there's a theme throughout the video of displaying the logo used on the BP3 album cover with various different objects.

That says BP3 to you???? I could see it throughout the video, but not with that image ...

Dolce & Gabbana Rosary
. I got one for my birthday.
Originally Posted by impalaballa187

Originally Posted by illfrozn


@!% IS THAT?!?!?!

Clearly there's a theme throughout the video of displaying the logo used on the BP3 album cover with various different objects.

That says BP3 to you???? I could see it throughout the video, but not with that image ...
Dolce & Gabbana Rosary
. I got one for my birthday.

How dumb are you guys? The logo for BP3 is three lines... l l l What don't you get? There is no simpler way to put it...

Also...I find it hilarious how you guys think you are un-coding secret messages. There is NOTHING HIDDEN in this video. No easter eggs, NOTHING. The wholepoint is to project these images across the screen. You have to be completely stupid to miss it.
Dude is ruining this thread, in which he does with everything.

Has a major in Political Science and still doesn't know much ...

"No I've never had sex but you know what, my degree keeps me satisfied!"
Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Originally Posted by impalaballa187

Originally Posted by illfrozn


@!% IS THAT?!?!?!

Clearly there's a theme throughout the video of displaying the logo used on the BP3 album cover with various different objects.

That says BP3 to you???? I could see it throughout the video, but not with that image ...

" Eyes cut every direction, its like God or guns,
Which is better protection? Can't decide, that's a hard one."

Interesting Article from the author of "Occult America" Mitch Horowitz he speals on Jay Z's usage of occult symbols basically backs up alot ofwhat we're talking about in here.

September 20, 2009 - At this point, the only pop-cultural event that could possibly upstage Jay-Z's new album, The Blueprint III, is Dan Brown's new book, The Lost Symbol.

But if Brown thinks he has the market cornered on Freemasonry and the occult, he had better watch his back. Mitch Horowitz, author of Occult America, says that Jay-Z has a keen grasp of certain esoterica,especially in the music video forhis new single, "Run This Town."

In an interview with Guy Raz, Horowitz pointed to Jay-Z's use of the phrase "Peace God" as an allusion to the Five Percenters. Alsoknown as the Nation of Gods and Earths, they teach that the original black man is God - and that all men are potentially God. "Peace God" is atypical Five Percenter greeting.

"A phrase like 'Peace God' does not find its way into someone's vernacular by accident," Horowitz says. "He's making avery definite statement."

Of course, Five Percent Nation teachings have had a deep impact on hip-hop for many years. Though not a Five Percenter himself, Jay-Z was born andbred in New York, the birthplace of the movement. So it's common to find such references in rap.

But Jay-Z's connection to the occult may extend a bit further. In the making-of video for"Run This Town," he's pictured wearing a sweatshirt with the phrase"do what thou wilt" printed across the chest.

"Yes, that has very deep roots in modern occult culture," Horowitz says. "The full expression is 'Do what thou wilt shall be thewhole of the Law.' That was one of the key maxims of the British occultist Aleister Crowley. So when Jay-Z appears in a hoodie with that phrase on it inpublic, that's exactly what he's referencing."

Jay-Z's Rocawear clothing line also often draws upon Masonic symbols: pentagrams, obelisks, pyramids, the all-seeing eye. Of course, that palesin comparison with the near-obsession with the occult of someone like, say, Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page.

"I would say that a figure like Jay-Z is probably borrowing some of this material," Horowitz says. "But Jimmy Page was imbibing iteven more deeply."

Horowitz says he takes a positive view of Freemasonry and occultists - many of the country's Founding Fathers were masons, he says. He does stopshort of calling Jay-Z an actual member of a secret society.

"I think he's a very shrewd man," Horowitz says. "I think he's a keen observer of everything going on around him. He's amaster at using subversive imagery. You don't find your way to Five Percenter material unless you are very aware of what's going on around you."

Originally Posted by CJDynasty

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by CJDynasty

Here's the thing, I dont know whats going on with Jay. All I know is that this video was beyond weird/creepy, therefore I dont like it. And to be frank, Jay has been declining as a rapper for a LONG time. More reason for me to finally Divorce Jay as my favorite rapper....Good riddens!

its kinda ironic u being a Alpha somebody on the outside looking in could say alpha's symbols, rituals are weird/creepy.
Every thing you need to know about my fraternity are of public record. Nothing subliminal about ours, or any other member of the Divine 9 for that matter. In fact, wiki has a GOOD page on us, check us out

U cant be serious...im Greek as well and what cartune said is exactly true it happens all the time with NPHC organizations....ppl denounce their letters allthe time and say crazy isshh like we worship other gods so they had to quit....I know thats not true cuz im in the frat but a person that has no knowledge canbelieve crap like that when they hear it

U wud be in the minority of greeks if u can say u have never been told straight up lies about how ur frat pledging process goes( I hope ur not paper) or whatgoes own in formal meetings...

the younger ppl being introduced to all this info in this thread can quickly get the wrong idea if their not careful

Nostrandave68 u got alot of ppl that agree with u dont sweat it
That sounds like an expert saying the exact same things I said earlier...but I guess he's reaching and over analyzing too?
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68
On some real +!+ my @#$!$, whether Kneesh and others have already said it or not: You should probably stick to posting weekly SoundScan numberswith your analysis of them. And since that political science degree doesn't seem like it will serve you well... "Don't be mad, UPS ishiring."

At any rate, Vigilant Citizen posted up their analysis of the video:

The OccultSemi-Subliminals of Jay-Z's "On To The Next One" Video
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

That sounds like an expert saying the exact same things I said earlier...but I guess he's reaching and over analyzing too?

You KNOW these Stans on here will defend Camel Stedman till the sunburns out... Right or wrong
yall still analyzing this???

do you guys have anything better to do?

geez Jay gon stay relevant cuz nobody can seem to shut up about him

but hey good for him, as long as he keep putting out music im happy
Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

At any rate, Vigilant Citizen posted up their analysis of the video:

The Occult Semi-Subliminals of Jay-Z's "On To The Next One" Video

I figured Kneesh wasn't doing this Jay-Z/Holy Christ/Baphomet research herself.

Thanks for the link.
Dude, if you read my post you would see that I clearly said "Vigilant Citizen" in it.You're dumb, exit now.
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