For all for all of the folks who think GM should be bailed out.

Do they know they just opened a new factory in Russia??

I thought they were strapped for cash
I still want to know where all the billions in profit went from the SUV years, because it sure as hell didn't go into developing new products for thechanigng marketplace. Now they want the government to pay so they can do that? I don't think so. I don't understand how these idiots in governmentcan't see that if they keep giving them money,it will be nothing but the status quo. Nothing about the way the company runs or develops products willchange, because they know 6 months from now when they are out of money again, the government will just continue to give them more. I can't even start totell you how much I HATE the government in this country right now.
When men stopped wearing hats the US government didnt run in and save all the hat making companies and hat selling stores. No one asked them to. Everyonepicked up the pieces got a new job and moved into other areas of industry.
These companies need to stop looking to us (the taxpayers) for handouts. If we want to help them we will purchase the products they sell.
Not surprising it had to come to this... The Japanese and European really protect their automakers with things like tariffs, as opposed to the U.S.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Where is my bailout?

So *you can live above your means, mortgage a house out of your league and finance cars you MIGHT be able to pay off? Yes Banks should not give loans to people like you, but they do. Both parties are at fault. Americans, take responsibility and stop looking at the government to fix everything.

*You - Denotes general American public and is not a personal attack, just used your question as a chance to get my issue accross.

Now replace the word *YOU* and insert *These companies*

See how that works out now

Thanks for making my point for me.
These firms are a large part of our nation's economy and you guys want them to go belly up?


and we'll just continue to import all of our cars, send that money to overseas countries thus helping to strengthen their economy
Its not like foreign car companies don't have plants in the US helping supply a workforce and taxation here.
These firms are a large part of our nation's economy and you guys want them to belly up?
It's not about wanting them to go under, but you do reap what you sow. Why should we pay to bail out corporations who could've avoidedgetting into this mess to begin with.
Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

These firms are a large part of our nation's economy and you guys want them to go belly up?


and we'll just continue to import all of our cars, send that money to overseas countries thus helping to strengthen their economy

bankrupcy does not equal belly up.

If they go bankrupt and are able to get out of their union contracts and able to restructure the big 3 may become profitable companies again.

Instead they are asking for a blank check to pay all of their bills with out any prospects to pay that back.

to that

Let me restate.

The capital (factories) are not going to disappear into thin air. Eventually making cars in the US will become profitable someone will buy that capital and useit to make a good profitable business that will hire workers. They wont need bailouts and they will be able to pay their employees. How in the hell is that abad thing. please explain?
I cant believe that some people want to defend these companies. The Big 3 are trying to put you and you kids into debt to bail themselves out. That is flat outwrong.

TheOne you are absolutely right.
Originally Posted by SEND ONE

These firms are a large part of our nation's economy and you guys want them to belly up?
It's not about wanting them to go under, but you do reap what you sow. Why should we pay to bail out corporations who could've avoided getting into this mess to begin with.

but thats what everyone in this thread has been saying

How can GM be reaping what they sow?

Its not there fault that their cars are gas guzzling inefficient hunks of garbage....isn't that what everyone wanted a few years back, but now that gas isa grip everyone wants gas efficiency.
Also on Wednesday, the Center for Automotive Research published a report estimating that about 2.5 million jobs across the economy would disappear in the first year if the U.S. auto industry shrinks by 50 percent.

Only 239,000 of those job losses would be at the Detroit Three - the remainder would be at parts suppliers and related industries, the Ann Arbor-based center said.

I find it funny that people do not want the Govt to bail out US companies like you guys know where your tax money goes to anyways. Yes lets notbail out the US auto industry that provides jobs to Americans but lets continue spending 10 billion a month in Iraq or provide 17 billion to NASA so we canexplore Mars.
Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves

hopefully cars go on sale for dirt cheap

they already are. Have you been to a used car lot lately? And have you seen all of the cash back offers they are offering? good lord if I had some dough Iwould be rolling in my CTS asap. They giving like 6'gs just for you to buy a car from them. Thats why they need a bailout so they can keep paying people tobuy their %$%+.

Its not there fault that their cars are gas guzzling inefficient hunks of garbage....isn't that what everyone wanted a few years back, but now that gas is a grip everyone wants gas efficiency.
Are you serious? Its managements responsiblity to predict future trends and align their business with them. Why doesnt Toyota need a bail? (theyare predominately a US company at this point) Because their managers are not incompetent like GM's. That was one of the most ignorant comments I ever read.
Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

Originally Posted by SEND ONE

These firms are a large part of our nation's economy and you guys want them to belly up?
It's not about wanting them to go under, but you do reap what you sow. Why should we pay to bail out corporations who could've avoided getting into this mess to begin with.

but thats what everyone in this thread has been saying

How can GM be reaping what they sow?

Its not there fault that their cars are gas guzzling inefficient hunks of garbage....isn't that what everyone wanted a few years back, but now that gas is a grip everyone wants gas efficiency.

but thats BUSINESS....ain't nobody giving guaranteesthat your product will be hot have to stay ahead of the curve-
The capital (factories) are not going to disappear into thin air. Eventually making cars in the US will become profitable someone will buy that capital and use it to make a good profitable business that will hire workers. They wont need bailouts and they will be able to pay their employees. How in the hell is that a bad thing. please explain?

You are aware that producing cars is very very capital intensive and the barriers to entry are pretty high.

We're not talking about opening a fruit stand here.
Are you serious? Its managements responsiblity to predict future trends and align their business with them. Why doesnt Toyota need a bail? (they are predominately a US company at this point) Because their managers are not incompetent like GM's. That was one of the most ignorant comments I ever read.

I'm serious and you got that backwards.

Its management's job to predict future trends in consumer's behavior, not the other way around.
Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

Originally Posted by SEND ONE

These firms are a large part of our nation's economy and you guys want them to belly up?
It's not about wanting them to go under, but you do reap what you sow. Why should we pay to bail out corporations who could've avoided getting into this mess to begin with.

but thats what everyone in this thread has been saying

How can GM be reaping what they sow?

Its not there fault that their cars are gas guzzling inefficient hunks of garbage....isn't that what everyone wanted a few years back, but now that gas is a grip everyone wants gas efficiency.

Its not their fault???? It's not like we never had an Oil Crisis...its not like awareness wasnever brought to the forefront. They opted to avoid looking at the future and being comparable to the efficiency theJapanese instilled into the marketplace and go for cheap profits based on "consumer" wants. Now look where that brought them. Surely Toyota saleshave been down, but they look like they'll survive.
Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

The capital (factories) are not going to disappear into thin air. Eventually making cars in the US will become profitable someone will buy that capital and use it to make a good profitable business that will hire workers. They wont need bailouts and they will be able to pay their employees. How in the hell is that a bad thing. please explain?

You are aware that producing cars is very very capital intensive and the barriers to entry are pretty high.

We're not talking about opening a fruit stand here.

The capital is already there smart guy. GM factories are up allover the place not doing anything.

You just said that its not managements fault because people wanted gas guzzling SUV's and they didnt forsee a trend change. You lose all credibility.

Its management's job to predict future trends in consumer's behavior, not the other way around.
and GM didnt that is why they are a horse %*+% company and why they need to be left for dead.

The bottom line is if making cars in the US becomes profitable and an attractive investment, Toyota seems to think it is because they have ran over here likeits going out of style, the capital from the big 3 will not go to waste. But as it stands right now because they are not being uses in a profitable way thecapital is being wasted completely. Its not helping the economy and they do not deserve another cent until they shape up.
They making them gas guzzlers...

Let em struggle.

Shoot gimme a couple stacks to pay off some bills while you're at it Pelosi
Originally Posted by theone2401

Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

The capital (factories) are not going to disappear into thin air. Eventually making cars in the US will become profitable someone will buy that capital and use it to make a good profitable business that will hire workers. They wont need bailouts and they will be able to pay their employees. How in the hell is that a bad thing. please explain?

You are aware that producing cars is very very capital intensive and the barriers to entry are pretty high.

We're not talking about opening a fruit stand here.

The capital is already there smart guy. GM factories are up allover the place not doing anything.

You just said that its not managements fault because people wanted gas guzzling SUV's and they didnt forsee a trend change. You lose all credibility.

Well atleast we agree on one thing


You lose all credibility.

What credibility?

I'm not an economist

Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

Originally Posted by theone2401

Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

The capital (factories) are not going to disappear into thin air. Eventually making cars in the US will become profitable someone will buy that capital and use it to make a good profitable business that will hire workers. They wont need bailouts and they will be able to pay their employees. How in the hell is that a bad thing. please explain?

You are aware that producing cars is very very capital intensive and the barriers to entry are pretty high.

We're not talking about opening a fruit stand here.

The capital is already there smart guy. GM factories are up allover the place not doing anything.

You just said that its not managements fault because people wanted gas guzzling SUV's and they didnt forsee a trend change. You lose all credibility.

Well atleast we agree on one thing


You lose all credibility.

What credibility?

I'm not an economist


You dont have to be a economist to have common sense.

Business make wrong decisions they go out of business and are replaced by ones who make good decisions = capitalism.

Im not an economist either even though I study it but damn I knew this $!%* in 5th grade

again bring it back to Toyota. Why are they not having any problems? why cant the big three be like toyota (run well) is that to much to ask from a CEO? Runyour business smart? for real?
next in line for a bailout-


aint no way they could tell these jackets wouldnt be hot forever
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

What credibility?

I'm not an economist

Which is abundantly clear in your whole argument on this topic

Well, what have you brought to the table?


Go ahead and school me, my ears are open

Everyone keeps falling back on the same tired arguement
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