I really feel for the [remaining] US factory workers. It's really sad for them.

I don't feel sorry for corporate though, unwilling to be more fuel efficient or reliable until it's too late when we have Japan and Germany out doingus. -_-
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

We are a capitalistic system, let them fail!! We should have never approved the first bailout


[captain obvious]If you or your parents worked for Ford, I doubt your post would be size 6 and bolded[/captain obvious].

I never wish failure upon anyone's means to feed their family but to each his own.
Maybe I'm the only one that doesn't understand this. You have a company that is failing because they are manufacturing products that nobody wants. Now, since they make products that nobody wants and aren't selling them or making any money, they want the government to give them money so they can retooltheir facilities so they can make a different product that more people might want to buy. makes absolutely no sense. During times when your company is makinga lot of profit, a smart company takes most of that money and puts it back into r & d to make new products or make current products better, hence allowingthem to continue to be successful and sell a lot of their product. So when gm was making billions in profits during the years they were unloading suvs toeverybody and their mother, where the hell did all that money go?

GM is a very poorly run, weak company and has been for years. The government has already given them billions in the past and has anything changed? NO! Sorryto say , but it is time to pull GM off life support. Let them file for bankruptcy. After doing that, they should drastically downsize their operations andbasically start the company over and try to grow it from scratch again.
Originally Posted by mjd77

Maybe I'm the only one that doesn't understand this. You have a company that is failing because they are manufacturing products that nobody wants. Now, since they make products that nobody wants and aren't selling them or making any money, they want the government to give them money so they can retool their facilities so they can make a different product that more people might want to buy. makes absolutely no sense. During times when your company is making a lot of profit, a smart company takes most of that money and puts it back into r & d to make new products or make current products better, hence allowing them to continue to be successful and sell a lot of their product. So when gm was making billions in profits during the years they were unloading suvs to everybody and their mother, where the hell did all that money go?

GM is a very poorly run, weak company and has been for years. The government has already given them billions in the past and has anything changed? NO! Sorry to say , but it is time to pull GM off life support. Let them file for bankruptcy. After doing that, they should drastically downsize their operations and basically start the company over and try to grow it from scratch again.

Agreed dude, 110% These guys get so much cashflow when things are good they keep pumping the same %+$@ out because it's making them profits, they refuse togive us the same MPG that overseas countries get, thus now they're paying for it.

!**@ them
the auto industry in US deserves no bail out. stop making useless cars that eat up gas. invest in better technology. they have had ample time.
Originally Posted by mjd77

Maybe I'm the only one that doesn't understand this. You have a company that is failing because they are manufacturing products that nobody wants. Now, since they make products that nobody wants and aren't selling them or making any money, they want the government to give them money so they can retool their facilities so they can make a different product that more people might want to buy. makes absolutely no sense. During times when your company is making a lot of profit, a smart company takes most of that money and puts it back into r & d to make new products or make current products better, hence allowing them to continue to be successful and sell a lot of their product. So when gm was making billions in profits during the years they were unloading suvs to everybody and their mother, where the hell did all that money go?

GM is a very poorly run, weak company and has been for years. The government has already given them billions in the past and has anything changed? NO! Sorry to say , but it is time to pull GM off life support. Let them file for bankruptcy. After doing that, they should drastically downsize their operations and basically start the company over and try to grow it from scratch again.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by mjd77

Maybe I'm the only one that doesn't understand this. You have a company that is failing because they are manufacturing products that nobody wants. Now, since they make products that nobody wants and aren't selling them or making any money, they want the government to give them money so they can retool their facilities so they can make a different product that more people might want to buy. makes absolutely no sense. During times when your company is making a lot of profit, a smart company takes most of that money and puts it back into r & d to make new products or make current products better, hence allowing them to continue to be successful and sell a lot of their product. So when gm was making billions in profits during the years they were unloading suvs to everybody and their mother, where the hell did all that money go?

GM is a very poorly run, weak company and has been for years. The government has already given them billions in the past and has anything changed? NO! Sorry to say , but it is time to pull GM off life support. Let them file for bankruptcy. After doing that, they should drastically downsize their operations and basically start the company over and try to grow it from scratch again.
Just found another good quote from a Yahoo article that pretty much sums it up.

``The financial situation facing the Big Three is not a national problem, but their problem,'' Richard Shelby said in a statement. ``I do not supportthe use of U.S. taxpayer dollars to reward the mismanagement of Detroit-based auto manufacturers in such a way that allows them to continue and compound theirongoing mistakes.''
Originally Posted by Esco51

what many people fail to understand is if one of the big 3 go belly up, US taxpayers would be on the hook for the bill of the petitions and the unemployment surge you would see with the company itself and all the suppliers/distributors. That cost will be much greater then the $25 billion they're asking for.

Very foolish.

These companies are going to need more money every 3 months at this rate. No one in America is buying cars for at least a year (hyperbole) and when they do itsnot going to be cars from GM.

In fact GM makes very little money from their cars because of the unions and their costs of production are so huge because they have to many plants they arepoorly run.

So regardless of how much money they get alot of people are going to lose their jobs they have to. And they dont make much money from their cars they make alotof their money from financeing through GMAC and guess what? that business model is broken FOREVER aka never coming back.

They need to fail in order to stop wasting capital allocating it to these bums. Its like putting a pile of money in a big field and burning it. It is going tobe wastedddd.
they can bail my testicles in their mouth.

seriously though i'm tired of higherups screwing up and expecting things to get magiclly fixed like nothing ever happened.

!$%$ is getting crazy - these are all for (major) PROFIT companies...i understand the interwoven into america and the downfall can have a crazy trickle effectbut damn...when times are good its all good then when things get bad they get cut a check instead of failing?

how do i get into these failproof industries?
even with a bailout,they will continue to make new cars nobody wants.

No one at GM seems to want to blend creativity and gas fuel efficiency. I see all the future fuel type concepts , but they need to bring those cool designs toa gas powered cars imo
If we bail them out now, a year or two from now they'll be in the same situation. They just have to stop building these crappy gas guzzlers.
If the heads of McDonald's, Wendy's and Burger King came to the government asking for a bailout because nobody wanted their products, they'd belaughed out of the building.

But, but... that'll put millions upon millions of fast food workers out of a job. What about the manufacturers who provide the cups, napkins, straws, andother products? What about the farmers who supply the raw ingredients used in the food?

Doesn't matter. The American people don't want your product. Go back to the drawing board, offer products that they DO want to buy, and leave us alone.This isn't the government's issue, it's yours.

The automakers deserve a different response?

Besides, they're forgetting one little piece of the puzzle: people need MONEY in order to buy cars. Throwing billions upon billions of dollars at thebusiness end of the problem doesn't change the fact that the average American STILL doesn't have the money to buy your $35,000 hybrid SUV.

Yeah, here's a cool 25 bil to continue making more of the products that people can't afford to buy right now. Great idea!

It's money down the drain, and they should be told to $$*$ off.

Edit: just saw mjd77 wrote pretty much the same thing on the page before.

Well said, my good man. Just had to get that little rant off of my chest.
Yes, because the big 3 are the backbone of our economy, but NO because American cars are garbage and were TOO LATE to the (car energy) party.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves

they need the money because if not, all the lost jobs in michigan things will get really bad.

Might as well give them a blank check then and let them do whatever they want.

Do you understand the slippery slope you are proposing this country goes down?

People are going to lose their jobs that is just a fact of life and alot of them work for the big 3 bailout or no bailout.

And I have family members who recivers pensions from GM who would probably be cut in a bankruptcy but I am unbiased enough to see how this is the dumbest thingthat could possibly be done.

The argument from GM is that people wouldnt buy their cars if they went into bankruptcy. Only one way to find out.....

(just for the smart guys in here just because they go bankrupt doesnt mean they close up all together)
Yes, because the big 3 are the backbone of our economy
false. another fallacy they try to tell people.

70% of the american economy (GDP) is consumer spending which is now contracting.
i say let them rot

but that would be 2.5 million jobs lost

so...........wouldnt benefit the US of A
Lets be real:

We don't bail them out, what happens:

-U.S. manufacturing industry is crippled
-Hundreds of Thousands of jobs lost
-Michigan's infrastructures crumbles (Michigan without the car industry? Are you serious)
-In the long run, more money will be lost.

If we don't bail them out, we will be worse of in the long run. It's not about people not wanting their products, it's more about jobs and economicinfrastructure. I can't even imagine our nation without Ford, GM, and Chrysler. Believe me, with this bailout, the auto industry will be re-tooled tocompete with Japanese and European counterparts.We need to really increase foreign sales of our cars. You think less people want American cars, think about theoverseas market for our cars

Me personally, I could care less about gas mileage. I want a big engine block v8, but my taste don't represent the majority consumer in 2008. People wantto drive ugly hybrids that go 0-6 in 3 hours.
Originally Posted by theone2401

Yes, because the big 3 are the backbone of our economy
false. another fallacy they try to tell people.

70% of the american economy (GDP) is consumer spending which is now contracting.
I thought he was being sarcastic?
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Lets be real:

We don't bail them out, what happens:

-U.S. manufacturing industry is crippled
-Hundreds of Thousands of jobs lost
-Michigan's infrastructures crumbles (Michigan without the car industry? Are you serious)
-In the long run, more money will be lost.

If we don't bail them out, we will be worse of in the long run. It's not about people not wanting their products, it's more about jobs and economic infrastructure. I can't even imagine our nation without Ford, GM, and Chrysler. Believe me, with this bailout, the auto industry will be re-tooled to compete with Japanese and European counterparts.We need to really increase foreign sales of our cars. You think less people want American cars, think about the overseas market for our cars

Me personally, I could care less about gas mileage. I want a big engine block v8, but my taste don't represent the majority consumer in 2008. People want to drive ugly hybrids that go 0-6 in 3 hours.
but if they go into bankruptcy they do not disappear why do people keep saying this. They just have to restructure which is what they need to doand giving them money isnt going to make that go away. Everyone has people believeing it is an all or nothing event. Its not.

I thought he was being sarcastic?
I hope so because of they were the backbone of our economy we would have been in a recession for 30 years
. But if you listen to their CEO's they will try to feed you this garbage.

People act like all of the factors that GM has will disappear if they go bankrupt. Someone will take them over and use them the way they need to be used andthey will hire people right back. Just cant get throught to folks. GM wants to save their own skin why cant people see that.
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Originally Posted by theone2401

Yes, because the big 3 are the backbone of our economy
false. another fallacy they try to tell people.

70% of the american economy (GDP) is consumer spending which is now contracting.
I thought he was being sarcastic?

I was, American automakers fail on all fronts. I predicted this would happen, the Japanese and Germans automakers knew it would happen too.
for real, if it wasnt for pick up trucks..............

who is lookin to buy american whips?
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