Update p. 14 Does this guy have a right to complain? Vol. Help a sista out.

I remember your hopeless posts on JJB. I think you just need to be more confident and learn some social skills. You are over-analyzing and looking way too much into this.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

I remember your hopeless posts on JJB. I think you just need to be more confident and learn some social skills. You are over-analyzing and looking way too much into this.

Originally Posted by AngeLeeLee

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

I remember your hopeless posts on JJB. I think you just need to be more confident and learn some social skills. You are over-analyzing and looking way too much into this.


For real doe! She even got Dima on the edge! "I remember your hopeless posts on JJB."
That guy probably thought he was in after finger painting. Then OP extended Arts & Crafts time by 2 hours (Can't help thinking of the Ben Stiller scene from Happy Gilmour).
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

I remember your hopeless posts on JJB. I think you just need to be more confident and learn some social skills. You are over-analyzing and looking way too much into this.

1st time i've ever witnessed hazel fire shots
This thread is pure comedy. I missed a lot of the updates about arts and craft and #+!+, so I'm gonna go back and read up. I was
at some of the responses in class. I thought I was gonna get kicked out. #+!+ is dumb.
Man I'm having a very difficult time believing that someone can be THIS socially inept. Like....no. OP post a tagged pic.
I'm starting to think this thread is the best thing that could have happened to op. I think maybe now she will realize she really needs to go about love in a whole new way. Be more confident and find a nice guy who won't try to take advantage of you. If you are ever in Va look me up.
Originally Posted by Retro23J

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Retro23J wrote:
arts....and crafts.....
let a girl bring some popsicle sticks and construction paper over the crib....

not only did she bring A&C... she got upset with him for not doing sub-par work.   
 she steady makin these,

and my mans is like this
 putin this together


But for real, how do you expect men to view you as more than a sex object, when you never give them the opportunity to?

Do you honestly think any man with options would take what you shell out?

Life is tough and the bottom line is if your not letting anybody smash, you better have other aspects of your personality that can compensate.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

I remember your hopeless posts on JJB. I think you just need to be more confident and learn some social skills. You are over-analyzing and looking way too much into this.

Wow...I can't believe I went through 24 pages (first 6 were informative, the rest was nothing but a slight burn on one's social skills).
OP, for someone who went to law school I have a tough time finding you as "socially inept" with your logic, especially since that's a requirement to even be able to get through majority of the years there when tackling cases and the sort. With that said, you need to take your head out of the books and Arts & Crafts and actually be a bit more straight forward and relaxed in yourself. You definitely took analyzing on a whole 'nother level, co-sign with all the relationship advice and gifs being posted about OP. This thread made me 
, and actually brought happiness to my day.

Shots fired @ Hazel and Limited...I guess past forum board behavior really catches up with you, dang.
i just think OP is very very very old fashoined

the responses are hilarious but the situation is just reality

This is what happens when a conservative female meets the beasts of NT

NT lets try and help this girl out lol....(emphasis on try)
Wow... I went through this thread from front-to-back.  Mami has more things going on personality-wise than I initially suspected.  I can't justify all the harsh things thrown at her in this post, but sometimes the truth can be too much to handle.  I hope you've learned some things about social etiquette, Shanique.
Man you now it's bad when Dima of all people is coming at you.

SShanique I'm completely baffled by your social ineptitude. It doesn't bode well for you as an aspiring lawyer.

I really hope you get it together, otherwise you'll get eaten alive.
 @ the arts and crafts pics.
Meangene4 wrote:
mytmouse76 wrote:
This thread went from sad to hilarious to sad again. Like someone said this just proves that some women are just as clueless as some guys. I hope OP meets a nice man who won't take advantage of her cuz most dudes would eat her alive. Hell most women could probably run game on her.



   youre gonna have to put a ring on it first...you may have to ask a few times cuz down on one knee isn't direct enough...try writing it on her forehead
What I've learned from this thread? Hmm... not much.

I will say that I'd never done arts & crafts with a guy before I did with that guy. The only reason I did it was because he was always warning me that he was "broke" and that he had no money. He said he'd been poor all his life. He even went as far as saying we could go to a movie and then calling his bank, and putting it on speakerphone so that I could hear he was overdrawn. I suspect he had money in his other account, though. I, being empathetic, decided that I would still hang out with him but that I didn't want to sit on his couch with him trying to make out with me at every turn. That's why I brought the arts & crafts, and I will say that I spent more money on those materials than he ever spent on me. He was saying I was someone he would like to marry and all that type of stuff, and then the next week he was in a relationship with a fat Latin chick with 3 kids. He put it on myspace for everyone to see, including me. He would still try to flirt with me at school and stuff, and when she finally dropped him, he tried to come back to me. He is the fakest person I have ever met, and if the arts & crafts helped to get rid of him faster, then good riddance. He was never into me in the first place. He was just trying to turn me into some random jump off.

As for the guy this thread is about, I guess I have realized that whenever I see him, he always seems very enthusiastic. Whether he's doing the Ric Flair, flirting, or speaking in Italian so that I will have to keep asking him questions. Even his friend seemed really happy to see me last night. I'm more reserved and don't express myself that way, although I am happy to see him when I do. I'm usually smiling when I see him, but sometimes I have a poker face. That's usually when other people are around. I guess he's looking for some type of reciprocation, but when he didn't call me I wasn't too happy about that. Although I was happy to see him last weekend, I wasn't really trying to show it. Well, not at first, but when I saw him close up, all that went out the window. Too bad my manager came out, and we couldn't talk.
A guy you met just wanted to smash....big deal....why are you acting so shocked?
Just move on if it's not what you're looking for
No need in sitting there over analyzing his actions or getting upset that you're viewed as a sex object
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