Update p. 14 Does this guy have a right to complain? Vol. Help a sista out.

Originally Posted by iBlink

I'm willing to bet my entire financial aid refund that this chick has a bullet.
I'd take that bet. Keep in my were talking bout the same girl the censored the word "condoms".
Originally Posted by SShanique

This thread is still going geez...

Anyway, I called in an order for a pizza tonight at Pauly's restaurant. He was working tonight, but while I was in my car putting my tips in order he came out. He went to talk to someone who was in a car. (I assume it was a girl.) I went in, and Ronnie was in there. I could tell by what he was saying that he and Pauly had had a conversation about me. Ronnie was like, "You missed us, didn't you?" I was thinking, "Not really." He was like, "It's okay. You can say 'yes.'" So, I just said, "Yeah." He was like, "You're quiet, aren't you?" (I'm sure he got this info from Pauly.) I was like, "Yeah." Then he was like, "That's okay. We're all loud around here."

I didn't get to see Pauly, because he was still talking when I left. I should not have played into Ronnie's hand by answering his leading questions. If we were in court, I would have objected.
I wanted a pizza so that I wouldn't have to cook for the next two days. Yeah, I'm quiet... around guys I like until I get to know them. I swear between talking to Ronnie and Pauly, it's like I'm getting the 3rd degree every time I go over there!

1. everything Dirtylicious said was on point. Incredibly sad stories here...even oblivious to people's responses to her here (suspect!
2. theres NO WAY you went to college (BYU?) then law school and are graduating without knowing how men and women get down...especially having been through college! (small local one maybe?)

3. I'm pretty sure that I too can get into Harvard Law if you got into any law school. How do you pass an interview?? How do you even stand up in court as a lawyer? Seems like you're the people in the movie Invention of Lying, just always honest and expecting everyone else to be the same?? Its insane.

4. Do you have a tv? read books/magazines/etc?? Cosmo's 83bajillioon ways to "please your man" every other month? NO WAY you do not know a thing about A.)flirting, B.)courting, C.)sleazy men(most), and etc etc. You live in USA and experience college and law school settings. You're no longer home-schooled. 

5. Anyone choosing to become a lawyer, knows they've chosen a path that makes them a public figure...and as such, (you being a lawyer you should know), you give up many aspects of your "privacy" that most average people have.

and 6....finally, ebveryone in this thread is being played. for real. This is fake questions from someone who is bored and posts only in cycles...like the trinity killer on Dexter. I dunno, maybe a 10yr old boy jsut went missing so she's returned?? (uh i digress), but really, read one of her old posts and she said:

99thdegree wrote:
$!!. Why did you grab his @!+*? If some guy I didn't want to get with just whipped one out I'd get up and leave. I wouldn't go around caressing it so he "couldn't use it." 

I don't understand this post.


"I didn't know what he was going to do. He looked like he was ready to use it. I don't want a kid or an STD!
And he didn't get the Bible. He offered to get the Bible and marry us in what I think was desperation. 

No B.S. here. All true. He tries to be all religious, but I don't see anything religious about his behavior. I told him to lose my number. He slammed the door when I left."

THAT my friends, is bonafied BULL. Would this magic penis get you pregnant or diseased just like that? I doubt you would grab one without shrieking in shock and sprinting away first if one was pulled out on you. 

If you really are a serious person and this is true (which it isnt). I just feel bad....wish you TONS of luck on your career, since that should come first. But all this stuff relates. Gender issues, sex&sexuality and all that. They'll all come to a head. Rent some of HBO's Real Sex series....do SOMETHING. Dont go out there boning everybody. but go kiss someone and play him the next day. Grow, get some power all that.


Let this thread dieeeee!!!!
 $!! am i doing?

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