Update p. 14 Does this guy have a right to complain? Vol. Help a sista out.

also, any dude interested in you over the age of 16 is looking at you as a sex object, and you SHOULD be looking at them in the same way. Not necessarily saying yall should smash right away, but the reason people date is to find a mate of the opposite sex. If you want strictly friends go to a gay club or something.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

What is with the fascination with this thread? What's so compelling?

Girl is in her mid twenties but seemingly lacks any social skills in regards to guys.  Brought over arts and crafts to his house... that's all you need to know
Originally Posted by McFlyyy

this *#+% is like watching a car crash.. i feel so bad.

oh well.
I do too.

Best 2 comments out the past 10 pages though:
Originally Posted by Nawth21

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I wouldn't go that far...
but homegirl really needs to get her head out of the books and startliving life...making mistakes and learning from those mistakes.
yep, and those mistakes hurt more the older you get so might as well get em out of the way early. 
and after she makes those mistakes please don't become bitter OP.  Please.
Originally Posted by SShanique

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by SShanique

Originally Posted by AgentArenas

Originally Posted by SShanique

Originally Posted by you big dummy


Spoiler [+]
SShanique wrote:

It would be nice if you didn't post any identifying pictures here.  Stop taking pictures from other websites and posting them here.  I already have people I have prosecuted following me.  This is a safety issue, and I don't need you putting me at risk for criminals who may or may not be out there.


You posted on a basically all male sneakerboard for advice. Guess what, people can look you up and find pictures. If it was a potential issue from the start you shouldn't have begun this joke of a topic. You prosecute people? For what, not going to bed on time?

So naive and out of all professions... a lawyer... like a lamb to the slaughter.

So what?  I asked for advice about a male on a board where most members are male.  What's the big deal?  I don't expect threads that I posted on a board where I pay for privacy to be reposted on public boards.  Had I known I would be seeing people I prosecuted outside of court, I would have never posted pictures there either.

what the hell are you saying?

Who the hell would hire a lawyer who seriously thinks this? Who's rights or privacy are you even trying to protect or offer advice to?

You're done.

I won't even offer suggestions anymore. I'll just insult you until you realize that you're not making ANY sense here. I don't care how many letters and degress are after your name.

I am saying that the pictures and text the person posted are from a thread that I started on a board where membership is paid, and the forums are private.  I wouldn't expect threads I posted on that forum to end up here or anywhere else.

If it's on the internet, it's not private.  Welcome to the real world
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by Master Zik

What is with the fascination with this thread? What's so compelling?

Girl is in her mid twenties but seemingly lacks any social skills in regards to guys.  Brought over arts and crafts to his house... that's all you need to know
I caught that with the last few pages and reading the first few pages. That spawned 30+ pages!? Damn
If shorty would have broken out the arts and crafts on me, I would been like "Hold up, I gotta go get some special glue in the bathroom". Woulda came out three minutes later with a dixie cup full of seed. Then I would have been like "This glue smells funny but it's top quality stuff!"

Then I would have started playing around and smeared it on her clothes and her face.
Huh, I was firing shots? I was just being straight up blunt and trying to be helpful. It is a dog eat dog world out there. She should remain true to herself and stick to her values, but as socially inept as she is, it can lead to her downfall and many missed opportunities. That is an unhealthy lifestyle.
This thread is still going geez...

Anyway, I called in an order for a pizza tonight at Pauly's restaurant. He was working tonight, but while I was in my car putting my tips in order he came out. He went to talk to someone who was in a car. (I assume it was a girl.) I went in, and Ronnie was in there. I could tell by what he was saying that he and Pauly had had a conversation about me. Ronnie was like, "You missed us, didn't you?" I was thinking, "Not really." He was like, "It's okay. You can say 'yes.'" So, I just said, "Yeah." He was like, "You're quiet, aren't you?" (I'm sure he got this info from Pauly.) I was like, "Yeah." Then he was like, "That's okay. We're all loud around here."

I didn't get to see Pauly, because he was still talking when I left. I should not have played into Ronnie's hand by answering his leading questions. If we were in court, I would have objected.
I wanted a pizza so that I wouldn't have to cook for the next two days. Yeah, I'm quiet... around guys I like until I get to know them. I swear between talking to Ronnie and Pauly, it's like I'm getting the 3rd degree every time I go over there!
you are #@+***% simple as hell...you make +**@ hard on yourself...

why would you not answer his questions? he's being nice and its obvious he thinks you're cool people or he wouldn't have said much to you...
Capricorn1229 wrote:

Originally Posted by McFlyyy

this *#+% is like watching a car crash.. i feel so bad.

oh well.
I do too.

Best 2 comments out the past 10 pages though:
Originally Posted by Nawth21

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I wouldn't go that far...
but homegirl really needs to get her head out of the books and start living life...making mistakes and learning from those mistakes.
yep, and those mistakes hurt more the older you get so might as well get em out of the way early. 
and after she makes those mistakes please don't become bitter OP.  Please.

I'm not going to become bitter.  I just want to find one guy and settle down with him.  I guess I'm seeing that it's not going to be that easy.  I think I will start dating regularly after I take the bar exam (which I should be studying for now).  I get quite a few offers by virtue of my serving job.  I always turn them down, though.  One of my bosses even asked me if I would marry one of their friends who is a frequent customer.  The friend told her to ask.  I couldn't believe she would ask me that.  He was there tonight.

Usually, we don't get many black people, because not many black people live in the area.  Tonight a black guy came in alone, though, and my other boss was talking about how the guy liked me after he left.  I didn't know what he was talking about.  Now that I think about it, the guy would order something, and then when I gave my suggestion he would change to whatever I suggested.  Before I put his order in, I said, "Don't be mad at me if you don't like it." 

At the end, he said he wasn't mad at me, and he started asking me what was there fun to do in that town.  I said I didn't know, because I live in the next town.  He asked how far that was, and he kept asking me what was there fun to do there.  He was asking a lot of questions about me.  Then he returned to the what is there fun to do.  I really didn't know what to tell him.    
 My boss thinks the guy was interested in me.  I'm not sure.
Originally Posted by SShanique

If we were in court, I would have objected.

This explains everything, seriously. cotdamn, the worst social awareness ever.
Playing hard to get involves PLAYING, not giving cats the cold shoulder. you tryna give dude the silent treatment like you Hellen !++$*#@ Keller.

At least talk to dude, i understand old fashioned, but you stone age with the talking. step out the medieval times and talk to a guy, say hi, something.

damn. i figured you would gave up and became a nun already.
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