Update p. 14 Does this guy have a right to complain? Vol. Help a sista out.

Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Originally Posted by SShanique


So, I finally, swallowed my pride and went over there tonight. I went to pick up my to go order, and I didn't see him in the front. One of his boys was there, though. He runs the place when the guy I like isn't there. This is the same boy he did the Ric Flair in front of, and the same boy who was there when the guy I like finally asked for my number, although he wasn't like there watching.

I'll give these guys some names. I'll use Jersey Shore names since they are Italian. His boy is Ronnie, and he is Pauly. Anyway, so "Ronnie" acknowledged that the hadn't seen me in a while. He asked where I had been. I told him that I went home. He said that it was good that I was back in this state now and that he will be seeing me again at the restaurant now. Before I was about to leave, he reiterated how he hadn't seen me in a while and that he thought I had moved. I told him that I did, in fact move, but came back. He said that it was all good that I was back now. As you can, pretty uneventful. Pauly, the guy I like, was not there. I volunteered more information than normal, because I thought it had a good chance of getting back to Pauly, though.

My questions: Why wasn't Ronnie asking all these questions and making a big deal out of not having seen me? Do you think he's going to go back and tell the guy I like that I was at his restaurant tonight and tell him everything I told him?

Man, did OP ever say how old she was?

She's in her mid-late 20s.
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

I also want my daughter to someday be married and have a normal, healthy relationship
women like her are the ones that get cheated on, OP is only hurting herself in the end.
So it's the woman's fault she gets cheated on

Yea I went there
Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

I also want my daughter to someday be married and have a normal, healthy relationship
women like her are the ones that get cheated on, OP is only hurting herself in the end.
So it's the woman's fault she gets cheated on

Yea I went there
noo freaks get cheated on too
Originally Posted by blazinRook

Originally Posted by McFlyyy

this lady's so innocent.. it's almost adorable. i hope my daughter grows up to be like you, shanique.
real talk

all the NT's that are clownin are gonna have daughters that are freaks
No way jose. I'd like my daughter to have enough social skills to be able to navigate simple relationship problems (intimate or otherwise) on her own.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by SShanique

I didn't just want him to see me as a sex object.
Well too bad because that's all you're basically good for.

"You know what your problem is? You're putting the *#%@+ on a pedestal."

Originally Posted by West2East

Originally Posted by blazinRook

Originally Posted by McFlyyy

this lady's so innocent.. it's almost adorable. i hope my daughter grows up to be like you, shanique.
real talk

all the NT's that are clownin are gonna have daughters that are freaks
No way jose. I'd like my daughter to have enough social skills to be able to navigate simple relationship problems (intimate or otherwise) on her own.
navigating simple relationship problems is one thing, while OP is just really innocent, conservative, and even naive...

I hope OP finds a match, but in her field of work, a lot of her peers are socially equipped to have casual relationships

OP is lookin for some true love, sweep me off my feet, make popsicle stick mansions with me while we cuddle type hype

lol, its very hard to find, but maybe you lookin in the wrong places OP

I figure "Paulie" is very social as he is a manager of a restaurant

Maybe you'd mix better with a conservative type of dude: church going, family man...

I'd want my daughter to have old school values: innocent, conservative, but not naive....you gotta work on that OP
Originally Posted by SShanique

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by SShanique

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by SShanique

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Friend zoning

I have zero respect for women who friend zone.

It was his suggestion, not mine.  He even put me on his top friends list on myspace.  I know at my law school, there are only a few black people, so we all like hang out in small groups of like 2 or 3.  Well, the girl I would hang out with did not return for 2L year, so he in a phone conversation he asked me what I was going to do.  I was like, "I dunno.  I guess I'll have to find a new friend."  His reply, "You have me."
Either he's a complete simp or you're full of $%$@.  Even my stupid #@% doesn't do this.

No, he was lying about everything. He played me.

So this was before the aforementioned event of him wanted to have sex with you?

I did more than arts & crafts with him.  I didn't sleep with him, and when he found out I wasn't going to sleep with him, he gave me this whole speech about how I was too good for him that he's an %$+hole and all other kinds of stuff.  He was playing me the whole time.  My feelings were really hurt.

Sadly...you're only gonna get your feelings hurt more and more.

Pull an Omarion, keep that icebox where your heart used to be and stay focused on your career...you'll meet a guy along the way, you'll kiss, you'll get chills, you'll want too be touched and you'll proceed as many do..till then, please just end this thread, get over this guy. And dont start to like any guys until they REALLY go out their way for you, to show their genuine (even tho this may still not help)

Go through life expecting the worst and you wont get hurt/played etc...look, my main point is, this may b how u seem to some guys. So keep it up and stick with it instead of seeming like you're playing games. Guys secretly like hard-to-get, so guys will always be interested. Plus, you're a female, sooooo guys will always be interested.

Good luck on the bar exam. Beat that, get that job, move to a big city and have your mind blown at how REAL people get.  (in any law firm really)
Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

I also want my daughter to someday be married and have a normal, healthy relationship
women like her are the ones that get cheated on, OP is only hurting herself in the end.
So it's the woman's fault she gets cheated on

Yea I went there
thats not what i meant. im saying there are many guys who take advantage of how naive and innocent their girls are and @#$% other chicks on the side as a result. I wouldn't want my daughter to be one of those girls.
When OP gets introduced to the Real World its not gonna be nothing pretty.

I really hopes she doesn't run into a slick talker with some major league game. Bc its gonna be a sad site to see, and he's gonna have a field day with her.

Im really curious has OP ever let a dude rub on those bunns ever?!?!
Originally Posted by ugh rabies

Originally Posted by StarScreamer

The only person threads I ever read that had blatantly stupid posts waskaraa or whatever her name was. What other stupid posts has the OPstarted?

[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]http://thejjb.com/topic/317348[/color]

thanks, was too lazy to actually do it myself
is this thread even worth reading??? ive been lurking through some of the pages but im a bit lost seems like a good
If Dima is firing shots your way then you know it's time to log off.. homeboy saw those glue and wood and paint brushes and thought you were into fetishes little did he know you wanted to make a amtiville house
Originally Posted by SShanique

What I've learned from this thread? Hmm... not much.
I've learned that just because someone is well educated doesn't mean that they don't fail at life. Enjoy your cats and limited human interaction on the future
Originally Posted by Across 110th st

Originally Posted by SShanique

What I've learned from this thread? Hmm... not much.
I've learned that just because someone is well educated doesn't mean that they don't fail at life. Enjoy your cats and limited human interaction on the future
This entire thread in a nutshell.
Originally Posted by you big dummy

Originally Posted by ugh rabies

Originally Posted by StarScreamer

The only person threads I ever read that had blatantly stupid posts was karaa or whatever her name was. What other stupid posts has the OP started?


thanks, was too lazy to actually do it myself


Damn, after reading some of those jjb threads i want to call OP a certain word that would get me banned. This is sickening.
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