Update p. 14 Does this guy have a right to complain? Vol. Help a sista out.

Well, relaxers break the disulfide bonds of the hair in half. That is why relaxed hair is so much thinner than natural hair. I like thick hair that has body,not limp hair. I don't see any of you guys relaxing your hair.

Relaxers simply break these disulfide bonds and cap them so that they cannot chemically reform. Classically, hair relaxers use a reducer or a base (the opposite of an acid) such as lye (sodium hydroxide) to break and cap these bonds. A good example of this method can be seen in the movie "Malcolm X" with Denzel Washington: Denzel nearly burned his hair off trying to straighten it. Unfortunately, sodium hydroxide can burn your skin and damage your hair. The gentler and safer commercial relaxers are still based on the same chemical reactions of breaking disulfide bonds and capping them. For instance, the "Imina P&G No Lye Conditioning Creme Relaxer Base-Relaxer Kit" by Procter & Gamble, according to their website, contains 5% calcium hydroxide a medium strength base. Where as "MPDiol Glycol Alkaline Hair Relaxer" by Lyondell, contains 5% sodium hydroxide, a very strong base.

Disulfide bonds are not affected by water so, when you break the bonds and cap them (in the case of relaxers) they will not go back to their original state. Perms which, intentionally curl hair, chemically increase the number of disulfide bonds by using an oxidizer to uncap the naturally caped sulfides in straight hair. As the name implies, these perms will stay "forever" curly. So, as you can see, one chemical (a reducer) can make your hair straight, while another chemical (an oxidizer) can make your hair curly. Using a combination of these chemicals in the right order allows you to be more creative with your hair. No matter what kind of hair you have, as long as you can break disulfide bonds with one chemical, shape your hair and then reform the disulfide bonds with another chemical you can get any hair style you want. Perms and relaxings both eventually go away, not because the bonds reform, but because your original hair simply grows in, replacing your straightened or curled hair with what you had originally. These chemicals, however, have a tendency to damage your hair, until eventually your hair starts to thin and break, so too much styling can be bad for your hair's health.
girl bye...

ain't no one ask for all that
Originally Posted by LDJ

SShanique wrote:

There's this guy I know, the guy I was talking about in the Ric Flair thread. I see him at my work or at his work. One day I was at his job, and he asked when we were going to go out. I was surprised that he asked but didn't really give an answer, so he asked if I wanted to go out. I said, "Maybe." He was like, "It's either yes or no." I finally said, "Yes." He got my number. Then before I was leaving, he asked if it's okay for him to call me, because he didn't want to feel like he was bothering me. I guess I give off them impression that I don't like him. I do like him, though.

Anyway, he never called. I've been out of town for 4 weeks, and it's been a month since I've seen him, that is until this morning. I got back to town this week, and he came into my work. He had placed an order, and I brought his order to him and said, "It's going to be $21.82." His response was, "Just it's going to be $21.82? No "'hi'?" Then I said, "Hi." Basically, he was saying that I didn't give him an acceptable greeting. Do you guys think he has a right to complain since he took my number but didn't call?

Next time he comes in you should just shove him into the utility closet, rip his jeans off with ur teeth, fondle and gently caress his man marbles, and begin to suck his duck. Then when ur finish swig his jungle juice around ur mouth like listerine, gargle and swallow. He will then have no doubt u like him.

PS: Have him foneshoot, and post the pics.
wow dudes really switching to their alternatenames just to get banned off a guy advice thread?
NT has come a long way since I last was a regular I see.

aaaaanyways, reality is, 1. WHY do so many guys know about how to do black women's hair?? You work at your mom's salon doing hair too? And you'reseriously offering to have her get her hair done...for free...by your mom...somehow...by telling your mom..."this woman on niketalk.com...needs your help,mom"
Really? Clearly you just have a kind heart.

2. Your hair REALLY is not that bad. The outfit however, I didnt comment on it, because I thought it was a pic from middle school (underage). The big whitecoat in the sun is the exact opposite of what I'd picture a prosecutor in. But to each his own. You stand up for yourself (and your REALLY dont have to),so I give you plenty props to that.
3. You're not ugly, and you know that.
, some guys really overreacting, but this happens on NT: the home of Swangaz, Spacejam jordans, Lil Weezy =G.O.A.T, and dime-piece bagging baller status NTers.

Shes a good looking black female doing something with her life. Throw in your naïveté, I'd enjoy messing with you
. If what you do works though, then accept these opinions and say thanks, butI'm gonna stick to doing what I do. You can pick from enough guys.

(Go ahead and put my captain cape on. Flying shades ready:
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

girl bye...

ain't no one ask for all that

Well, y'all are making it seem like I'm trying to start a fight by saying that most black women have anorexic hair. Shoot, I had anorexic hair, as Idescribe, for years, too, until recently. A relaxer's job is to thin the hair. I later decided that I no longer wanted to relax, because I don't wantthin hair.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

girl bye...

ain't no one ask for all that

if you are against relaxers then stop rocking it straight, it'd look better if you rocked it in a fro or curly
Originally Posted by CheGTR

Originally Posted by LDJ

SShanique wrote:

There's this guy I know, the guy I was talking about in the Ric Flair thread. I see him at my work or at his work. One day I was at his job, and he asked when we were going to go out. I was surprised that he asked but didn't really give an answer, so he asked if I wanted to go out. I said, "Maybe." He was like, "It's either yes or no." I finally said, "Yes." He got my number. Then before I was leaving, he asked if it's okay for him to call me, because he didn't want to feel like he was bothering me. I guess I give off them impression that I don't like him. I do like him, though.

Anyway, he never called. I've been out of town for 4 weeks, and it's been a month since I've seen him, that is until this morning. I got back to town this week, and he came into my work. He had placed an order, and I brought his order to him and said, "It's going to be $21.82." His response was, "Just it's going to be $21.82? No "'hi'?" Then I said, "Hi." Basically, he was saying that I didn't give him an acceptable greeting. Do you guys think he has a right to complain since he took my number but didn't call?

Next time he comes in you should just shove him into the utility closet, rip his jeans off with ur teeth, fondle and gently caress his man marbles, and begin to suck his duck. Then when ur finish swig his jungle juice around ur mouth like listerine, gargle and swallow. He will then have no doubt u like him.

PS: Have him foneshoot, and post the pics.
wow dudes really switching to their alternate names just to get banned off a guy advice thread?
NT has come a long way since I last was a regular I see.

aaaaanyways, reality is, 1. WHY do so many guys know about how to do black women's hair?? You work at your mom's salon doing hair too? And you're seriously offering to have her get her hair done...for free...by your mom...somehow...by telling your mom..."this woman on niketalk.com...needs your help, mom"
Really? Clearly you just have a kind heart.

2. Your hair REALLY is not that bad. The outfit however, I didnt comment on it, because I thought it was a pic from middle school (underage). The big white coat in the sun is the exact opposite of what I'd picture a prosecutor in. But to each his own. You stand up for yourself (and your REALLY dont have to), so I give you plenty props to that.
3. You're not ugly, and you know that.
, some guys really overreacting, but this happens on NT: the home of Swangaz, Spacejam jordans, Lil Weezy = G.O.A.T, and dime-piece bagging baller status NTers.

Shes a good looking black female doing something with her life. Throw in your naïveté, I'd enjoy messing with you
. If what you do works though, then accept these opinions and say thanks, but I'm gonna stick to doing what I do. You can pick from enough guys.

(Go ahead and put my captain cape on. Flying shades ready:

2. In all fairness, I was wearing a suit under the coat. It was cold outside. People wear coats in cold weather. Also I was going to wear that coat on myfirst date with this guy if we ever go out.

Thank you, though.
Originally Posted by CheGTR

Originally Posted by LDJ

SShanique wrote:

There's this guy I know, the guy I was talking about in the Ric Flair thread. I see him at my work or at his work. One day I was at his job, and he asked when we were going to go out. I was surprised that he asked but didn't really give an answer, so he asked if I wanted to go out. I said, "Maybe." He was like, "It's either yes or no." I finally said, "Yes." He got my number. Then before I was leaving, he asked if it's okay for him to call me, because he didn't want to feel like he was bothering me. I guess I give off them impression that I don't like him. I do like him, though.

Anyway, he never called. I've been out of town for 4 weeks, and it's been a month since I've seen him, that is until this morning. I got back to town this week, and he came into my work. He had placed an order, and I brought his order to him and said, "It's going to be $21.82." His response was, "Just it's going to be $21.82? No "'hi'?" Then I said, "Hi." Basically, he was saying that I didn't give him an acceptable greeting. Do you guys think he has a right to complain since he took my number but didn't call?

Next time he comes in you should just shove him into the utility closet, rip his jeans off with ur teeth, fondle and gently caress his man marbles, and begin to suck his duck. Then when ur finish swig his jungle juice around ur mouth like listerine, gargle and swallow. He will then have no doubt u like him.

PS: Have him foneshoot, and post the pics.
wow dudes really switching to their alternate names just to get banned off a guy advice thread?
NT has come a long way since I last was a regular I see.

aaaaanyways, reality is, 1. WHY do so many guys know about how to do black women's hair?? You work at your mom's salon doing hair too? And you're seriously offering to have her get her hair done...for free...by your mom...somehow...by telling your mom..."this woman on niketalk.com...needs your help, mom"
Really? Clearly you just have a kind heart.

2. Your hair REALLY is not that bad. The outfit however, I didnt comment on it, because I thought it was a pic from middle school (underage). The big white coat in the sun is the exact opposite of what I'd picture a prosecutor in. But to each his own. You stand up for yourself (and your REALLY dont have to), so I give you plenty props to that.
3. You're not ugly, and you know that.
, some guys really overreacting, but this happens on NT: the home of Swangaz, Spacejam jordans, Lil Weezy = G.O.A.T, and dime-piece bagging baller status NTers.

Shes a good looking black female doing something with her life. Throw in your naïveté, I'd enjoy messing with you
. If what you do works though, then accept these opinions and say thanks, but I'm gonna stick to doing what I do. You can pick from enough guys.

(Go ahead and put my captain cape on. Flying shades ready:

Aint nuttin wrong with kirkin if its workin. Matter fact i actually respect the capts. It use to make my job easier, you can be the guy that builds them up,tell them all they wanna hear, listen to boring stories about they day, do the whole "you hold ur head up high girl" etc.

And im the guy who comes in say what i need to say to get what i need to get. Its a winning combination. Its like on some stockten and malone %#$.

So deff a big ups appreciation for that.
Dang I missed the thread. What's wrong w/ her hair though? I think it's fine.
She should just "curl" it if she wants to make it "fancy"
It's long and thick though!
Me personally I love the naps. Its just the all white everything, white pantyhose, white coat all white everything just seemed like something you would haveseen during the Nixon years. OP you cool though, you have gone through NT's trail by fire and are still standing
Good job!
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by CheGTR

Originally Posted by LDJ

SShanique wrote:

There's this guy I know, the guy I was talking about in the Ric Flair thread. I see him at my work or at his work. One day I was at his job, and he asked when we were going to go out. I was surprised that he asked but didn't really give an answer, so he asked if I wanted to go out. I said, "Maybe." He was like, "It's either yes or no." I finally said, "Yes." He got my number. Then before I was leaving, he asked if it's okay for him to call me, because he didn't want to feel like he was bothering me. I guess I give off them impression that I don't like him. I do like him, though.

Anyway, he never called. I've been out of town for 4 weeks, and it's been a month since I've seen him, that is until this morning. I got back to town this week, and he came into my work. He had placed an order, and I brought his order to him and said, "It's going to be $21.82." His response was, "Just it's going to be $21.82? No "'hi'?" Then I said, "Hi." Basically, he was saying that I didn't give him an acceptable greeting. Do you guys think he has a right to complain since he took my number but didn't call?

Next time he comes in you should just shove him into the utility closet, rip his jeans off with ur teeth, fondle and gently caress his man marbles, and begin to suck his duck. Then when ur finish swig his jungle juice around ur mouth like listerine, gargle and swallow. He will then have no doubt u like him.

PS: Have him foneshoot, and post the pics.
wow dudes really switching to their alternate names just to get banned off a guy advice thread?
NT has come a long way since I last was a regular I see.

aaaaanyways, reality is, 1. WHY do so many guys know about how to do black women's hair?? You work at your mom's salon doing hair too? And you're seriously offering to have her get her hair done...for free...by your mom...somehow...by telling your mom..."this woman on niketalk.com...needs your help, mom"
Really? Clearly you just have a kind heart.

2. Your hair REALLY is not that bad. The outfit however, I didnt comment on it, because I thought it was a pic from middle school (underage). The big white coat in the sun is the exact opposite of what I'd picture a prosecutor in. But to each his own. You stand up for yourself (and your REALLY dont have to), so I give you plenty props to that.
3. You're not ugly, and you know that.
, some guys really overreacting, but this happens on NT: the home of Swangaz, Spacejam jordans, Lil Weezy = G.O.A.T, and dime-piece bagging baller status NTers.

Shes a good looking black female doing something with her life. Throw in your naïveté, I'd enjoy messing with you
. If what you do works though, then accept these opinions and say thanks, but I'm gonna stick to doing what I do. You can pick from enough guys.

(Go ahead and put my captain cape on. Flying shades ready:

Aint nuttin wrong with kirkin if its workin. Matter fact i actually respect the capts. It use to make my job easier, you can be the guy that builds them up, tell them all they wanna hear, listen to boring stories about they day, do the whole "you hold ur head up high girl" etc.

And im the guy who comes in say what i need to say to get what i need to get. Its a winning combination. Its like on some stockten and malone %#$.

So deff a big ups appreciation for that.
You keep on tellin yourself that bro.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

girl bye...

ain't no one ask for all that

if you are against relaxers then stop rocking it straight, it'd look better if you rocked it in a fro or curly

I just like to switch it up from time to time.


I like wearing my hair straight. It keeps the knots out, and I also love the thickness and body I have from being natural. It's the best of both worlds.

Originally Posted by SShanique

I don't know what y'all are talking about. Still no one has shown me a picture of a hairdo they'd like better. I do not have a perm. My hair is natural. It's not going to be pin straight or stick thin like most black womens' anorexic hair.


Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by SShanique

I don't know what y'all are talking about. Still no one has shown me a picture of a hairdo they'd like better. I do not have a perm. My hair is natural. It's not going to be pin straight or stick thin like most black womens' anorexic hair.


Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by CheGTR

Originally Posted by LDJ

SShanique wrote:

There's this guy I know, the guy I was talking about in the Ric Flair thread. I see him at my work or at his work. One day I was at his job, and he asked when we were going to go out. I was surprised that he asked but didn't really give an answer, so he asked if I wanted to go out. I said, "Maybe." He was like, "It's either yes or no." I finally said, "Yes." He got my number. Then before I was leaving, he asked if it's okay for him to call me, because he didn't want to feel like he was bothering me. I guess I give off them impression that I don't like him. I do like him, though.

Anyway, he never called. I've been out of town for 4 weeks, and it's been a month since I've seen him, that is until this morning. I got back to town this week, and he came into my work. He had placed an order, and I brought his order to him and said, "It's going to be $21.82." His response was, "Just it's going to be $21.82? No "'hi'?" Then I said, "Hi." Basically, he was saying that I didn't give him an acceptable greeting. Do you guys think he has a right to complain since he took my number but didn't call?

Next time he comes in you should just shove him into the utility closet, rip his jeans off with ur teeth, fondle and gently caress his man marbles, and begin to suck his duck. Then when ur finish swig his jungle juice around ur mouth like listerine, gargle and swallow. He will then have no doubt u like him.

PS: Have him foneshoot, and post the pics.
wow dudes really switching to their alternate names just to get banned off a guy advice thread?
NT has come a long way since I last was a regular I see.

aaaaanyways, reality is, 1. WHY do so many guys know about how to do black women's hair?? You work at your mom's salon doing hair too? And you're seriously offering to have her get her hair done...for free...by your mom...somehow...by telling your mom..."this woman on niketalk.com...needs your help, mom"
Really? Clearly you just have a kind heart.

2. Your hair REALLY is not that bad. The outfit however, I didnt comment on it, because I thought it was a pic from middle school (underage). The big white coat in the sun is the exact opposite of what I'd picture a prosecutor in. But to each his own. You stand up for yourself (and your REALLY dont have to), so I give you plenty props to that.
3. You're not ugly, and you know that.
, some guys really overreacting, but this happens on NT: the home of Swangaz, Spacejam jordans, Lil Weezy = G.O.A.T, and dime-piece bagging baller status NTers.

Shes a good looking black female doing something with her life. Throw in your naïveté, I'd enjoy messing with you
. If what you do works though, then accept these opinions and say thanks, but I'm gonna stick to doing what I do. You can pick from enough guys.

(Go ahead and put my captain cape on. Flying shades ready:

Aint nuttin wrong with kirkin if its workin. Matter fact i actually respect the capts. It use to make my job easier, you can be the guy that builds them up, tell them all they wanna hear, listen to boring stories about they day, do the whole "you hold ur head up high girl" etc.

And im the guy who comes in say what i need to say to get what i need to get. Its a winning combination. Its like on some stockten and malone %#$.

So deff a big ups appreciation for that.
Right...I bet that works real well on you AOL Instant Messenger.
this guy...

to that natural fro'd out look. Cute smile, teeth looking in check.The Lisa Frank sticker over your face was a nice touch too i guess??
People r scared of natural. Just let it be. (build u up buttercup--wooosh, cape flying through the sky!)
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Stuntman Mike


Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by SShanique

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

I figured you were from the country... It's obvious cuz you stick out round here.. See... Niketalk is made up of a bunch of fly dudes and chicks that keep it dope as far as the atire goes... Even if this is General and not Jordan Brand (
) or Nike Retro (
)... Basically, you stick out.

Where you from? If you stay in/ can come to GA, my moms can hook your hair up. I mean.. I'm not sayin your hair looks bad... I'm just sayin...

I can tell it's not your fault.
You need to be molded.

+#%# wicha boy and I'll have you right.

Where you find out about Niketalk from? Twitter? JJB?

I found out about NT at JJB. I wear nice clothes, and I like my hair the way it is. You trying to get your mama to hook me up with some finger waves or something?

I'm being dead #%! serious with you.


[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]YOOO...why my dude over here sounding like he tryna strong arm her into prostitution, tryna be her pimp and ishhh...talmbout...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]"You need to be molded...+#%# wicha boy and I'll have you right"[/color]


[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]...[/color]
Originally Posted by SShanique

I just like to switch it up from time to time.


I like wearing my hair straight. It keeps the knots out, and I also love the thickness and body I have from being natural. It's the best of both worlds.


She working the angles like Dimply.
Frank Lucas' mom?! Yall ruthless... I was thinking more of a Clair Huxtable x Coretta Scott King...

So where do you live?
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

She working the angles like Dimply.

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