Update p. 14 Does this guy have a right to complain? Vol. Help a sista out.

Originally Posted by Stuntman Mike


Originally Posted by mytmouse76

maybe you should just focus on law school...

this may be to much for you

"Ronnie" will probably tell "Pauly" cuz if "Pauly" really is feelin you there's a good chance "Ronnie" know that

I'm done with law school. 


Why is anyone telling me to take the L, when it was the people on this board telling me to go see him?
Bogus !!% update.

How you trying to be a lawyer, but so socially inept?

Good luck with school and whatnot.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

maybe you should just focus on law school...

this may be to much for you

"Ronnie" will probably tell "Pauly" cuz if "Pauly" really is feelin you there's a good chance "Ronnie" know that
Not to mention what will happen if the OP doesn't come up with Pauly's money every week...
I only read the update but real talk...if its been a month, This "Pauly" character is probably banging someone else by now.
Originally Posted by SShanique

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

maybe you should just focus on law school...

this may be to much for you

"Ronnie" will probably tell "Pauly" cuz if "Pauly" really is feelin you there's a good chance "Ronnie" know that

I'm done with law school. 


Why is anyone telling me to take the L, when it was the people on this board telling me to go see him?
So this is what you're doing with your law degree? Working at pizza shops at the Jersey Shore
Damn I've never seen a chick pursue a dude this hard. He either isn't in to you, or is gay. Either way, move on.
Shanique.. we never cared about you or your situation all we want is more pics and when you become a successful politician/prosecutor we want you to end up in a sex scandal and a sex tape leaks on the internet. we're just apes we have no morals now keep posting pictures or log off Ruby Dee
AntonLaVey wrote:

Originally Posted by SShanique

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

maybe you should just focus on law school...

this may be to much for you

"Ronnie" will probably tell "Pauly" cuz if "Pauly" really is feelin you there's a good chance "Ronnie" know that

I'm done with law school. 


Why is anyone telling me to take the L, when it was the people on this board telling me to go see him?
So this is what you're doing with your law degree? Working at pizza shops at the Jersey Shore

Why are y'all hatin'?  I'm studying for the bar exam.  You can't just graduate law school and start practicing law.  The board of law examiners have to make sure that you actually know the law before granting you a license.  I don't work in any pizza shop. :
SenatorJeffSmith wrote:

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

maybe you should just focus on law school...

this may be to much for you

"Ronnie" will probably tell "Pauly" cuz if "Pauly" really is feelin you there's a good chance "Ronnie" know that
Not to mention what will happen if the OP doesn't come up with Pauly's money every week...

Am I missing something here?    :nerd
nobody is hatin...its just kinda strange to see a person your age with such little experience/insight on the opposite sex...

you don't have to know it all but damn baby girl...you comin off real simple...nothing wrong with that...we all move at our own pace...like i said its just kinda strange...
i'm feeling the fro look and i don't know about your situation. seems like you have to go back there and see the guy you like face to face
Your best bet is to start paying for sex.

Ive lost all faith in you ever baggin a dude.
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