To my dudes that come from the hood/poverty/lower middle class/working class that went out and got e

May 26, 2003
To my dudes that came from humble beginnings, went to college and got good jobs, do you still kick it with your people from HS/homies from the block that didnt go your route? Literally everyone I hung with still lives with their parents, or have kids and stuff and work min wage if that or some kind of retail gig. I find it hard to have convo with them because they are into random stuff that I could care less about, and it seems all we can talk about are the good ol days. What sucks is when I ask how other people we knew are doing or what they are up to their responses are "nothing" "he chilling, still live at the crib"

It kind of hurts that these are people I spent 18 years of my life growing with and the people I went to college with for 4 year seem to be closer than I am to these individuals now, and I dont even want to hang with them, not an elitist attitude but almost as if I have "outgrown them"

I love them folks to death but in general I rather do other stuff then hang with them.

Leave them be. It sucks, but it happens. Surround yourself with other like minded people. They don't have to aiming to be a doctor or anything, but as long as they have practical long term goals and working towards them they're doing doing alright by me.

Same goes for the chicks you date. A lot of chicks I wouldn't have mind getting at when I was younger, but now a days you realize they're not doing much either. Plenty of attractive women out there doing well who are looking for guys doing the same.
My cousin makes 125k a year doin financial analyst work for a investment bank, still

Chills in da supercedes money, remember that.
Leave them be. It sucks, but it happens. Surround yourself with other like minded people. They don't have to aiming to be a doctor or anything, but as long as they have practical long term goals and working towards them they're doing doing alright by me.

Same goes for the chicks you date. A lot of chicks I wouldn't have mind getting at when I was younger, but now a days you realize they're not doing much either. Plenty of attractive women out there doing well who are looking for guys doing the same.

yea thats the thing, college isnt for everyone, its just as the time passed dudes haven't done anything/advanced in anything. Heck if I knew a dude that worked at Footlocker in HS and 4-5 years later hes a manager I would give dude props. I`m no where near where I want to be, now me and my boys from college are all talking about grad school,promotions, buying homes in the near future,etc and dudes from the block talking about they hope they get this job that pay 10 dollars.
Didn't come from the hood exactly, more like a safe low income neighborhood :lol:...but I really couldn't care less what my friends are up to in their own time. When my boys and I kick it, we don't talk about work, school, etc...we just get drunk and have a good time. Some of them have been at the same community college for like the past 4-5 years :smh: :lol:
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^^yea basically....I still hang wit my homeboys once I got back home after college...they do wateva they do and I live my life, but we still go out, chill, hoop , look for the yambs etc...
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same story man,

we just drifted apart, and it wasn't on purpose either, life just took us different directions and even if we wanted to we just can't bond like we used to

It's weird because I've known most of em since I was 4-5 years old, saw em everyday pretty much, and now I'll see em couple times a year.
I know a lot of successful dudes that still come chill on the block in da Heightz. This is especially true during the summer. That's where the fun, family, and memories reside. Idk what hood you live in OP, but you can always find people to converse with about anything. Not everyone in the hood's dumbed down.
I mean prob when the summer comes we might bbq and stuff like that, but I`m talking on just in general going back to the block to hang with cats isnt on the top of my to do list, its usually go out with my girl, my ppl from college, chill and do nothing, then go back to the old hood.
I mean you make it seem like a "successful" person working 40+ hours a week has time to chill on the block errday. It shouldn't be your priority either. Ain't nobody got time for that, especially during the winter. Leave that for the D-boys. Seems like you've outgrown your people then, and if that's the case you guys were never real friends.
I think its inevitable that you outgrow certian friends. I got some friends I grew up with that only wanna get high or drink and have no real long term plans. However Id consider them good friends from the friendships accumulated over the years. However it sucks when it feels like your on a different level then they are. I wouldn't stop hanging out with them but its inevitable you probably end up hanging out with them less since both sides can't relate to certisn things

My best friend of 18 years stopped talking to me when he left to college

**** hurt man..he went to my moms daycare..literally grew up with him, spent pretty much every weekend with him.. havent spoken to him in a few years now

I was in his neighborhood the other day. I drove by his house and saw that the light in his room was on.. almost wanted to cry :frown:


that last line sounds so sad :lol:
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still in hs graduating in 4 months, 1st child to go to college, and can't even think about saying goodbye to my friends once college starts. kind of sucks knowing that i have too but in the end your going to meet new people that are on your level
When I'm home (maybe once a year) I might go out a couple times with the homies but that's it. I have to be around individuals that want something in life, they don't have to go to college but they have to be doing something productive with their lives.
I outgrew my friends 

We used to be room mates and bring girls over and drink and do hood rat things lol
They both got fired from their jobs and we all had to move back home.
I got into school and got a job and continued to play soccer and they kept doing hood rat things.
It sucked cuz every time i tried to hang out all they wanted to do was drink

-One of them made a comment one time "Now that you made it you dont need to bother with us no more"
Made me feel like 
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Happened to me. now im only close with a few friends but were all like minded and enjoy the same stuff. I'm embarrased to talk about myself when I see my hoodlum friends. Don't wanna make them feel bad about there lives and their minimum wage jobs.
I outgrew my friends :\

We used to be room mates and bring girls over and drink and do hood rat things lol

They both got fired from their jobs and we all had to move back home.

I got into school and got a job and continued to play soccer and they kept doing hood rat things.

It sucked cuz every time i tried to hang out all they wanted to do was drink

-One of them made a comment one time "Now that you made it you dont need to bother with us no more"

Made me feel like :wow:  WOOOOW

I feel you on the outgrowing your friends part. Its bound to happen to people in their circle of friends.

However if you consider them good friends and more then just acquaintances then its nothing wrong with sipping a few drinks with them from to time when your in the area. I'm not saying chill with them every day or to the point where it stunts your advancement and improvement in life though.
I was just speaking to my wife about this. I feel some resentment from people because I try to do the right thing. I have the 9-5, moved out the hood, 2 kids, legally married (not just playing house with my baby mama) and dont live with my parents.
Why am I made to feel bad for doing what I think is right?

Damn I share more with NT than I do niccas in real life. ::Runs to confession thread::
Most of the people I grew up with are in prison. I went to college and i can say that I don't talk to anyone I grew up with. I don't need that negative influence in my life.
 I got some friends I grew up with that only wanna get high or drink and have no real long term plans. However Id consider them good friends from the friendships accumulated over the years. However it sucks when it feels like your on a different level then they are. I wouldn't stop hanging out with them but its inevitable you probably end up hanging out with them less since both sides can't relate to certisn things
Same here...I have one close friend,met him in the 7th grade. All he wants to do is smoke and drink all the time.......dont even want to hit the clubs or anything fun

He barely started college and I think it might not be for him...seems uninterested,doesnt really care.

Dont really kick with him anymore bc of that.

Im trying to go to school,get a job,gym ,holla at females, go places.

Cant relate anymore,sucks too bc thats my bro.
I still kick it with some of my boys when I go home (no more than about 5 of them). We don't talk on the phone or via text, but whenever I'm in town, I make sure that I hit them up. We are able to have decent conversations and have a good time. I also try to encourage them to keep bettering themselves, no matter if it falls on death ears. They taught me a lot about life and taught me how to stand up for myself and just be myself. Those dudes will be my brothers, no matter what.

Matter of fact, I need to write one of my boys who's in jail.
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I can relate to this, except when it comes to my cousins.

4 of us, all in the same general age group.

2 of them failed out off college, and 1 of them manages/DJs a hole in the wall strip club.

Meanwhile im here about to Graduate in 9 months. 

That feel when you were all supposed to make it together, and live happy successful lives.

But dont.
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